attachment Flashcards

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what is stage 1 of schaffer and emersons stages of attachment?


stage 1 is ‘asocial’ and is in the first few weeks after brith.
baby recognises and forms bonds with carers.
behaviour to non human objects and humans is similar.
show preference for familiar adults as they can calm them easier.
happier in presence of humans.

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what is stage 2 of schaffer and emersons stages of attachment?


stage 2 is ‘indisriminate’ and is ages 2-7 months.
preference for people over inanimate objects.
recognise and prefer familiar adults.
usually accept cuddles and comfort from any adult.
no stranger or seperation anxiety.

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what is stage 3 of schaffer and emersons stages of attachment?


stage 3 is ‘specific’ months 7+.
stranger anxiety and seperation anxiety from one certain adult (biological mum 65% of time).
formed specific attachment to primary figure.

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what is stage 4 of schaffer and emersons stages of attachment?


stage 4 is ‘multiple’ and occurs shortly after stage 3.
have multiple attcahments with other adults they are regularly with (secondary figures).
29% of kids had this second attachment within a month of their 1st one.
by 1 year the majority had multiple attachments.

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what are the 3 weaknesses of schaffer and emersons stages of attachment?


the first weakness, is that there is a problem studying the asocial stage. babies that age are immobile and have poor coordination so its hard to make judgements based on observations. this doesnt mean the childs feelings or cognitions arent social but the evidence cant be relied on.
the next weakness is that theres conflicting evidence on multiple attachments. its not exactly clear when multiple attachments form. some research suggesters most (if not all) babies form attachments to a single main carer before developing multiple attachments (bowlby). other psychologists (like those in cultural contexts where multiple caregivers are the norm) believe babies form multiple attachments from the outset (van ijzendoorn 1993).
the last weakness is that theirs problems with how multiple attachments are assessed. just because the child protests if individual leaves doesnt mean theres a ‘true’ attachment. bowlby pointed out a child may be distressed if a playmate leaves but doesn’t mean theres an attachment. this is a problem as observation doesnt show a way to distinguish behaviour to secondary attachment figures and playmates.

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describe lorenzs geese study


lorenz first observed ‘imprinting’ when his neighbour gave him a newly hatched chick that followed him around everywhere.
he randomly divided a clutch of greylag geese eggs onto two groups.
one group hatched with their mum, the other half hatched in an incubator where the first moving object they saw was lorenz.
he found the incubator group followed him around and the mums group followed her around even when the groups mixed.
this is called ‘imprinting’ where a bird species mobile from birth attaches to the first moving object they see.
he identified a critical period for this and if imprinting doesnt occur in this period then they wont ever attach to a mother figure.
he also did a case study in 1952 on sexual imprinting. he observed a peacock raised in the reptile house of a zoo. the first moving object the peacock saw was a giant tortoise. as an adult the bird tried to court the tortoises. lorenz concluded the peacock had undergone sexual imprinting.

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what are the two weaknesses of lorenzs research?


a weakness is that you cant generalise the results to humans. lorenz was interested in imprinting in birds. some of his findings influence our understanding of human development but we cant generalise the findings of birds to humans. the mammalian attachment system is different to birds.
the second weakness is that some of lorenzs observations have been questioned. guiton et al 1966 found chickens that imprinted on a yellow washing up gloves would try mate with them as adults, which follows lorenzs prediction. but with that experience they learned to prefer mating with other chickens. this shows that the impact of imprinting on mating behaviour isnt as permanent as lorenz believed.

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describe harlows research


harlow (1958) worked with rhesus monkeys to investigate contact comfort. he observed newborn monkeys kept alone in a bare age and found they normally died, but they survived if they were given something soft to cuddle.
he reared 16 baby monkeys with 2 wire model ‘mothers’. in 1 condition the milk was dispensed by plain wire one and in the 2nd condition milk was dispensed by cloth ‘mother’. they found that baby monkeys cuddled the cloth one over the wire on and sought comfort in the cloth one if frightened regardless of who was dispensing milk. this showed contact comfort was more important than food.
he followed the monkeys deprived of a ‘real’ mother into adulthood to see if early maternal deprivation had a permanent effect. they found severe consequences and monkeys reared with wire mothers were the most dysfunctional but those with the cloth monkey still didnt develop normal social behaviour. they were all more aggressive, less sociable and bred less often than typical monkeys as they were unskilled at mating. as mothers some of the deprived monkeys neglected their young and attacked them, sometimes killing them.
found a critcal period of 90 days and after that attachment was impossible.

