Attachment Flashcards
Caregiver-infant interactions: Define Reciprocity
A description of how two people interact. Caregiver-infant interaction is reciprocal in that both caregiver and baby respond to each other’s signals and each elicits a response from the other.
For example, a caregiver might respond to his baby’s smile by saying something and then this in turn elicits a response from his baby.
Caregiver-infant interactions: Define Interactional Synchrony
Caregiver and baby reflect both the actions and emotions of the other and do this in a
co-ordinated (synchronised) way.
Caregiver-infant interactions: Define Attachment
A close two-way emotional bond between two individuals in which each individual sees the other as essential for their own emotional security.
Attachment in humans takes a few months to develop. We can recognise an attachment when people display the following behaviours:
-Proximity: people try to stay physically close to their attachment figure.
-Separation distress: people show signs of anxiety when an attachment figure leaves their presence.
-Secure-base behaviour: even when we are independent of our attachment figures we tend to make regular contact with them. Babies display secure-base behaviour when they regularly return to their attachment figure while playing.
Caregiver-infant interactions: Reciprocity (Alert phases)
Babies have periodic ‘alert phases’ in which they signal (e.g. making eye contact) that they are ready for a spell of interaction. Research shows that mothers typically pick on and respond to their baby’s alertness around 2/3 of the time (Feldman and Eidelman 2007), although this varies according to the skills of the mother and external factors such as stress (Finegood et al.2016).
From around 3 months this interaction tends to become increasingly frequent and involves both mother and baby paying close attention to each other’s verbal signals and facial expressions (Feldman 2007).
Caregiver-infant interactions: reciprocity (what are the two features of reciprocity)
Turn-Taking: Reciprocity involves a two-way interaction where both the infant and caregiver take turns to respond to each other’s signals. For example, when a baby smiles, the caregiver might smile back, showing mutual responsiveness.
Active Contribution: Both the infant and caregiver are active participants in the interaction. The infant is not passive but actively signals (e.g., through vocalisations or gestures), and the caregiver responds in an appropriate and meaningful way, fostering a sense of connection.
Caregiver-infant interactions: Interactional synchrony (what are the two features of interactional synchrony)
Mirroring of Actions: This involves infants imitating the facial expressions, gestures, and movements of their caregivers. Such mirroring facilitates emotional bonding and communication between the infant and caregiver.
Coordinated Interactions: Interactional synchrony encompasses the seamless, rhythmic exchanges between caregiver and infant, where both parties respond to each other’s cues in a synchronised manner. This coordination is fundamental in developing effective communication and attachment.
Caregiver-infant interactions: Interactional synchrony (Synchrony begins)
Meltzoff and Moore (1977) observed the beginnings of international synchrony in babies as young as 2 weeks old. An adult displayed 1 of 3 facial expressions or one of three distinctive gestures. The baby’s response was filmed and labelled by independent observers. Babies’ expression and gestures were more likely to mirror those of the adults more than chance would predict i.e. there was a significant association.
Caregiver-infant interactions: (Evaluation: Difficulty observing babies)
One limitation of research into caregiver-infant interaction is that it is hard to interpret a baby’s behaviour.
Young babies lack co-ordination and much of their bodies are almost immobile. The movements being observed are just small hand movements or subtle changes in expression. It is difficult to be sure, for example, whether a baby is smiling or just passing wind. It is also difficult to determine what is taking place from the baby’s perspective. For example, we cannot know whether a movement such as hand twitch is random or triggered by something the caregiver has done.
This means we cannot be certain that the behaviours seen in caregiver-infant interactions have a special meaning.
Caregiver-infant interactions: (Evaluation: Developmental importance)
A limitation is that simply observing a behaviour does not tell us its developmental importance.
Feldman (2012) points out that ideas like synchrony simply give names to patterns of observable caregiver and baby behaviours. These are robust phenomena in the sense that they can be reliably observed, but they still may not be particularly useful in understanding child development as it does not tell is the purpose of these behaviours.
This means that we cannot be certain from observational research alone that reciprocity and synchrony are important for a child’s development.
Caregiver-infant interactions: (Evaluation: Counterpoint for Developmental importance)
There is evidence from other lines of research to suggest that early interactions are important. For example, Isabella et al. (1989) found that the achievement of interactional synchrony predicted the development of a good quality attachment.
This means that, on balance, caregiver-infant interaction is probably important in development.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: Define stages of attachment
Many developmental theories identify a sequence of qualitatively different behaviour linked to specific ages. In the case of ‘stages of attachment’ qualitatively different infant (baby) behaviours are linked to specific ages, and all babies go through them in the same order.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: Define Multiple attachments
Attachments to 2 or more people. Most babies appear to develop multiple attachments once they have formed one strong attachments to one of their carers.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: Research
Schaffer and Emerson (1964) based their stage theory on an observational study of the formation of early infant-adult attachments.
The study involved 60 babies- 31 boys and 29 girls. All were from Glasgow and the majority were from skilled working-class families. Researchers visited babies and mothers in their own homes every month for the first year and again at 18 months.
