Attention Flashcards
How did Chery research the cocktail party phenomenon?
Played two separate sounds from each ear of a headset worn by pps
What is the cocktail party phenomenon?
The ability to focus on specific sound when there is multiple noises
Wat was Chery’s findings in regards to the cocktail party phenomenon?
pps could recall the sound they were told to listen to as well as physical characteristics of the other sound, such as volume and gender of who was speaking.
Define load theory
The assessment of how quickly we can gauge information
How did Posner and Cohen use load theory?
Tested the speed to peripheral vision by using an eye tracker and displaying images to pps with the intent of finding something in the image.
What is top-down processing?
Our own experiences shape our perception
What is bottom up processing?
What’s present in the environment has a part to play in how we perceive things
What evidence is there for an evolutionary explanation for vision?
Herring gulls have red tips on their bills which is used to help babies feed
What was Tinbergen and Pedrdeck’s research on Herring gulls?
They replaced some mother gulls with wooden models of just the beak and attempted to feed baby gulls.
What did Tinbergen and Pedrdeck find regarding Herring gulls?
They found that the mother did not have to be present as long as the babies were presented with a beak that had a red tip
Name the visual cues that capture our attention
Luminance changes
Salient targets (designed to stand out)
Name the visual cues that lose our attention
Stops in motion
Objects that disappear
Changes in colour to existing shades