Ataxia Flashcards
Ataxia definition:
• An inability to generate a normal or expected voluntary movement trajectory that cannot be attributed to weakness or involuntary muscle activity (chorea, dystonia, myoclonus, tremor) about the affected joints. In simple terms, ataxia is the inability to make smooth, accurate and coordinated movements, not due to weakness or movement disorders.
Ataxia results from:
impairment of spatial pattern of muscle activity or from impairment of the timing of that activity, or both.
Ataxia affects:
motor control of eyes, speech, trunk and limbs.
Nystagmus =
oscillatory rhythmic eye movements
Saccadic intrusions =
involuntary conjugate fast eye movements that interrupt fixation
Undershooting of saccades =
Overshooting of saccades=
Imprecise production of sounds
Poor regulation of prosody
Scanning speech = explosive speech.
Bobbing of the head and trunk
Imprecise targeting of distal limb movements
Errors in relative timing of components of complex movements resulting in uncoordinated, abrupt movement. May split up a complex movement into smaller movements.
Errors in rate and regularity of rapid alternating movements. Impaired ability to perform rapid, alternating movements
Intention tremor
Tremor at the end of movement, seen on finger-to-nose, heel-to-shin testing
Another name for the Flocculonodular lobe ___.
Lesion of this part of the cerebellum causes ___.
1. Nystagmus and other eye movement abnormalities.
2. Balance problems (sitting/standing, gait) due to equilibrium dysfunction - cant tell body position.
Which part of the body does the vermis of the cerebellum control__. Lesions of the vermis cause__.
Midline, axial trunk, proximal muscles.
Lesions cause:
1. Trunk movements: unsteadiness while standing or sitting. Titubations.
2. Gait ataxia.