At home Flashcards
I take out the trash every day/week
Eu levo o lixo todo dia/toda semana
I throw away old/worn out magazines/boxes/letters
Eu jogo fora revistas/ caixas/ cartas velhas/ estragadas
I put on some music to work/sleep/shoers
Eu coloco musica/ para trabalhar/ dormir/ tomar banho
I have put/blown out the fire/incense/candle
Eu apaguei/ soprei o fogo/ o incenso/ a vela
I have put the pot/pan/kettle on the stove/table/counter
Eu coloquei a panela/ frigideira/ chaleira no fogão/na mesa/ na bancada
I have taken out the notice/picture/flag from the wall/board
Eu tirei o aviso/ a foto/ a bandeira da parede/ do quadro
I have turned on/off the TV/light/heating/A.C./stove
Eu liguei/ desliguei a TV/ a luz/ o aquaciemto/ o ar condicionado/ o fogão
I have mopped up the beer/mess/coffee/tea with a napkin/towel
Eu sequei a Cerveja/ a bagunça/ o cafe/ o cha com o guardanapo/ uma toalha
I have tidied up my bedroom/living room/the house/kitchen today/this morning/afternoon
Eu arrumei meu quarto/ minha sala de estar/ a casa/ a cozinha esta manhã/ tarde
I have put away all/almost all the shoes/socks/toys/mess
Eu ajuntei todos/ quase todos os sapatos/ as meias /os brinquedos/ a bagunça
I have put up a picture/notice on the wall
Eu pendurei a foto/ o aviso na parede
I have stocking up drinks/food for the party/emergencies
Eu estoquei bebidas/ comida para festa/ emergencias