ATA: Nathanna Filíochta: A Flashcards
(City life) is the principal theme of this poem
Is é (saol na cathrach) príomhthéama an dáin seo
(Emotion 1) and (Emotion 2) are the biggest emotions
Is iad (mothúchán 1) agus (mothúchán 2) na mothúcháin is mó
(Humour/sorrow/loneliness) is the main trait portrayed in the poem
Is é an (greann/brón/t-uaigneas) an tréith is mó a léirítear sa dán
(Metaphor) is a powerful metaphor because it creates a picture of
Is cumhachtach an meafar é (meafar) mar cruthaíonn sé pictiúr…
(Phrase) awakens a hatred and discontent in the poets heart
Músclaíonn (nath) fuath agus míshonas i gcroí an fhile
A good atmosphere is created in the poem
Cruthaítear atmaisféar maith sa dán
A picture is created of
Cruthaítear pictiúr de
A wonderful atmosphere is created in the poem/ in that verse
Cruthaítear atmaisféar iontach sa dán/véarsa sin
Also, it greatly adds to the
Cuireann sé go mór freisin leis an
An extremely lonely and extremely sad atmosphere is created for us
Cruthaítear atmaisféar fíoruaigneach agus fíorbhrónach dúinn
An image is created in this poem for us
Sa dán seo cruthaítear picitiúr dúinn
And the way in which the (man/woman) affects……
Agus sa tslí a dtéann (an fear/an bhean) i bhfeidhm ar……
Another aspect of the poem which I liked was
Gné eile den dán a thaitin liom ná
Effective use is made of repetition in the poem
Baintear úsáid éifeachtach as athrá sa dán
Even though (humour/sorrow) is to the fore in the poem
Cé go bhfuil an (greann/brón) chun tosaigh sa dán
Even though he/she is only a very simple person
Cé nach bhfuil ann/inti ach duine fíor-shimplí
Even though there is a simple title to the poem
Cé go bhfuil teideal simplí ar an dán
Firstly, I took note of the image of the……
Ar an gcéad dul síos, thug mé suntas don íomhá den…..
He made a decision to
Rinneadh sé cinneadh chun
He reaffirms his confidence in
Athdhearbhaíonn sé an mhuinín atá aige as/sa
He/she is a master of the language
Tá sé/sí ina m(h)áistir ar an teanga
He/she portrays those emotions effectively
Cuireann sé/sí na mothúcháin sin in iúl go héifeachtach
He/she uses words and phrases that show
Úsáideann sé/sí focail agus nathanna a léiríonn
He/she wants (that there would be….)
Teastaíonn uaidh/uaithi go mbeadh
I also took note of the image…..
Thug mé suntas freisin d’íomhá …….
I really enjoyed this poem because
Bhain mé an-taitneamh as an dán seo mar
I really liked this poem because
Thaitin an dán seo go mór liom mar
I recognise that element of life in this poem
Aithním an gné sin don saol sa dán seo
I took note of the poet’s outlook towards…..
Thug mé suntas do dhearcadh an fhile i leith…..
In the first lines, the poet says
Sna línte tosaigh deir an file
In verse (1/2/3) he returns to
I véarsa (1/2/3) filleann sé/sí ar
In verse (1/2/3) the poet is making a comparison between
I véarsa (1/2/3) tá an file ag déanamh comparáide idir
In verse (1/2/3) we are told
I véarsa (1/2/3) deirtear linn
It is a hopeful atmosphere
Is atmaisféar dóchasach é
It is a kind of respite for the poet
Is cineál faoisimh é/í don bhfile
It is a matter of torment for him/her
Is crá croí dó/di
It is a modern satire on
Is aoir nua-aoiseach é ar
It is clear from the speech that is used that
Is léir on bhfriotal a bhaintear úsáid as go/nach
It is clear that the poet had great respect for
Is léir go raibh an-mheas ag an bhfile ar
It is effective because it strengthens
Tá sé éifeachtach mar go dtreisíonn sé an
It is ironic that
Tá sé íorónta gurbh é
It is the poet’s sorrow and torment on account of…..
Is é brón agus crá croí an fhile de bharr……
It means that the poets thinks that
Ciallaíonn sé go gceapann an file go/nach
It suits the subject and the theme of the poem
Oireann sé d’ábhar agus do théama an dáin
It’s a great pity for the poet
Is trua mór é don bhfile
It’s a massive disaster in the poet’s mind
Is tubaiste ollmhór é in intinn an fhile
It’s clear from the poem that the poet has sympathy for
Is léir ón dán go bhfuil bá ag an bhfile le/leis
It’s clear that he/she is not a happy person at all
Is léir nach duine sásta é/í ar chor ar bith
It’s clear that the poet’s mind is not focused on
Is léir na bhfuil intinn an fhile dírithe ar
It’s clear that they are not happy people at all
Is léir nach daoine sásta iad ar chor ar bith