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what are the 2 strengths of harlows research?


one strength is it has theoretical value. its had a big effect on psychologists understanding of human mother infant attachment. it shows attachment doesnt occur as a result of being fed by the mother but because of contact comfort. it also showed the importance of quality or early relationships for later social development.
the other strength is that it has practical value. e.g. its helped social workers understand risk factors in child neglect and abuse and so they can prevent it. the findings are also important in care of captive monkeys as we now understand the importance of proper attachment figures for baby monkeys in zoos and wild breeding programmes.

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what is the weakness of harlows research?


a weakness is ethical issues as the monkeys suffered greatly as a result. monkeys are similar enough to humans that we can generalise the findings so the suffering was probably human like. he knew how much suffering he caused but said the research was important enough to justify the effects.

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describe learning theory of attachment


dollard and miller 1970 proposed caregiver infant attachment can be explained by learning theory.
this is also known as ‘cupboard love theory’ as it emphasises the importance of caregiver as a food provider.

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describe learning theory of attachment - classical conditioning


classical conditioning is ‘association’.
in this case food works as the unconditioned stimulus, being fed is pleasure so creates an unconditioned response.
the caregiver starts as the neutrall stimulus, but as the same person provides food this neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus so pleasure becomes a conditioned response.

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describe learning theory of attachment - operant conditioning


operant conditioning is ‘reinforcement’ so repeating or not repeating behaviour depending on the consequences.
this can explain why babies cry for comfort as it leads to a response from caregivers like feeding.
as long as the caregiver gives the right response crying is reinforced so the baby directs crying for comfort towards the caregiver who repsonds with comforting ‘social supressor’ behaviour.
reinforcemnet is a two way proces. the baby cries so the caregiver gets negative reinforcement when they stop the crying - escape the unpleasantness. this two way process strengthens attachment.
learning theory draws on the idea of drive reduction. hunger is a primary drive so attachment is secondary.

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what are the three weaknesses of learning theory?


the first weakness is that there is counter evidence from animal studies. a range of studies have shown young animals dont necesarily attach or imprint to those who feed them. lorenz geese imprinted before being fed and maintained the attachment no matter who fed them. its clear attachment isnt due to feeding so the same must be true for humans, as learning theorists thought humans and animals were equivalent.
another weakness is that theres counter evidence from human research. research from humans shows feeding isnt important. schaffer and emerosn found babies formed attachments to theur biological mum even if other carers did the feeding. these findings are a problem for learning theory as it shows feeding isnt key so theres no unconditioned stimulus or primary drive.
the last weakness is that learning theory ignores other factors involved like reciprocity and interactional synchrony. also studies show best attachments are with carers who pick up signals and respond well. its hard to link findings with the idea of cupboard love. if attachment is just due to feeding thered be no purpose for the complex interactions and theres no relationship between them and the quality of attachment.

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describe bowlbys monotropic theory


bowlby rejected learning theory as an explanantion for attachment. he looked at harlow and lorenzs work and proposed an evolutionary explanantion - that attachment was an innate system for a survival advantage.
monotropy is the idea one attachment is different and has central importance to a childs development (primary attachment figure).

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describe bowlbys monotropic theory - the two principles


bowlby put forward two principles.
1. law of continuity - the more constant or predictable the childs care, the better quality attachment.
2. law of accumulated seperation - effects of separation from mother add up so the ‘safest dose is zero’.

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describe bowlbys monotropic theory - reciprocal relationship


he suggested babies are born with a set of ‘social releasers’ - a set of cute behaviours like smiling to get attention from adults. he recognised attachment as a reciprocal process.
mother and baby have an innate predisposition to be attached and social releasers trigger this response in a cargiver.
the interplay between adult and infants attachment builds the relationship between them starting in the early weeks of life.

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describe bowlbys monotropic theory - critical period


bowlby proposed a critical period of around 2 years when the infants attachment system is active.
he viewed it as more of a sensitive period and if attachment wasnt found in this time its harder to form one later.
they are maximally sensitive at age 2.

