Atherosclerosis and Lipoprotein Metabolism Flashcards
what is atherosclerosis
the build up of a waxy plaque on the inside of blood vessels
in greek, athere means:
in greek skleros means:
what is atherogenesis
formation of abnormal fatty or lipid masses in arterial walls
main risk factor for atherosclerosis and atherogenesis is:
high blood cholesterol
what is the primary treatment to reduce cholesterol
very high risk patients may need _____ to reach LDL less than 70mg/dL
combination therapy
what are the lipoproteins
- chylomicrons
which lipoprotein has the highest proportion of triglycerides
what is the optimal total cholesterol level
less than 200 mg/dL
what is the optimal level for HDL
greater than 60 mg/dL
what is the optimal level for LDL
less than 100mg/dL
what is the optimal triglyceride level
less than 150 mg/dL
what is the Friedewald Formula
total cholesterol = LDL + HDL + TG/5
what are the risk factors for ASCVD
- smoking
- hypertension
- hyperlipidemia (high LDL and TC, low HDL)
- DM
- Age (men greater than 45 yo, women greater than 55yo)
- obesity
- physical inactivity
what are the clinical manifestations of ASCVD
- established coronary artery disease (CAD)
- history of stroke or TIA
- peripheral artery disease (PAD)
when do you need to calculate ASCVD
if the patient has clinical ASCVD
what are the steps of atherogenesis
- endothelial dysfunction
- endothelial injury
- LDL deposits into vessel wall
- formation of foam cells- macrophages filled with LDL
- fatty streak
- inflammation - smooth muscle growth
- fibrous cap over lipid core
what removes cholesterol from vessel walls
what is reverse cholesterol transport
the process of HDL mobilizing cholesterol and transporting back to the liver
what are the patient symptoms for atherosclerosis
angina -> acute coronary syndrome -> unstable angina, NSTEMI, STEMI
what is the exogenous pathway of lipoprotein metabolism
- cholesterol and TG absorbed from diet transported as chylomicrons to muscle and adipose tissue
- chylomicrons metabolized by lipoprotein lipase to release TG
- chylomicron remnants (mostly cholesterol esters) return to the liver
- cholesterol in liver may be stored, turned into bile, enter endogenous pathway
what is the endogenous pathway in lipoprotein metabolism
- cholesterol and TG made in liver leave as VLDL
- VLDL metabolized by lipoprotein lipase to release TG-VLDL becomes LDL
- LDL provides cholesterol source for cells to make cell membranes- also atherogenesis
- cell use an LDL receptor to take up LDL
- liver releases HDL to collect cholesterol and return to liver (reverse cholesterol transport)
- cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) facilitates the transfer of cholesterol to HDL
what are the lipid lowering medications
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins)
what is the mechanism of action of statins
- inhibit HMG-CoA reductase
- rate limiting step in endogenous cholesterol production
- also induce an increase in hepatic LDL receptors
what are the effects of statins of lipid parameters
- total cholesterol: decrease of 13-40%
- LDL: decrease of 17-55%
- triglycerides: decrease 2-28%
- HDL: increase 2-10%