Attachment - 3 Flashcards
- Child and adult respond to eachother through sounds & movement = forms base of attatchment
- Meltzoff & Moore = babies 12-27 days attempt to immitate facial and physical gestures.
Interactional synchrony
- mirroring eachothers facial and body movements
- Feldman (2007) = serves a critical role in good child development.
Brazelton (1975)
- videotapes of 12 babies and mothers play behaviour examined for 12 months
- revealed 3 phases of play = attention and build-up, recovery, turning away.
Brazelton (1975) evaluation
Concluded that the three phases of play demonstrate the early signs of organised behaviour
Isabella & Belsky (1991)
Caregiver-baby pairs that developed secure attachment relationships would display more synchronous behaviour.
Schaffer & Emerson (1964)
Conducted study on 60 infants 5-23 weeks old from working class homes at monthly intervals for the first 18 months of their life.
First stage of Attatchment
1) asocial = 0-6 weeks, infant shows similar response to all obejcts, near end preferance is shown with people.
Second stage of attatchment
2) indiscriminate = 6 weeks - 7 months, enjoy human comany, respond equally to caregivers
Third stage of attachment
3) discriminate = 7-9 months, stranger anxiety starts, distressed when away from mother, specific attatchment formed
Fourth stage of attachment
4) Multiple attatchment = 10 month+, babies form secondary attachments
Bowlby (1988)
- most families with young children, the father’s role tends to be different
- father more likely to engage in novel play than the mother and tends to become the child’s preferred play companion