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describe bowlbys monotropic theory - mental representation


bowlby proposed a child forms a mental representation of the relationship with their primary caregiver - an internal working model (IWM).
this IWM is a model for what relationships are like so has a powerful effect on a childs future relationships.
if the first experience is of a loving relationship with a reliable caregiver will tend to form an expectation that all relationships are loving and reliable. they bring these qualities to future relationships and vice versa for poorer relationships.
IWM also affects a childs ability to be a parent later on.

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what is the one weakness of bowlbys monotropic theory?


the weakness is that theres mixed evidence for monotropy. bowlby believed babies formed one attachment to a primary caregiver and this was special and then only after this could they form multiple ones.
schaffer and emerson 1964 didnt support this, they found most babies attached to one person 1st but also a significant minority could form multiple at the same time. it was also unclear if the 1st attachment is special. studies show attachment to mother is more important in predicting later behaviour but could mean attachment to primary figure is just stronger than others, not different in quality.

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what are the two strengths of bowlbys monotropic theory?


one strength is that theres support for social releasers. brazelton 1975 observed mothers and babies reporting the existence of interactional synchrony. they extended this to an experiment where caregivers ignored babies social releasers and babies showed distress. such a strong repsonse supports bowlbys idea of social releasers eliciting caregiving.
another strength is that theres support for internal working model. Bailey et al 2007 assessed 99 mums with their 1 year olds using interviews to assess attachment to their own mums before observing them with their 1 year old. they found mums with poor attachment with their own parents in an interview, had a higher likelihood of poor relationships with their own babies in observation. this supports IWM being passed down through families.

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desribe bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation


bowlby proposed this in 1951 and said maternal deprivation is the emotional and intellectual comsequence of seperation between child and mother/mother substitute.
bowlby said continuous care from mother is essential for normal psychlogical development and prolonged seperation causes serious damage to emotional/ intellectual development.
theres an important difference between seperation and deprivation. seperation is when a child isnt in the presence of a primary attachment figure.
its only a problem for development when child is deprived (e.g. lose element of her care), brief separations arent significant for development.

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desribe bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation - critical period


bowlby saw the fist 30 months as a critical period for psychological development. if there was seperation from the mother with no suitable substitute care and so got deprived of emotional care for an extended time, then psychological damage was inevitable.

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desribe bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation - intellectual development


effect on intellectual development - if the child is deprived fr too long then they will get an abnormally low IQ.
this is demonstrated in adoption studies like Goldfarb 1947.
they found a lower IQ in children who stayed in institutions than those who got fostered.

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desribe bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation - emotional development


it can effect emotional development. bowlby identified affectionless psychopathy - they cant experience guilt or strong emotions for others which prevents them from forming normal relationships and is associated with criminality.
they lack remorse for their actions as they cant appreciate others feelings.
bowlbys 44 thieves study examined the link between affectionless psychopathy (AP) and maternal deprivation. he used 44 criminal teens accused of stealing. they were all interviewed for AP (lack of guilt, affection or empathy). their families were also interviewed to to establish if the ‘thieves’ had long early seperations from mother. he also had a control group of non criminal but emotionally disturbed young people too see the frequency of maternal deprivation in non theives.
he found 14/44 thieves had AP. of this 14, 12 had a prolonged seperation from their mums in their first 2 years. 5/30 of the remaining thieves had seperations.
of the control group, 2/44 had long seperations.
he concluded prolonged early deprivation/ seperation equals affectionless psychopathy.


what are the three weaknesses of bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation?


the first weakness is that evidence may be poor. bowlby drew on lots of sources like studies of war orphans from ww2 and the 44 thieves study. war orphans are traumatised and had poor aftercare so these factors may be causes of later development problems, not the seperation. the 44 thieves study had major design flaws and biases. bowlby did the assessments for AP and conducted the family interviews knowing what he wanted to find.
another weakness is theres counter evidence. hilda lewis 1954 partially replicated the 44 thieves study on a larger scale with 500 young people and found a history of earlt prolonged separation didnt predict criminality or a difficulty forming relationships. this affects the theory as it shows other factors may affect the outcome of early maternal deprivation.
lastly, a weakness is that the critical period may be more of a sensitive period. later research shows damage in this period is not inevitable. some cases have good outcomes if the child has social interactions and good aftercare. koluchova 1976 reported a case of isolated 18 month old twins who were locked in a cupboard till they were 7 years old. after they were looked after by 2 loving adults they recovered fully. this shows the period bowlby identified may be senitive not critical.


