2 strengths of Schaffer’s stages of attachment and research into it
1) Good external validity: in babies’ natural environment, observed by their own mothers ∴ babies do not behave differently due to a stranger
2) Practical application: parents know babies can be comforted by any adult in stage 1-2, but not later ∴ allows them to plan use of daycare
2 limitation of Schaffer’s stages of attachment and research into it
1) Low internal validity for asocial stage: very young babies have poor coordination and communication, and therefore not able to demonstrate preference for one adult, for example
2) Ethnocentric study: all 50 babies and mothers are working-class from Glasgow, culture may effect results e.g. working class mothers, not fathers, almost always care for child
2 limitations of learning theory of attachment
1) Contradicted by animal studies: Harlow’s monkeys displayed preference for a soft, comforting “mother” over a food-providing “mother”
2) Schaffer + Emerson contradicts, as showed babies tend to form main attachment to mother regardless of who feeds them
Strength of learning theory of attachment
Dollard and Miller supports: showed babies fed around 2000 times in their first year, provides ample opportunity for conditioning to take place
2 strengths of Bowlby’s monotropic theory of attachment
1) Brazelton still face study supports social releasers: when caregivers stop responding to babies, they use social releasers to attempt to elicit a response
2) Bailey supports internal working model: showed 99 mothers with poor attachment to their own mothers in turn were poorly attached to their own children
Limitation of Bowlby’s monotropic theory of attachment
Evidence contradicting monotropy (to one main figure): Schaffer and Emerson found some babies formed multiple attachments first, and also that first attachment sometimes not any different to later attachments
2 strengths of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation
1) Good predictive validity: many studies (e.g. Kerns predicts insecure attachment leads to later friendship issues) show attachment type leads to certain characteristics
2) Inter-rater reliability: found to be in agreement on attachment type in 94% of cases
Limitation of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation
Test may be culture-bound: Characteristics defining attachment or lack thereof (e.g. distress on separation) may be viewed as something else in other cultures (e.g. as independence in Germany)