attachments Flashcards
Orbicularis oris
Angle of the mouth TO Superficial fascia of the upper lip
Maxilla lateral & inferior to the nasal notch TO Bridge & ala of the nose
Buccinator [L. bucca, cheek]
Alveolar processes of the maxilla & mandible, pterygoid hamulus & pterygomandibular raphe TO Buccal angle
Levator labii superioris
Infraorbital orbital margin TO Lateral aspect of the upper lip
Levator anguli oris
Canine fossa of maxilla TO Angle of the mouth
Zygomaticus major [G. zygon, yoke, a joining or pair]
Zygomatic bone TO Angle of the mouth
Platysma [G. platys, flat, broad]
Lower border of the mandible TO Superficial fascia of the skin of the neck overlying the clavicle
Depressor anguli oris
Mandible TO Buccal angle
Depressor labii inferioris
Lower oblique line of mandible TO Skin & mucosa of lower lip
Incisive fossa of mandible TO Skin of chin
Superficial fascia of the eyebrows TO Epicranial aponeurosis
Orbicularis oculi
Orbital margin & medial palpebral ligament TO Superficial fascia of the eyelid
Lateral rectus
Common tendinous ring TO Lateral aspect of the sclera
Inferior rectus [L. straight]
Common tendinous ring TO Inferior aspect of the sclera
Inferior oblique
Maxilla lateral to the nasolacrimal groove TO Inferolateral, posterior aspect of the sclera
Medial rectus
Common tendinous ring TO Medial aspect of the sclera
Levator palpebrae superioris
Inferior aspect of the lesser wing of the sphenoid TO Tarsus and skin of the upper lid
Superior rectus
Common tendinous ring TO Superior aspect of the sclera
Superior oblique
Superomedial, posterior aspect of the orbit (body of sphenoid) TO Superolateral, posterior aspect of the sclera passing around the trochlea (superomedial, anterior aspect of the orbit)
Temporal fossa TO Coronoid process & anterior border (temporal crest) of the ramus of the mandible
Zygomatic arch TO Angle of the mandible & lateral aspect of the ramus
Lateral pterygoid
Infratemporal surface of the sphenoid & lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate TO Pterygoid fovea of the mandible & the TMJ disc
Medial pterygoid
Medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate & adjacent pterygoid fossa TO Medial aspect of the angle of the mandible
Lateral aspect of the mastoid process & superior nuchal line TO Manubrium & medial 1/3rd of the clavicle
Omohyoid (G. omos, shoulder)
Superior border of the scapula medial to the scapular notch TO Lateral aspect of the hyoid passing through an intermediate tendon sling loosely associated with the clavicle & 1st rib
Posterior side of the proximal clavical & adjacent manubrium TO Inferior border of body of the hyoid
Posterior aspect of the manubrium TO Thyroid lamina
Posterior digastric
Temporal mastoid notch TO Intermediate tendon (greater cornu of hyoid)
Styloid process TO Greater cornu of the hyoid
Mylohyoid line of the mandible TO Midline raphe & anterior aspect of body of the hyoid
Anterior digastric
Digastric fossa of the mandible TO Intermediate tendon (greater cornu of hyoid)
Scalenus medius
Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae TO 1st rib
Scalenus posterior
Lower cervical transverse processes TO 2nd rib
Scalenus anterior
Transverse processes (anterior tubercles) of middle cervical vertebrae TO Scalene tubercle of the 1st rib
Longus capitis
Anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of cervical vertebrae TO Basilar occipital bone
Longus colli (L. neck)
Cervical vertebral bodies TO Cervical vertebral bodies & transverse processes
Inferior genial tubercle of the mandible TO Anterior aspect of the body of the hyoid
Thyroid lamina TO Hyoid bone
Semispinalis cervicis
Upper thoracic transverse processes TO Cervical spinous processes
Splenius capitis (G. splenion, bandage)
Ligamentum nuchae and lower cervical & upper thoracic spinous processes TO Lateral third of the superior nuchal line
Semispinalis capitis
Upper thoracic & cervical transverse processes TO Occipital bone between the inferior & superior nuchal lines
Splenius cervicis
Spinous processes of upper thoracic vertebrae TO Transverse processes (posterior tubercles) of upper three cervical vertebrae
Longissimus capitis
Upper thoracic transverse processes TO Posterior margin of the mastoid process
Rectus capitis posterior major
Spinous process of the axis TO Adjacent occipital bone
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Posterior tubercle of the atlas TO Adjacent occipital bone
Obliquus capitis inferior
Spinous process of the axis TO Transverse process of the atlas
Obliquus capitis superior
Transverse process of atlas TO Occipital bone between superior & inferior nuchal lines
Superior genial tubercle TO Hyoid (body), middle constrictor & length of the ventral aspect of the tongue
Styloid process TO Lateral base of the tongue
Hyoglossus (G. glossa, tongue)
Greater cornu & body of the hyoid TO Lateral aspect of the tongue
Tensor veli palatini
Scaphoid fossa, cartilage of the auditory tube & spine of the sphenoid TO Palatine aponeurosis (after deflecting around the hamulus)
Musculus uvulae (L. uva, grape)
Hard palate (horizontal plate of palatine bone) TO Uvular mucosa
Palatine aponeurosis TO Lateral aspect of the tongue
Posterior hard palate (horizontal plate of palatine bone) and palatine aponeurosis TO Wall of the pharynx
Levator veli palatini
Petrous temporal bone adjacent TO Carotid canal & the cartilagenous portion of the auditory tube to the soft palate
Styloid process TO Posterolateral aspect of the pharyngeal wall
Middle constrictor
Greater & lesser cornu of hyoid & stylohyoid ligament TO Median pharyngeal raphe
Superior constrictor
Pterygoid hamulus & pterygomandibular raphe TO Median pharyngeal raphe
Inferior constrictor
Cricoid & thyroid cartilages TO Median pharyngeal raphe
Salpingopharyngeus (G. salpinx, trumpet)
Cartilage of the auditory tube TO Lateral wall of the pharynx
Anterolateral external aspect of the cricoid cartilage TO Lower border of the thyroid cartilage & inferior cornu
Interarytenoids (transverse & oblique)
Arytenoid TO Arytenoid
Lateral cricoarytenoid (G. krikos, a ring)
Arch of the cricoid cartilage TO Muscular process of the arytenoid
Lower half of the thyroid angle TO Anterolateral aspect of the arytenoid cartilage
Oblique arytenoids TO Aryepiglottic folds
Posterior cricoarytenoid
Posterior surface of the cricoid lamina TO Muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage
Thyroid angle TO Vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage
Thyroid angle TO Epiglottic margin
Stapes TO
Tensor tympani
Malleus TO