Attachment: The influence of early attachment Flashcards
What is the internal working model?
A mental model of the world which enables individuals to predict and control their environment. In the case of attachment, the model relates to a person’s expectations about relationships.
What is the role of internal working model?
It’s an operable model of self and attachment. It’s operable because it seems to predict the behaviour of other people in the future.
What was the study designed to test internal working model and when?
Hazan and Shaver 1987
What was the aim of Hazen and Shavers’s study?
To investigate the internal working model. They wanted to find out if love in adulthood was directly related to attachment as a child.
What was the procedure of the study?
Hazen and shaver placed a love quiz in the Rocky Mountain News. The quiz asked questions about current attachment experiences and about attachment history to identify current and childhood attachment types. The questionnaire also asked questions about attitudes towards love, and assessment of the internal working model. They analyse 620 responses, 205 for men and 415 from women, from a fair cross-section of the population.
What were the findings of the study?
Analysing the self-report of attachment history they found that the prevalence of attachment styles was similar to that found in infancy – 56% were classified as secure, 25% as avoidant and 19% as resistant. Also found a positive correlation between attachment type and love experiences. Finally, if they found a relationship between the conception of love and attachment types – securely attached individuals tended to have a positive internal working model.
What are the three types of attachment?
- Insecure resistant
- Insecure avoidant
- Secure
What is avoidant attachment?
Doubtful about the existence of love and believe it didn’t happen in real life. Believe love meant a happy life.
What is resistant attachment?
Fell in love easily and often, but really found true love. Often experienced self-doubt and love.
What is secure attachment?
Expressed the belief in lasting love, found others trustworthy and were confident they were lovable.
What are the behaviours influenced by the internal working model?
- Childhood friendships
- Poor parenting
- Romantic relationships
- Mental health
How are childhood friendships influenced by the internal working model?
Minnesota’s child-parent study found a continuity link between early attachment and later emotional/ social behaviour. Individuals securely attached had higher rates of social competence later in childhood, they were less isolated and more popular.
How was poor parenting influenced by the internal working model?
Harlows research demonstrated a link between poor attachment and later difficulties with parenting. Quinton found this. A lack of the internal working model means that individuals lack a point to subsequently form relationships with their own children.
How romantic relationships influence by the internal working model?
The study of Hazen and shaver demonstrated a link between early attachment type in late relationships. Individuals who were securely attached have long-lasting romantic relationships.
How is mental health influenced by the internal working model?
A lack of attachment in the critical period results in a lack of an internal working model. It leads to an attachment disorder - an inability to interact with others. Distinct psychiatric condition.
A03: The influence of early attachment
+ Research support
- Low correlations
- Methodological issues
- Deterministic
A03: Research support
One strength of research into the influence of early attachments on later relationships is that there is supporting evidence from Gerad Mcarthy’s study. He studies 40 adult women who had been assessed when they were infants to establish their early attachment type. Those who were securely attached as infants had the best adult friendships and romantic relationships. Adults classed as insecure-resistant as infants had issues maintaining friendships, and those classed as insecure-avoidant struggled with intimacy in romantic relationships. Therefore this suggests the internal working model is correct and increases its reliability and power.
A03: Low correlations
Not all research has found a strong positive correlation between attachment and later relationships. Fraley (2002) reviewed 27 samples where infants were assessed in infancy and later reassessed (one to 20 months later). There were correlations ranging from 0.50 to as low as 0.10. These correlations do not suggest that attachment type is very stable. One reason for low correlations may be due to the insecure-resistant attachment being more unstable. Therefore pulling down the overall correlations
A03: Methodological issues
There are methodological issues with assessing attachment type retrospectively. Much research, such as the ‘Love Quiz’ by Hazan & Shaver relies upon self‐report from adult participants about their memories from infancy and childhood. Recollections from years gone by are likely to be impaired and any answers provided may lack accuracy due to deterioration which lowers the internal validity of findings. This problem is further compounded by the possibility that individuals may not report honestly or even have an insight into their own template of expectations since the internal working model is an unconscious framework.
A03: Deterministic
Research into the impact of attachment on childhood and adult relationships has very set views on the outcomes for future behaviour. Consequently, this presents a deterministic view of behaviour which suggests that an infant’s early attachment experiences will have severe consequences on childhood and adulthood behaviours including mental health. However, not all psychologists (e.g. humanistic psychologists) prescribe deterministic views and many would argue that humans have free will and the ability to overcome negative childhood experiences and go on to form happy and healthy adult relationships.