atrioventricular block/ heart block Flashcards
what are the types of AV block
1st degree
2nd degree Mobitz type 1
2nd degree Mobitz type 2
3rd degree
describe 1st degree heart block
PR interval greater than 0.2 seconds (5 small squares)
what can 1st degree heart block be a sign of
coronary artery disease
acute rheumatic carditis
digoxin toxicity
electrolyte disturbance
what is the treatment for 1st degree heart block
none usually required but long term follow-up recommended
describe 2nd degree heart block
intermittent absence of QRS complexes
what does 2nd degree heart block indicate
blockage between the AVN and ventricles
describe ECG findings in 2nd degree heart block Mobitz type 1
progressive lengthening of the PR interval, eventually resulting in a dropped QRS
who is at risk of 2nd degree heart block Mobitz type 1
often a normal variant
seen in pts with high vagal tone without any evidence of structural heart disease
describe 2nd degree heart block Mobitz type 2
each p wave is associated with a QRS complex until there is one p wave not followed by a QRS
often progresses to 3rd degree heart block