ATC and IFR Procedures Review Flashcards
A review of Air Traffic Control and Instrument Flight Rule Procedures for the professional pilot.
What destination weather is required to take off on a 135 flight?
Cannot t/o unless current or forecast weather _at ETA_ is at or above IFR landing minimums.
What are the weather requirments to begin an instrument approach (135)?
- Must have approved weather reporting
- Latest weather at or above IFR landing minimums for that airport
What does OPSPEC C077 say about weather requirements?
Turbojet operations require an approved source of reported weather
What does OPSPEC C064 say about the weather?
Prohibits IFR terminal operations in uncontrolled airspace (Class G) w/o an approved source of weather
What are “Eligible On-Demand” weather requirements?
Destination _or_ Alternate have approved weather reporting, + local altimeter.
No weather at the destination? Must declare an alternate
What weather is controlling?
The worst weather – Chance/Occasional/Intermittent/Tempo/ Possibility
When is an Alternate required?
ETA +/- 1 hour:
- _Ceiling_;1,500 above lowest circling MDA;
- No circling? Then 1,500 above lowest published min, _or_ 2,000 above airport elevation – whichever is higher.
- _Visability_; 3sm or 2sm above the lowest applicable approach – whichever is higher
What are the weather requirements for an airport to qualify as an Alternate for 135 operations?
- Must have weather reporting
- Approved for filing as an alternate ( no “NA” block), WATCH for notes on “non-standard” alternate minimums
- One (1) NAVAID:
- +400 DH/MDA and +1sm; two
- Two (2) NAVAIDs*: +200 DH/MDA to the higher approach, and 1/2 sm to the highest Cat 1 vis
*Two different identifiers – could be the same frequency
For Alternate Filing purposes, what is a “Navigation Facility”?
A different identifier could be the same frequency, straight in approaches only, must be to a “suitable” runway – length, w/in wind limits, etc.
What are Standard IFR Take-Off Minimums?
Standard, 1 or 2 engines: 1 sm/5000RVR.
NOTE: check “T” for non-standard take-off minimums
What OPSPEC covers “Lower than Standard” Take Off Minima?
If you are authorized “lower than standard” take off minimums, it would be noted in C057 AND C079
Two (2) pilots are required for lower than standard passenger operations
- Single Pilot operations are not authorized “lower than standard minimums
If you have OPSPEC C079, what else do you need for lower than standard takeoff minimums with TDZ RVR 1600/RVV 1/4sm?
Must have one of:
- HIRL, or
- CL, or
- RCLM, or
- “Adequate visual reference” to continuously identify the takeoff surface
If you have OPSPEC C079, what else do you need for lower than standard takeoff minimums with TDZ RVR 1200/Mid 1200/Roll-out 1000?
Must have one of:
- Daylight –
* HIRL or,
* CL, or
* RCLM - Night –
* HIRL or
* CL
If you have OPSPEC C079, what else do you need for lower than standard takeoff minimums with an RVR of less than 1600 ft?
>RVR 1600,
- TDZ controlling
- 2 pilots (no “AP in Lieu…”)
- ADI, DG, VSI, Altimeter at each pilot station w/independent power for ADI and DG,
- PIC & SIC must have 100 hours in make and model
When can a Single Engine aircraft use “Lower than Standard” Takeoff Minima?
Single-Engine passenger _not authorized_.
Could be authorized Turbine, all-cargo operations
Can you take off with the weather at your departure field is below landing mins?
Cannot t/o if weather less than landing minimums at departure airport – _unless_ there is an alternate airport w/in 1 hour at normal cruise (aka Takeoff Alternate)
Can you continue an Instrument Approach after the weather goes below mins past the FAF?
Yes, If at DH/MDA the actual weather (visibility) is equal to or greater than landing visibility, you may continue the approach.
What is the lowest Cat 1 landing visibility?
1800 RVR or 1/2 sm
What takes presidence, RVR or Tower Visibility?
RVR takes precedence
What is needed to descent below DH/MDA?
