Atmosphere 1.2 Flashcards
What was the source of CO2 and H2O in the early atmosphere?
Volcanic Outgassing
What happened to most of the CO2 in the early atmosphere?
It was dissolved in the oceans
What had to happen to the Earth for the oceans to form?
it had to cool down so the water vapor could condense
Process of Ozone layer development
Early aquatic organisms do photosynthesis releasing large amounts of O2 that rose to the atmosphere, then it was blasted by UV, dissociating the O2 and the molecules combined to form O3
EM radiation in the atmosphere goes through the processes of
3 harmful rays absorbed in the ionosphere
Gamma, x-rays, short UV
Which type of EM radiation is associated with excitation? What is excitation?
Photon of visible light is absorbed by an atom and an electron jumps to a higher energy level
Examples of greenhouse gasses
Water vapor, CO2, methane
Global warming is
Radiation that was re-emitted, absorbed by atmosphere
How could global warming be reduced?
Decrease the amount of Greenhouse gasses
Layer that has all life and weather
The different layers of the atmosphere are based on this characteristic
Change in temperature
What happens to the temp in the Stratosphere and why?
Temperature rises because of the absorption of UV by ozone
Land conducts heat to the air
Few energy absorbing molecules
What is the urban heat island?
Materials in the city absorb more heat so urban areas are hotter
High albedo
Snow, ice, vegetation
Low albedo
Asphalt, dark soil, rooftops
Given several materials, each with a different specific heat, when heated up which one will have the greatest change in temp?
The one with the lowest specific heat