explain schaffer and Emersons study on the stages of attachment - procedure


(1964) they aimed to investigate the formation of early attachment and in particular the age they developed, the emotional intensity and who they were directed at. they used 60 babies - 31 males and 29 females. they were all from Glasgow in skilled working class families. the babies and mothers were visited at home evry month till they were 1 year old then once more at 18 months.
researchers asked questions about the protests babies showed in 7 everyday situations e.g if the mother left the room (seperation anxiety). it was designed to measure infants attachment. they also assessed stranger anxiety. they put all their data in a table.


explain schaffer and Emersons study on the stages of attachment - findings


they found that between 25-32 weeks about 50% of babies had seperation anxiety to certain adults (normally the mum) - specific attachment. attachment tended to be the caregiver who was most interactive and sensitive to the babies signals and facial expressions. by 40 weeks 80% of babies had specific attachments and almost 30% had multiple attachments.


what are the 2 strengths of schaffer and emersons study on the stages of attachment?


a strength is it has good external validity. it was carried out in families homes and most of the observations were done by parents in ordinary activities and reported later. behaviour of babies is unlikely to be affected by observers so it has good external validity.
another strength is it has a longitudinal design so used the same children and followed and observed them regularly. it has better cross-sectional designs as theres no confounding variables of individual differences between particpants.


what is the weakness of schaffer and emersons study on the stages of attachment?


the weakness is that it has limited sample characteristics. they used a sample size of 60 babies and carers which was good as it means they got a large volumeof data on each participant. all families were from the same district and social class in the same city and the study was done over 50 years ago which is a limitation. child rearing practices change from one culture to another and one historical period to another. cant generalise findings to other social or historical contexts well.


describe ainsworths strange situation


ainsworth aimed to observe key attachment behaviour to assess infants quality of attachment to their caregiver. they used controlled observations in a room with very controlled conditions with a two way mirror.
they observed behaviours to judge attachment -
proximity seeking (good attachment = stay close to caregiver),
exploration and secure base behaviour (good attachment = child confident to explore using caregiver as secure base),
stranger anxiety (close means get anxiety when stranger approaches),
seperation anxiety (attachment good then protest at seperation from caregiver),
response to reunion (after short period of time).
they had 7 episodes each lasting for 3 minutes. the baby and caregiver enter unfamiliar room.


describe ainsworths strange situation - 7 episodes

  1. the child is encourage to explore the room to test exploration and secure base.
  2. stranger comes in and tries to interact with child to test stranger anxiety.
  3. caregiver leaves child and stranger together to test seperation and stranger anxiety.
  4. caregiver returns and stranger leaves to test reunion and exploration/secure base.
  5. caregiver leaves child alone to test seperation anxiety.
  6. stranger returns to test stranger anxiety.
  7. caregiver returns and is reunited with child to test reunion behaviour.

describe ainsworths strange situation - secure attachment


they found distinct patterns in the way that infants behave. found 3 main types.
secure attachment (type B) is where the child explores happily, regularly go back to the caregiver (proximity seeking and secure base).
moderate seperation distress and moderate stranger anxiety.
require and accept comfort from caregver in reunion stage.
60-75% of british toddlers.


describe ainsworths strange situation - insecure avoidant attachment


insecure avoidant (type A) explore freely or show secure base behaviour with little to no reaction when caregiver leaves and makes little effort to make contact when caregiver returns.
little stranger anxiety.
dont require comfort at reunion.
20-25% of british toddlers.


describe ainsworths strange situation - insecure resistant attachment


insecure resistant (type C) seekk greater proximity and also explore less.
huger seperation and stranger distress but resist comfort when reunion.
3% of British toddlers.


what are the 2 strengths of ainsworths strange situation?


one strength is support for validity. attachment types defined by strange situation are very predictive of later developments. if a child was assessed as secure they had better outcomes inm areas like school success and romantic relationships. insecure resistant had the worst outcomes like bullying in later childhood (kokkinos 2007) and adult mental health problems (ward et al 2006). evidence for validity as they can explain later outocmes.
another strength is theres good inter-rater reliability. different observers watching the same children in the strange situation and they agreed on which attachment type they were. strange situation was under controlled conditions and had clear behavioural categories. Bick 2012 looked at inter-rater reliability in trained strange situation observers and found 94% agreement. we can be confident attachment type observed is not just due to who is observing.