- Landing “environment” in sight
- Flight visibility > minimums
- Aircraft in position to make a normal approach and landing
- Red termination/side row bars visible to go below 100 ft TDZ
What are Single Pilot Takeoff Minimums?
The lowest authorized straight-in Cat 1 IFR landing minimums for that airport – IF AUTHORIZED IN OPSPEC C057
NOTE: SINGLE PILOT, NOT SINGLE ENGINE – Single Engine not authorized below Standard T/O minimums
What are the requirements for Two Pilots Takeoff Minimums (w/C057) – 1/4 mile or 1600 RVR?
CO57 Authorization:
- 1/4 mile or RVR 1600 and at least one of:
- HIRL, CL, RCLM, or
- “Adequate visual reference to continuously identify the takeoff surface”.
What are the requirements for Two Pilots Takeoff Minimums (w/C057) – RVR 1200?
CO57 Authorization:
- _TDZ RVR 1200_ and _Rollout RVR 1000_
- Must have both CL and 2 RVR reporting systems
What are the requirements for Two Pilots Takeoff Minimums (w/C079) – – RVR 600?
CO57 Authorization:
- TDZ RVR 600, Mid RVR 600 and Rollout RVR 600
- Must have CL, HIRL, and
- 2 of 3 RVR reporting systems must be working
Are reduced takeoff mins allowed with “AP in lieu of SIC”?
Not Authorized
What are the reduced takeoff mins pilot requirements?
- PIC _and_ SIC must have 100 hours in specific make &a model, plus
- Completed company training program for reduced takeoff minimums
What is the destination requirement for weather reporting (NOT Eligible On-Demand)?
Must have weather reporting from an “approved source”
What weather is required to begin an Instrument Approach?
Cannot start approach (pass IAF), if the weather is below approach minimums – VISIBILITY is controlling (ceilings are “considered”)
What can you do, after beginning approach, and the weather goes below mins?
Prior to FAF, you execute the missed approach procedure (can climb early, but must fly the ground track/cannot turn early).
Can continue past FAF and land IF upon reaching MDA/DA or DH the actual flight visibility is equal to or greater than landing minimums.
What is the lowest authorized straight-in CAT 1 mins?
1800 RVR (TDZ) or 1/2sm
If the airport does not have RVR, what are the lowest mins?
Tower vis of 1/2 sm
Under part 91, can you start an instrument approach if the reported weather is below minimums?
Can start the approach below minimums, and land _if_:
- Your inflight visibility is greater than minimum visibility,
- You see approach lights and runway,
- You’re in a position to make a “normal” landing
What is the FAA definition of “Flight Visibility?”
The average forward horizontal distance from the cockpit in flight in which prominent unlighted objects may be seen and identified during the day, and lighted objects by night.
What is IFR Landing requirements (weather)?
No pilot may land when the FLIGHT VISIBILITY is less than published minimums
When do you execute a Missed Approach?
- Below MDA or after MAP and FLIGHT VISIBILITY less than published
- Whenever an identifiable part of the airport is not distinctly visible during a circling maneuver
On an instrument approach, when can you descend below 100’ above TDZ?
Must have:
- Red Terminating Bars, or
- Red Side Row Bars are distinctly visible and identifiable
What is RCLM?
Runway Centerline Markings
What is CL?
Centerline Lighting
What is RVR?
Runway Visual Range
What are Approach Category A Speeds?
<91 knots
What are Approach Category B Speeds?
91-121 knots
What are Approach Category C Speeds?
121-141 knots
What are Approach Category D Speeds?
141-166 knots
What are Approach Category E Speeds?
166> knots
What is RVV?
Runway Visual Value
When can you descend below DH or MDA?
- Continuously in a position land at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers – _within_ the touchdown zone
- Flight visibility > approach visibility
- CAT I, at least one of the following:
1. Approach light system
2. Threshold
3. Threshold markings
4. Threshold lights
7. Touchdown zone/markings
8. Touchdown lights
9. Runway/runway markings
10. Runway lights
The IFR landing weather rule is?
No pilot may land when the Flight Visibility is less than the visibility for the approach.
