the process of converting information into a usable form that can be stored and represented in memory. It may be automatic or effortful
-better encoding means easier and more efficient retrieval
The process of recovering store information and bringing it into conscious awareness for use
Sensory memory
-receives sensory information from the external environment
-entry point for raw NEW information
-enables perceptual continuity for the world around us
the process of paying attention to incoming information in order for it to be transferred to STM
-if not pay attention - info is lost
Iconic memory
visual sensory register - visual sensory memory for incoming visual info
-stores visual images in their original sensory form got 1/3 of a second.
echoic memory
auditory sensory register: auditory sensory memory - incoming auditory info
-stores sounds in their original sensory form for about 3-4 seconds
SM capacity and duration
capacity: unlimited
duration: 0.2-4 seconds
STM capacity and duration
capacity: 7 + or - 2 pieces of information
duration: 15-30s (18-20s)
decay - STM duration
occurs when info is not renewed. Information is lost or fades away with time
displacement - STM capacity
occurs when information is pushed out or replaced by new information
working memory
represents the active processing and use of information in the STM
active manipulation of information so it can be retained in memory
maintenance rehearsal
repetition of information over and over again so it can be kept in STM longer than usual
elaborative rehearsal
the process of linking new information in a meaningful way, with information already stored in memory or with other new information
-aids in storage and retrieval from LTM
LTM capacity and duration
capacity: possibly unlimited
duration: potentially unlimited