attatchment Flashcards
caregiver ifant interaction neg
p = hard tointerperet a babies behavior
E = Babies speech isnt developed so the interactions lack meaning and its difficult to tell wether the baby is showing signs of anxiety
E = The measurement of social anxiety and stranger anxiety isnt reliable
L = The theory lacks credibility DIV
caregiver infant interactions pos
Stages of attention neg
P = the validity of the measurements of the asocial stage
E = babies have poor coordination and are immobile so anxiety is difficult to pick up on
E = Experimenters would not of been able to accuratly tell if the baby was feeling discomfort during testing
stages of attatchment pos
P = the stages of attatchment have practical applications
E = Its educcated daycares on the stages of which babies are easier and more difficult to handle and then be able to manage the babies easier
E = This improves the QoL for the baby and caregiver by reducing overall stress
L = usefull
role of father neg
P = contradictong research, Grossman
E = suggests that fathers as secindary attatchments are equally important for a childs development
E = suggests that single mothera / lesbian parents will rais children who develop differently but research suggests otherwise
L = questions the reliability of the study
role of father neg
P = potential researcher bias
E = due to pre conceived steryotypes
E = findings may not be objective due to the steryotype of men working and woman lookig after children
L = results not reliable
role of tthe father pos
P = offers advice to parents
E = reduces the pressure on single mothers and lesbian parents about the development of their child
E = woman and men have eqully important roles in development
L = Reduces parental anxiety IEV
animal studies lorenz neg
P = cannot be generalised to humans
E = mammalian animals form two way attatchments
E = cannot relate the behavior to eachother
L = cant generalise
animal studies Lorenz pos
P = rerearch support, Guilton
E = chickens imprinted on yellow gloves
E = animals are born with an innate mechanism to imprint
animal studies harlow pos
P = helped social workers understand and prevent child anuse
E = By understanding the importance of attatchments, if a human child is not close to their child except from when having their basal needs seen to then it can signal to child neglect
E = Signs of neglect
L = increased understanding of attatchments
animal studies Harlow neg
P = ethical considerations too do with psychological harm
E = Its a legal experiment but the monkeys are unable to consent
E = if the monkeys are simular enough to us to generalise their behavior, then the psychological pain must be soewhat simular
Cultural variation in attachment neg
P- the method used (strange situation) is culturally biased
E- ss based on US and UK child bearing practices. Lack of affection in UK is avoidant but in Germany it’s independence
E- imposed etic (applying another cultures practices on each other and expecting them to be applicable)
L-decrease IV
Cultural variation in attachment pos
P- Uses indigenous psychologists
E-Researchers from the same cultural background
E- this prevents language barriers and bias
L- increwses accuracy
Cultural variations in attachment type
P- not representative of all the cultures
E-18 of the 32 studies were conducted in the USA
E- There is an imbalance in the cultures studied leaning towards more western cultures. These cultures also have more variation so more accurate results.
L- this decreases the accuracy of the study because it’s not representative of all the countries due to unrelaible skewed data
Answorth’s strange situation pos
P- supporting research for observations
E- Buick found that inter rater reliability had 94% agreement between the researchers
E- There was a significant level of agreement so the babies attachment identification was accurate
L- this increases the reliability of the research because it’s consistent