what is the weakness of ainsworths strange situation?


the weakness is that the test may be culture bound so doesnt have the same meaning in countries outside the USA or western countries. this is due to cultural differences in childhood experiences so its likely for different responses and how different caregivers in different cultures act differently e.g. takahasi 1990 find japanese mums rarely seperate from babies so theres a high level of seperation anxiety.


describe studies of cultural variations in attachment - van ijzendoorn


this study looked at proportions of secure, insecure avoidant and insecure resistant across a range of countries, they also looked at differences in same countries for variations in cultures.
used 32 strange situation studies in 8 countries (15 in USA) with 1990 kids.
the data was meta-analysed with the results being combined and weighed for sample size.
in all the countries secure was the most common but it did vary - 75% britian to 50% in china.
insecure resistant was overall the least common - 3% in britian to 30% in Israel.
insecure avoidant was the highest in Germany and lowest in Japan.
variations in results between the same country were 150% greater than those between other countries e.g. in the usa one study had 46% secure but another had 90%


describe studies of cultural variations in attachment - italy


simonella 2014 did a study in italy to see if proportions of attachment types matched previous studies. used 76 12 month olds who had done the strange situation.
found 50% secure, 36% insecure avoidant. this was a lower secure that many studies. researchers thought this could be as increasing number of mothers of young children are working long hours using professional childcare.
findings suggest cultural change can make big changes in patterns of attachment types.


describe studies of cultural variations in attachment - Korea


jin 2012 did a study to compare proportions of attachment types in korea to other studies with strange situation on 87 kids.
overall proportion of types were similar to most countries (majority being secure). there were more insecure resistant than avoidant with there only being 1 avoidant.
the distribution was similar to japan and they have similar child rearing styles which could explain the similarity.


describe studies of cultural variations in attachment - conclusion


overall these all found that secure is the norm in a wide range of cultures which supports bowlbys idea that attachment is innate but they also shows cultural practices can influence attachment types.


what is the strength of studies into cultural variations of attachment?


a strength is that there are large samples e.g. van ijzendoorn had almost 2000 babies and caregivers. a large sample size increases internal validity as it reduces the impact of anomalous results.


what are the 2 weaknesses of studies into cultural variations of attachment?


one weakness is that samples tend to be unrepresentative of cultures. van ijzendoorns meta analysis was supposed to look at culture variation but it actually looked at variations in countries. in each country theres different cultures with different child rearing practices e.g. one sample may over-represent people in poverty as the stress of this may affect caregiving so also affects attachment. van ijzendoorn and sagi 2001 found the distribution of attachment types in Tokyo (urban) were similar to western studies but rural japan had an over-representation of insecure-resistant. the comparison between countries may have little meaning - particular culture characteristics need to be specified.
another weakness is the method of assessement is biased. the strange situation was designed by americans based on a british theory. can anglo-american theories be applied to other cultures - imposed etic. insecure attachments in germany may be seen independence not a sign of insecurity in that cultural context.


desribe caregiver infant interactions - reciprocity


reciprocity is how two people interact. mother-infant interaction is where bothh infant and mother respond to eachothers signals and get a response.
babies have period ‘alert phases’ and signals. mothers pick up and respond to infant alertness around 2/3 of the time (Feldman and Eidelman 2007).
at 3 months+ this interaction is more frequent and involves verbal signals and facial expressions. the baby takes an active role and mother and child can imitate interactions. brazelton et al 1975 described it as a ‘dance’.


describe infant caregiver interactions - interactional synchrony


interactional synchrony is where mother and infant reflect actions and emotions of eachother in a synchronised way.
meltzoff and Moore 1977 observed interactional synchrony as young as 2 weeks old. the adult did 1 out of 3 facial expressions or 1 out of 3 distinctive gestures. the childs response was filmed and identified by independent observers.
they found a link between what the adult did and babies actions. they thought that interactional synchrony is important for mother infant attachment.
Isabella et al 1989 observed 30 mums and infants and assessed their degree of synchrony and the quality of their attachment. they found high levels of synchrony equaled better attachment quality.


what is the strength of infant caregiver interactions?


the strength is that controlled observations capture fine details. they tend to be well controlled with mum and infant being filmed often with multiple angles. babied dont know or care that they are observed so the behaviour is natural. this means it has good validity.