When are you required to execute a missed approach?
Immediately execute a missed approach when:
- Below MDA or reach MAP and
- Requirements to operate below DH or MDA are not met, and for circling approaches
* any identifiable part of the airport is not distinctly visible during a circling maneuver
* NOTE: unless due to normal banking
What is a “High Mins” Captain?
New captains with < 100 hours PIC in Turbine time
What are “High Mins” Captain weather limitations?
Must add 100’ to MDA or DH, and 1/2sm to visibility.
- 100 & 1/2 added to all airports (destination & alternate) – _BUT_ does not change the requirements to designate an airport as an alternate (that doesn’t change)
How can a 135 On-Demand Charter flight operate at an airport that doesn’t have weather reporting capability?
You file to an airport with weather reporting, then cancel and go VFR to your destination.
- Must be able to maintain VFR visibility and cloud clearances
- You may be restricted by OPSPEC C077
- Check your GOM
What are the limitations on landing minimums for a Turbojet?
- Cannot begin approach if <3/4sm or 4000 RVR unless the pilot has been specifically qualified
- If qualified for lower landing minimums:
- +15% Landing Field Length
- Precision runway markings or Centerline lights for that runway
Can you depart IFR if there is no weather reporting at your point of departure?
Terminal operations IFR from airports w/o official weather reported are not permitted (OPSEC C054, 064, 077)
Do not confuse with approval to conduct VFR operations (135.213) – so you could (if the weather allows) depart VFR and pick up your clearance later.
Your Sea Level destination’s TAF for 45 minutes after your ETA is 30 BKN, 3 with a TEMPO condition of 10 BKN 3BR.
Do you need an alternate?
Assuming the weather is +/- 1 hour of your ETA.
“Worst” weather is the Tempo condition and drives the requirement
The ceiling must be greater than 2,132’ (1,500+632)
Visibility must be at least 3 miles or 2.5 whichever is greater
So visibility doesn’t drive the requirement for an alternate, but ceiling does.
KASE’s weather at your ETA is 30SCT, 50BKN 10HZ. Can you use KASE as your alternate?
NO – Alternate “NA”
What are your Transponder airspace requirements?
- At or above 10,000 feet MSL
- Excluding airspace below 2,500 feet AGL
- Class A
- Class B
- Inside Class B,
- Within 30 nm of the center of Class B (SFC to 10,000 feet)
- Class C
- Within and above Class C up to 10,000 feet
- Within 10 nm of certain designated airports
What is an MEA?
Minimum Enroute Altitude
Assures navigation facility coverage
1,000 feet obstacle clearance over flat terrain
2000 feet obstacle clearance over mountainous terrain
What is an MEA Gap?
A gap in navigation ground station coverage
What is MOCA?
Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude
Assures navigational coverage and obstacle clearance within 22 nm of the NAVAID.
Not a chocolate drink – that’s Mocha
What is MAA?
Maximum Authorized Altitude
What is MCA?
Minimum Crossing Altitude
The altitude you must be at (or before) crossing a navaid or intersection
What is MRA?
Minimum Reception Altitude
Minimum altitude of which off-airway navigation stations can be received.
Example: cross-radial
What is OROCA?
Off-Route Obstruction Clearance Altitude
Provides same obstacle clearance as MEA (1,000 flat/2,000 mountainous), but without the ground station signal coverage
What is MVA?
Minimum Vectoring Altitude
Lowest MSL altitude ATC will vector you – only ATC knows that altitude.
What is MEF?
Maximum Elevation Figure
It’s the top of the highest feature (plus some), in each quadrangle on a Sectional Chart.
When do you need a Mode C Transponder with altitude reporting capability?
- Class A, Class B, Class C
- Within 30 nautical miles of the primary airport in Class B airspace (from the surface to 10,000 MSL)
- Above the ceiling and within the lateral boundaries of B and C up to 10,000 MSL
What does a solid red light gun signal mean?
Airborne: give way to other traffic and continue circling.
On the ground: Stop
If not depicted, where does Class E airspace start?
14,500’ MSL