The researchers asked the mothers questions about the kind of protest their babies showed in seven everyday separations, e.g. adult leaving the room ( a measure of separation anxiety). This was designed to measure the babies’ attachment. The researchers also assessed stranger anxiety- the babies’ anxiety response to unfamiliar people.
Schaffer and Emerson identified 4 distinct stages in the development of infant attachment behaviour.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: Stages of attachment (1) Asocial stage
(0–6 weeks): In the earliest stage, infants show similar responses to both human and non-human objects. However, they start to show a preference for familiar people, particularly those who comfort and care for them. During this stage, babies are also happier in the presence of other humans.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: Stages of attachment (2) Indiscriminate attachment
(6 weeks–7 months): Infants begin to show a preference for human interaction over inanimate objects and are more sociable. They can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people but are generally comforted by anyone. At this stage, they do not show separation anxiety or stranger anxiety.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: Stages of attachment (3) Specific attachment
(7–12 months): Infants begin to form a strong attachment to one particular individual, usually their primary caregiver. They show clear signs of separation anxiety when this person leaves and display stranger anxiety when approached by unfamiliar individuals. This stage marks the formation of a primary attachment figure.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: Stages of attachment (4) Multiple attachments
(12 months+): After forming a primary attachment, infants begin to form attachments to others, such as siblings, grandparents, and other regular caregivers. These secondary attachments are important for the infant’s social development, and separation anxiety may be shown towards these figures as well.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: (Evaluation: Good external validity)
One strength of Schaffer and Emerson’s research is that it has good external validity.
Most of the observations were made by parents during ordinary activities and reported to the researchers. The alternative would have been to have researchers present to record observations. This might have distracted the babies or made them feel more anxious.
This means it is highly likely that the participants behaved naturally while being observed.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: (Evaluation: Counterpoint for Good external validity)
On the other hand there are issues with asking the mothers to be the ‘observers’. They were unlikely to be objective observers. They might have been biased in terms of what they noticed and what they reported, for example they might not have noticed when their baby was showing signs of anxiety or they may have misremembered it.
This means that even if babies behaved naturally their behaviour may not have been accurately recorded.
Schaffer’s stages of attachment: (Evaluation: Poor evidence for the asocial stage)
One limitation is the validity of the measures they used to assess attachment in the asocial stage.
Young babies have poor co-ordination and are fairly immobile. If babies less than 2 months old felt anxiety in everyday situations they might have displayed this in quite subtle, hard-to-observe ways. This made it difficult for mothers to observe and report back to researchers on signs of anxiety and attachment in this age group.
This means that the babies may actually be quite social but, because of flawed methods, they appear to be asocial.
The role of the father: Define father
In attachment research the father is anyone who takes on the role of the main male caregiver. This can be but is not necessarily the biological father.
The role of the father: Distinctive role for fathers
Grossmann et al. (2002) carried out a longitudinal study where babies’ attachments were studied until they were into their teens. The researchers looked at both parents’ behaviour and its relationship to the quality of their baby’s later attachments to other people.Quality of a baby’s attachment with mothers but not fathers was related to attachments in adolescence.
This suggests that attachment to fathers is less important than attachment to mothers.
However, Grossmann et al. also found that the quality of fathers’ play with babies was related to the quality of adolescent attachments. This suggests that fathers have a different role from mothers- one that is more to do with play and simulation, and less to do with emotional development.
The role of the father: Attachment to fathers
Schaffer and Emerson (1964). They found that the majority of babies first became attached to their mother at around 7 months. In only 3% of cases the father was the first sole object of attachment. In 27% of cases the father was the joint first object of attachment with the mother.
However, it appears that most fathers go on to become important attachment figures. 75% of the babies studied by Schaffer and Emerson formed an attachment with their father by the age of 18 months. This was determined by the fact that the babies protested when their father walked away- a sign of attachment.
The role of the father: (Evaluation: Confusion over research questions)
One limitation of research into the role of fathers is lack of clarity over the question being asked.
The question, “what is the role of the father?” in the context of attachment is much more complicated than it sounds. Some researchers attempting to answer this question actually want to understand and the role of fathers as secondary attachment figure. The former have tended to see fathers as behaving differently from mothers and having a distinct role. The latter found that fathers can take on a ‘maternal’ role.
This makes it difficult to offer a simple answer as to the ‘role of the father’. It really depends what specific role is being discussed.
The role of the father: (Evaluation: Conflicting evidence)
A further limitation of research into the role of fathers is that findings vary according to the methodology used.
Longitudinal studies such as that of Grossmann et al. have suggested that fathers as secondary attachment figures have an important and distinct role in their children’s development, involving play and stimulation.
However, if fathers have a distinctive and important role we would expect that children growing up single-mother and lesbian-parent families would turn out in some way different from those in two-parent heterosexual families. In fact studies (e.g. McCallum and Golombock 2004) consistently show that these children do not develop differently from children in two-parent heterosexual families.
This means that the question as to whether fathers have a distinctive role remains unanswered.