what are the 2 weaknesses of infant caregiver interactions?


one weakness is that its hard to know whats happening when observing infants. often studies observing mother infant interactions show same pattern of interaction (gratier 2003). whats observed is just hand movements or expressions. difficult to know whats going on from infants perspective - is it conscious and deliberate to imitate. we cant know the behaviours we see have a special meaning.
another weakness is that observtions dont tell us the purpose of interactional synchrony and reciprocity. feldman 2012 points out that they just describe behaviours occuring at the same time. this behaviour can be observed but it may not be useful as it doesnt tell us the purpose. but some evidence shows they are helpful in stress responses, empathy, language development, moral development and mother-infant attachment.


explain attachment figures - parent infant attachment


traditionally when thinking of parent infant attachment, most think of mother-infant attachment. schaffer and emerson 1964 found most babies become attached to mum first (in 7 months) then a few weeks or months later they form a second attachment to others like the father. 75% infants studied got attached to the dad by 18 months (we knew this as babies protested when dad left).


explain attachment figures - role of father


grossman 2007 did a longitudinal study looking at both parents behaviour and their attachment relationship quality to their kids into their teen years. quality of infant attachment to mums but not fathers was related to child attachment in adolescence (suggests dads attachment is less important).
quality of fathers play with infants is related to attachment quality later whichh suggests fathers role is play and stimulation not nurturing.
fathers as primary carers tend to adopt typical behaviours associated with mothers. field 1978 filmed 4 month babies in face to face interactions with their primary carer fathers and mothers and their seondary carer fathers. primary carer fathers (like mothers) spent more time smiling, imitating and holding infants than secondary fathers. seems father can be nurturing so the key to attachment relationship is level of responsiveness not the parents gender.


what are the 3 weaknesses of attachment figures?


one weakness is that there are inconsistent findings on fathers. different researchers have different research questions. some are more focused on the father as secondary figures, some more focused on primary figures. the former see fathers as different from mothers with a distinct role. the latter find fathers can take on ‘maternal role’. problem as means psychologists cant answer simple question of what the role of father is.
another weakness is that if fathers have distinct role why arent kids with no dad different. grossman said dads have an important role in childs development but other studies (maccallum and golombook 2004) found kids with single or same sex parents dont develop different from heterosexual. this says the father as secondary figures arent important.
the last weakness is that fathers may not be primary figures as traditional gender roles where women tend to be more nurturing so fathers dont feel like they should act like that. this could be due to female hormones like oestrogen creating higher nurturing levels so women are biologically more likely to be primary attachment figure.


explain romanian orphan studies - rutters english and romanian adoptees (ERA)


rutters era was done in 2011. he followed 165 romanian orphans adopted in britian to test if good care could make up for poor early experiences in institutions.
physical, cognitive and emotional development was assessed at 4, 6, 11 and 15 years. 52 adopted british kids acted as control group. he found when russian kids got to the uk 1/2 had delayed intellectual development and the majority were severly undernourished.
at 11 years the adopted kids had differential rates of recovery related to the age of adoption. the mean iq of those adopted before 6 months was 102. adopted between 6 months and 2 years iq was 86 and adopted after 2 years iq was 77. the difference remained at 16 years.
if they were adopted after 6 months they had a style of attachment called ‘disinhibited attachment’ - attention seeking, clinginess and social behaviour was directed indiscriminately to all adults. if they were adopted before 6 months they rarely showed this type of attachment.


explain romanian orphan studies - Bucharest ealry intervention project


zeanah 2005 assessed attachment in 95 kids aged 12-31 months who spent around 90% of their time in institutional care. they were compared to a control group of 50 kids who were never in an institution.
they measured the attachment type with strange situation. carers were asked about unusual behaviours (e.g. symptoms of disinhibited attachment).
74% of the control group were secure, 19% of institutionalised were secure and 65% had a disorganised attachment. disinhibited only applied to 44% of institutionalised but only 20% of the control group.


explain romanian orphan studies - effects of instituonalisation


the typical effect is disinhibited attachment. they are equally affectionate to people they know and to strangers. unusual as most kids have stranger anxiety at 2 years.
rutter 2006 explained this as an adaptation to living with multiple caregivers in the sensitive period of attachment. poor quality institutions (Romania) a child may have up to 50 carers.
mental retardation is another effect. rutter found most kids had signs of retardation when they arrived in the UK. if they were adopted by 6 months they caught up with the control group by 4 years old. this shows damage to intellectual development due to institutionalisation can be recovered if they were adopted before 6 months (the age attachments form).


