ATI Ch 1, Basic Mental Health Concepts Flashcards
What is the first step in mental assessment?
Perform a physical assessment as indicated for client condition or policy.
How should touch be used during mental assessment?
Use touch to communicate caring as appropriate, while respecting the client’s personal space.
What topics should be included in the client interview?
Questions relating to:
* difficulty sleeping
* incontinence
* falls or other injuries
* depression
* dizziness
* loss of energy
Who should be included in the assessment process?
Include the family and significant others as appropriate.
What type of history should be obtained during the assessment?
Obtain a detailed medication history.
What should be done after the interview with the client?
Summarize and ask for feedback from the client.
Is mental assessment a one-time process?
Fill in the blank: Each encounter with a client involves an ongoing _______.
What should be assessed regarding the client’s perception of health in a psychosocial history?
The client’s perception of own health and beliefs about illness and wellness
This includes understanding how the client views their health status and their beliefs surrounding health and wellness.
What activities should be assessed in a psychosocial history?
Activity/leisure activities and how the client passes time
This helps in understanding the client’s lifestyle and engagement in meaningful activities.
What substance-related information should be gathered from the client in a psychosocial history?
The client’s use of substances and any history of a substance use disorder
This assessment is critical for identifying potential risks and influences on the client’s health.
What aspects of the client’s coping abilities should be assessed in a psychosocial history?
Client’s stress level, usual coping strategies, and support systems
Understanding these factors aids in tailoring support and interventions.
What cultural factors should be assessed in a client in a psychosocial history?
Cultural health care beliefs, practices, values, and culture-specific foods
These factors can significantly impact the client’s care and treatment adherence.
How can cultural beliefs impact a client’s care?
Cultural beliefs can influence the client’s views on health care, including diet and illness perception
It is essential to recognize these beliefs to provide culturally competent care.
What is the role of the nurse regarding cultural awareness?
Alleviates stereotyping and stigmatizing
Cultural awareness helps in providing respectful and individualized care.
When should a trained interpreter be used?
When needed for effective communication
Utilizing an interpreter ensures that language barriers do not hinder care.
How do spiritual and religious beliefs affect clients?
They influence how a client finds meaning, hope, purpose, and a sense of peace
These beliefs can affect the client’s coping mechanisms and overall well-being.
Define spirituality in the context of client care.
Client’s internal values, sense of morality, and life purpose views
Spirituality may not necessarily be linked to organized religion.
Define religion in the context of client care.
Client’s beliefs according to an organized set of patterns of worship and rituals
Understanding a client’s religious beliefs can guide care practices.
What should be assessed regarding the client’s support systems?
Assess support systems and assist the client in identifying support persons and resources
This can enhance the client’s resilience and coping strategies.
What assistance might a client need concerning spiritual or religious leaders?
Assistance in locating a spiritual or religious leader if needed
Facilitating this connection can provide additional support for the client’s spiritual needs.
What term describes a client who is responsive and fully able to answer questions appropriately?
Alert clients open their eyes and respond to a normal tone of voice and speech.
What term is used for a client who is drowsy and falls asleep readily, but can still open their eyes?
Lethargic clients can respond but are not fully alert.
What is the term for a client who requires vigorous or painful stimuli to elicit a brief response?
Stuporous clients may not respond verbally.
What does it mean when a client is described as comatose?
The client is unconscious and does not respond to painful stimuli.
What is decorticate rigidity characterized by?
Flexion and internal rotation of upper-extremity joints and legs.
What is decerebrate rigidity characterized by?
Neck and elbow extension, wrist and finger flexion.
What aspects are assessed in the physical appearance section of the MSE?
Personal hygiene, grooming, nutritional status, clothing choice, age appearance.
How is a client’s mood defined in the context of an MSE?
The emotion that the client is feeling.
What does a client’s affect represent in an MSE?
An objective expression of mood.
What three orientations are assessed in cognitive and intellectual abilities?
- Time
- Person
- Place
What should a clinician assess to evaluate a client’s recent memory?
Recall recent events or the purpose of the current mental health appointment.
What is assessed to evaluate a client’s remote memory?
State a verifiable fact from their past.
What is one way to assess a client’s level of knowledge regarding their illness?
Ask what they know about their current illness or hospitalization.
How can a clinician assess a client’s calculation abilities?
Ask the client to count backward from 100 in serials of 7.
What does the ability to think abstractly demonstrate in a client?
A higher-level thought process.
What is one method to assess a client’s judgment?
Ask a hypothetical question, such as what to do if there were a fire in their room.
What aspects of speech should be assessed in a client?
- Rate
- Volume
- Quality of language
Fill in the blank: A client’s affect can be described as a _______.
[objective expression of mood]
What is the purpose of standardized screening tools?
