ASWB LCSW - Diagnostic Criteria, Medications & Terms Flashcards
DSM5 Changes, Diagnostic Criteria, Diagnostic location in DSM5 and Terms/ Medications
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
TYPICAL - Antipsychotics
ATYPICAL- Antipsychotics
ATYPICAL- Antipsychotics **risk of Agranulocytosis requires blood monitoring
ATYPICAL- Antipsychotics
ATYPICAL- Antipsychotics
ATYPICAL- Antipsychotics
ATYPICAL- Antipsychotics
Tardive Dyskinesia
Caused by long term use Antipsychotics, causing involuntary movements of mouth face jaw or lower body in twitching or snake like movements
MOOD DISORDER- typical use for Bipolar Disorder
MOOD DISORDER- typical use for Bipolar Disorder
MOOD DISORDER- typical use for Bipolar Disorder
MOOD DISORDER- typical use for Bipolar Disorder, requires blood testing & thyriod/kidney functioning tests due to Narrow Therapuetic Index
MOOD DISORDER- typical use for Bipolar Disorder
Depression (acute)
short deration / mood is mostly affected typically cause by event
Major Depressive
Effects mood/ eating/ sleeping/ energy/ and lacking interest in social or hobbies. Is long term over 6 months of disruption to daily life.
Persistant Depressive
Very long term (years or life time) with less intrusive symptoms ( a mild and longer stent of Major Depressive)
Bipolar 1
Extreme fluctuation between depression and mania ( reaching far ends of the mood spectrum)
Bipolar 2
Less extreme fluctuation between depression and mania (not reaching the extreme ends of the mood spectrum)
Least extreme fluctuation of mood across the spectrum
Latin Derivitive of “Thymia”
Thymia means “mood” in Latin
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Hightened state of worry which is out of proportion debillitating and constant, trouble with sleeping/ eating/ focus, often has fatigue/ trembling/ nausea and headache.
Obsesive and intrusive thoughts that a person cannot stop thinking about, and intrupt other functioning
Behaviors used to cope w/anxiety, often follow patterns and are ritualistic
Personality Disorders (Definition)
Psych Disorder that involves unhealthy and ridig patterns of thinking & behavior.
Personality Disorders (Criteria)
significant impairment of self/interpersonal functioning consistant over time and place ; problem with pathelogical personality traits constistant over time and place ; no other drugs or medical conditions present
Cluster A (personality Disorders)
ODD/ ECCENTRIC: Include Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypical
Cluster B (personality Disorders)
EMOTIONAL / ERRATIC: Include Antisocial, Histrionic, Narcisstic, Borderline
Cluster C (personality Disorders)
ANXIOUS/ FEARFUL: Include Aviodant, Dependent, Obsessive Complusive
Paranoid Personality Disorder (A)
Suspicious of others, reluclant to hold relationships, seek blame/hold grudges, find hidden meaning behind events, lack emotional range and can be hostile towards others
Schizoid Personality Disorders (A)
Cold to others/ Lack emotion, they are pleasure deficient, focus inward to self and are uncaring
Schizotypical Personality Disorder (A)
Not a lot of emotion, avoids social engagements, dress and act in odd ways, believes that they can do things like “crack the code being sent from the president to only them” or that they can change other peoples thoughts
Antisocial Personality Disorder (B)
Disrespectful / no remorse for others, Consistent disregard for others rights, has no empathy but can mimic others emotions for manipulation tactics
Borderline Personality Disorder (B)
Unstable behaviors / feelings, extreme highs and lows, no identity can be differen person moment to moment, thinks of things and people in black and white terms, difficulty getting along with others
Histroinic Personality Disorder (B)
Over blown emotions, very dramatic presentation, needs to be the center of attention, unable to take critisms
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (B)
Obsession with self, no care for others thoughts or feelings, always right, cannot take critism
Avoidant Personality Disorder (C)
Insecure of self, fearful of rejection, avoids relationships, takes shy to a new level
Dependent Personality Disorder (C)
Pathological need to be taken care of, terrified of being alone, low self esteem/ considered a follower
Obsessive Complusive Personality Disorder (C)
obsesses over rules, control, order, stubborn and believe that everyone should think like they do.
Comlusive Hoarding
Behaviors originate relatively early, and may wax and wane for years, with pathological levels of hoarding emerging in adulthood
Iatrogenic Disease
“Iatro” Means Healer, this disease refers to condition or effect caused by a person providing treatment
When clients fill in memories with material that is created during the course of a narrative about history or personal experience, without meaning to deceive, and without recognition or concern when challenged. Most commonly seen Alzhiemer’s, Wetbrain, other memory problems
Adjustment Disorder
Identification at least one psychosocialstressorto which symptoms can be attributed, with symptoms beginning no more than threemonths after the onset ofstressor(s)
Before onset of diagnosis, problem or illness
Two problems, diagnosis or illnesses occuring at the same time
is a situation in which a drug, procedure, or surgery should not be used because it may be harmful (two drugs not mixing well, surgery which is more harmful than good)
Paraphillic Disorders
Atypical sexual interest may involve non consentual or painful acts to self or others, and personal distress about the sexual desire/interest
Classified in DSM as Obessive Complusive Disorder. Defined as a hair pulling disorder
Persistent ataxia usually resultsfrom damage to the part of your brain that controls muscle coordination(cerebellum). Many conditions can cause ataxia, including alcohol misuse, certain medication, stroke, tumor, cerebral palsy, brain degeneration and multiple sclerosis.
is a neurological condition in which a patient is unable to recognize and identify objects, persons, or sounds using one or more of their senses in spite of normally functioning senses.[1]It is a sensory disorder as person is unable to process sensory information.
is an acquiredimpairmentin which people have difficulty performing simple mathematical tasks, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying and even simply stating which of twonumbersis larger.
mimicing noises and othes speech in repetitive patterns
Psychosis is acondition that affects the way your brain processes information. It causes you to lose touch with reality. You might see, hear, or believe things that aren’t real. Psychosis is a symptom, not an illness. Hallucinations, delusions and distrubing thoughts
Paranoia isthinking and feeling like you are being threatened in some way, even if there is no evidence, or very little evidence, that you are. Paranoid thoughts can also be described as delusions.
Historionic Personality Disorder
Inappropraite / suductive / provocative behaviro with others, using apperance to draw attention to self, highly suggestable or influenced by others, Difficulty making/keeping relationships
Medical condition resulting in confusion, disruptions in thinking and behavior, changes in perceptions, attention and mood.
Changes in memory and intellect are slowly dimished over months/ years.
Delirium VS Dementia
They are very similar in presentation, and Dementia patients are very suspitable to Delirium however Dementia is a slow decline (months/years), Where Delirium would be a completel change flucuating within a day.
Abnormal Behavior (Best Defined)
Violating social norms, statistical rarity, is maladaptive by nature
Addictive Disorders Include…
substances, Sex, Shopping, Porn, Hoarding, and Eating
World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0)
Help measure the scale of medical necessity and level of Disability
Cultural Formulation Interview Guide (CFI)
Helps assess cultural factors influencing client perspectives/symptoms & leads to better treatment options
Replacing NOS
two separate categories: Other Specified Disorder; allowing the social worker to explain Unspecified Disorder; which allows the social work to forgo the explaination
The Autism Spectrum includes
Aspergers, Childhood Disintegrative and Pervasive Development Disorders