what are the 2 strengths of romanian orphan studies?


one strength is the real life application. its improved our understanding of institutionalisation effects so theres been improvements in how kids in institutions are cared for (Langton 2006) e.g. orphanages or children’s homes avoid having a big number of caregivers for each child, they only use 1 or 2 ‘key workers’ to help develop normal attachments. this research has been very valuable.
another strength is there are less extraneous variables than other orphan studies. orphan studies done before the romanian ones had kids with loss or trauma before instituionalisation e.g. abuse or neglect. because they are traumatised its hard to observe institutionalisation effects as the kids dealing with others factors - confounding participant variables. romanian orphans had no confounding variables so there was higher internal validity.


what is the weakness of romanian orphan studies?


the weakness is romanian orphanages arent typical. the conditions are so bad that the results cant apply to understanding impact of better quality institutionalisation care or any situation with deprived kids. romanian orphanages had very poor care especially when forming relationships with the kids. this is a weakness as unusual situational variables mean the study may lack generalisability.


describe influence of early attachment on relationships - internal working model


internal working model - the quality of the first attachment is crucial as this template affects the nature of future relationships. if the childs 1st experience is of a loving relationship with a reliable caregiver will tend to assume this is how relationships are meant to be. they will seek out functional relationships and behave functionally in them e.g. dont get too emotionally close (type A) or be too controlling (type C).
a child with bad experiences of 1st attachment will bring these bad experiences into later relationships. they may struggle to form relationships or won’t behave right in them (type A and C).


describe influence of early attachment on relationships - relationships in later childhood


attachment type is associated with quality of peer relationships in later childhood. secure infants tend to form the best quality childhood friendships but insecurely infants had friendship difficulties.
bullying behaviour can be predicted by attachment type: myron-wilson and smith 1998 assessed attachment type and bullying involvement using questionnaires in 196 kids 7-11 years old from London.
secure were very unlikely to be involved in bullying. insecure-avoidant were most likely to be victims. insecure-resistant were most likely to be bullies.


describe influence of early attachment on relationships - relationships in adulthood with romantic partners


mccarthy 1999 did a study of attachment on both romantic and friend relationships. studied 40 women who had been given an attachment type as infants. those with secure attachment had best all around relationships. insecure-resistant had problems with friendships. insecure-avoidant struggled with intimacy in romantic relationships.
hazan and shaver 1987 did a study on association between attachment and adult relationships. they analysed 620 replies to a ‘love quiz’ in an american local newspaper. the quiz had 3 sections. the 1st assessed current or most important relationship. the 2nd was general love experiences e.g. the amount of partners. the 3rd was attachment type. found 56% secure, 25% avoidant and 19% resistant. secure were more likely to have good lasting romantic relationships. avoidant had jealousy and fear of intimacy. the findings suggest attachment types reflect in peoples romantic relationships.


describe influence of early attachment on relationships - relationships in adulthood as a parent


internal working model affects parenting abilities. they base parenting on internal working model so attachment type can be passed on through family generations. bailey 2007 study of 99 mothers and their babies plus their grandams found the majority had the same attachment type to their babies and their mothers.


what are the 3 weaknesses of influence of early attachment on later relationships?


the first weakness is evidence on continuity of attachment type is mixed. internal working model predicts this and continuity studies like ‘mccarthy’ support this and give evidence but ‘zimmerman’ 2000 assessed infant attachment type and adolescent attachment to parents and found very little relationship. this is a problem as its not what we could expect if internal working model were important in development.
another weakness is that most attachment studies have validity issues. studies of attachment to primary caregivers dont always use strange situation but they assess infant-parent attachment by interviews or questionnaires. these can rely on self report methods which means we hope people are honest and have a realistic view of their relationships which means they have low validity. also looking back at childhood as an adult lacks validity as it relies on accurate recollections.
the last weakness is that association doesnt mean causality in these studies where attachment type is associated with quality of later relationships. theres other explanations for continuity between infant and later relationships. parenting style (environmental factor) may have a direct effect on attachment and childs ability to form relationships or child temperament can influence attachment and later relationships. this is a problem as it counters bowlbys view that internal working model causes these outcomes.