The role of the father: (Evaluation: Counterpoint to Conflicting evidence)
These lines of research may not in fact be in conflict. It could be that fathers typically take on distinctive roles in two-parent heterosexual families, but that parents in single-mother and lesbian-parent families simply adapt to accommodate the role played by fathers.
This means that the question of a distinctive role for fathers is clear after all. When present, fathers tend to adopt a distinctive role, but families can adapt to not having a father.
Animal studies of attachment: Define Animal studies
Studies carried out on non-human animal species rather than on humans, either for ethical or practical reasons.
Animal studies of attachment: Lorenz’s research
Lorenz set up a classic experiment in which he randomly divided a large clutch of goose eggs. Half the eggs were hatched with the mother goose in their natural environment. The other half hatched in an incubator where the first moving object they saw was Lorenz.
The incubator group followed Lorenz everywhere whereas the control group, hatched in the presence of their mother, followed her. When the 2 groups were mixed up the control group continued to follow the mother and the experimental group followed Lorenz.
This phenomenon is called imprinting- whereby bird species that are mobile from birth (like geese and ducks) attach to and follow the first moving object they see. Lorenz identified a critical period in which imprinting needs to take place. Depending on the species this can be as brief as a few hours after hatching. If imprinting does not occur within that time Lorenz found that Chicks did not attach themselves to a mother figure.
Animal studies of attachment: Lorenz’s research (Evaluation: Research support)
One strength of Lorenz’s research is the existence of support for the concept of imprinting.
A study by Regolin and Vallortigara (1995) supports Lorenz’s idea of imprinting. Chicks were exposed to simple shape combinations that moved, such as a triangle with a rectangle in front . A range of shape combinations were then moved in front of them and they followed the original most closely.
This supports the view that young animals are born with an innate mechanism to imprint on a moving object present in the critical window of development, as predicted by Lorenz.
Animal studies of attachment: Lorenz’s research (Evaluation: Generalisability to humans)
One limitation of Lorenz’s studies is the ability to generalise findings and conclusions from birds to humans.
The mammalian attachment system is quite different and more complex than that in birds. For example, in mammals attachment is a two-way process, so it is not just the young who become attached to their mothers but also the mammalian mothers show an emotional attachment to their young.
This means that it is probably not appropriate to generalise Lorenz’s ideas to humans.
Animal studies of attachment: Harlow’s research
Harlow (1958) tested the idea that a soft object serves some of the functions of a mother. In one experiment he reared 16 baby monkeys with two wire model ‘mothers’. In one condition, milk was dispensed by the plain-wire mother whereas in a second condition the milk was deispensed by the cloth-covered mother.
The baby monkeys cuddled the cloth-covered mother in preference to the plain-wire mother and sought comfort from the cloth one when frightened (e.g. by a noisy mechanical teddy bear) rgardless of which mother (cloth-covered or plain-wire) dispensed milk. This showed that ‘contact comform’ was of more importance to the monkeys than food when it came to attachment behaviour.
Animal studies of attachment: Harlow’s research (Evaluation: Real-world value)
One strength of Harlow’s research is its important real-world application.
For example, it has helped social workers and clinical psychologists understand that a lack of bonding experience may be a risk factor in child development allowing them to intervene to prevent poor outcomes (Howe 1998). We also now understand the importance of attachment figures for baby monkeys in zoos and breeding grogrammes in the wild.
This means that the value of Harlow’s research is not just theoretical but also practical.
Animal studies of attachment: Harlow’s research (Evaluation: Generalisability to humans)
One limitation of Harlow’s research is the ability to generalise findings and conclusions from monkeys to humans.
Rhesus monkeys are much more similar to humans than Lorenz’s birds, and all mammals share some common attachment behaviours. however, the human brain and human behaviour is still more complex than that of monkeys.
This means that it may not be appropriate to generalise Harlow’s findins to humans.
Explanation of attahcment- Learning theory : Define Learning theory
A set of theories from the behaviourist approach to psychology, that emphasises the role of learning in the acquisition of behaviour. Explanations for learning of behaviour include classical and operant conditioning.
Explanation of attahcment- Learning theory : intro
Dollar and Miller (1950) proposed that caregiver-infant attachment can be explained by learning theory. Their approach is sometimes called a ‘cupboard love’ approach because it emphasises the importance of the ttachment figure as a provider of food. Put simply they proposed that children learn to love whoever feeds them.
Explanation of attahcment- Learning theory : Classical conditioning
It involves learning to associate two stimuli together so that we begin to respond to one in the same way as we already respond to the other.
Food serves as an unconditioned stimuli. Being fed gives us pleasure- we don’t have to learn that , it is a unconditioned response.
A caregiver starts as a neural stimuls, i.e. something that produces no response. However, when the caregiver provides food over time they become asociated with food. When the baby then sees this person there is an expectation of food. The neutral stimulus has become a conditioned stimulus. Once conditioning has taken place the sight of the caregiver produces a conditioned response of pleasure. To a learning theorist this conditioned pleasure response is love, i.e. an attachment is formed and the caregiver becomes an attachment figure.