To evaluate and monitor clients.
Name a standardized rating scale used for evaluation.
Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire
What is the Brief PHQ?
Brief Patient Health Questionnaire
What does the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) assess?
A client’s cognitive status.
Which aspect does the MMSE evaluate regarding orientation?
Orientation to time and place.
What cognitive skill does the MMSE test by asking clients to count backward by seven?
Attention span and ability to calculate.
What does the MMSE assess in terms of memory?
Registration and recalling of objects.
What language abilities does the MMSE evaluate?
Naming of objects, following of commands, and ability to write.
What are social determinants of mental health (SDoMH)?
The ways clients live and work that shape their health outcomes
SDoMH are linked to health inequalities and influence mental health care outcomes.
How do disparities in mental health care affect clients?
They profoundly influence the outcomes and experiences of clients
Disparities require consideration of social determinants of mental health.
Who identified the social determinants of mental health?
The World Health Organization
SDoMH are similar to social determinants of health (SDOH) but may require different solutions.
What is trauma-informed care?
An approach that emphasizes understanding trauma’s impact on clients
It includes screening for interpersonal violence and trauma.
What are key components of trauma-informed care?
- Recognizing the signs of trauma
- Organized responses to trauma
- Resisting re-traumatization
Nurses must be sensitive to trauma’s effects on behaviors and relationships.
What is the DSM-5-TR?
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, Text Revision
It is used by mental health professionals to diagnose mental health disorders.
What role does the DSM-5-TR play in mental health care?
It provides standard criteria for diagnosing mental health disorders and guides care planning
It includes expected assessment findings for various disorders.
What is the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA)?
An organization that provides nursing diagnoses for appropriate nursing interventions
Nurses utilize NANDA diagnoses to guide client care.
What characterizes serious mental illness?
- Severe and persistent mental illnesses
- Difficulty with activities of daily living (ADLs)
- Lifelong disorders with remissions and exacerbations
Clients with serious mental illness may require ongoing support.
What are some examples of role transitions?
Loss of employment, divorce, retirement, grand-parenthood, widowhood, death of guardian, becoming a caregiver or recipient of care.
Are all role changes predicted?
No, some role changes are unexpected.
What factors should be assessed to evaluate a client’s ability to adapt and cope?
- Health status and functional abilities
- Living arrangements and employability
- Personality factors, such as attitudes
- Client, caregiver, and family assessments
- Levels of information, such as community programs
- Medication use and supplemental services
What are indicators that a client has successfully adapted to role changes?
- Able to state positive coping behaviors
- Able to identify maladaptive coping behaviors
- Able to participate in community resources
- Able to list stress reduction techniques
- Able to maintain housing and employment
Fill in the blank: Some role changes are _______ while others are unexpected.
True or False: All role transitions occur as a result of planned events.
What are the key components of counseling in the mental health setting?
Using therapeutic communication skills, assisting with problem-solving, crisis intervention, stress management
Counseling focuses on providing support and guidance to clients in various mental health challenges.
What is the purpose of milieu therapy?
Orienting the client to the physical setting, identifying rules and boundaries, ensuring a safe environment, assisting with participation in appropriate activities
Milieu therapy emphasizes the therapeutic environment as a crucial aspect of treatment.
What factors are included in the screening process in mental health?
Trauma history, risk for suicide and non-suicidal self-injury, substance use, coping skills, support systems
Screening helps identify the mental health needs and risks of clients.
What are the components of promoting self-care activities?
Offering assistance with self-care tasks, allowing time for self-care, setting incentives for self-care
Promoting self-care empowers clients to take an active role in their health.
What are psychobiological interventions?
Administering prescribed medications, providing teaching about medications, monitoring for adverse effects and effectiveness
These interventions focus on the biological aspects of mental health treatment.
What techniques are used in cognitive and behavioral therapies?
Modeling, operant conditioning, systematic desensitization
These techniques are aimed at changing maladaptive behaviors and thoughts.
What does health teaching in the mental health setting involve?
Teaching social and coping skills
Health teaching is essential for equipping clients with necessary tools for managing their conditions.
What are the goals of health promotion and health maintenance in mental health?
Assisting with cessation of smoking, monitoring other health conditions
These goals aim to enhance overall health and prevent further complications.
What is the role of case management in mental health care?
Coordinating holistic care to include medical, mental health, and social services
Case management ensures comprehensive support for clients across various needs.
Fill in the blank: Milieu therapy ensures a _______ environment for the client.
safe environment
A safe environment is fundamental for effective therapeutic interventions.
True or False: Psychobiological interventions do not involve monitoring the effectiveness of pharmacological therapy.
Monitoring is a critical part of psychobiological interventions to ensure proper treatment.