ASWB LCSW- Development, Theories & Treatment Modalities Flashcards
Units I & II
Powerful / not diluted
Evidence Based Social Work
Decision making based on the conscious, explicit and judicious use of research knowledge clinical expertise social work values and client wishes
Stages of Change
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and relapse
Ethical Problem Solving Steps (6)
Identify what is compromised Determine the problem weigh ethical issues suggest modifications, implement modifications monitor for new issues All while not relying on supervisor
false, fixed belief despite evidence to contrary (believing something that is not true)
Formative Study
Handing out surveys about service delivery to those participating in trx currently allowing for feedback
Summative Study
Handing out surveys about outcomes to those who have completed trx previously
Structured inequility, entire categories of people in society with unequal access to social rewards
Danger to Self (Risks)
Hx of self harm/ SI, Lack of Support, Presence of Psychiatric Dis. Substance use, exposure to SI behaviors, access to lethal means
Danger to Self (Protective)
Clinical Care, access to clinical support, no access to lethal means, family/ friend support, coping skills, cultural / religious beliefs discouraging SI
Category of medications for Social Anxiety Disorder
SSRI’s are prescribed first used to treat depression medications like: Zoloft
Benzodizapine: treat anxiety but are normally PRN as they are habit forming
Antipsychotic Medications for psychosis
Antipsychotic Medications for psychosis
Trust VS. Mistrust (Erickson)
1st Stage: children learn the ability to trust other based upon the consistency of their caregivers
Autonomy VS. Shame Doubt
2nd Stage: Toddlers assert independence, if supported they become confident. If they are critized, overly controlled they feel inadequate, dependent on others
Initative VS. Guilt
3rd Stage: Children start to play and initiate with others, if squeled through critism or control they develop guilt lack self initiative and feel like a nuisance
Industry VS. Inferiority
4th Stage: Children entering puberty, develop pride in accomplishments, confidence in taking initiative, if not they become followers, feel like they are inferior not reaching potential.
Identity VS. Role Confusion
5th Stage: Adolesence time for exploration on who they are creating identity and figuring out what their future may look like: School/ Career/ relationships etc.
Intimacy VS. Isolation
6th Stage: Early Adulthood creating and maintening longer more meaningful relationships outside family OR becoming mistrusting, fearing and isolated.
Generativity VS. Stagnation
7th Stage: Middle Adulthood, generating family, work and productivity in community OR feeling of unproductivity or stagnation
Ego Integrity VS. Despair
8th Final Stage: Elderly look upon their life with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaciton in their life’s productivity OR they are unsatisfied and feeling time wasted.
Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan
Difficulty using language to speak or write.
Cultural Changes DSM 5
there is recognition that every disorder is inherity culture-bound. DSM 5 now has cultural syndromes, cultural idioms, and cultural explanations to help diagnosis
In the event you must give court / legal client information you should
Attempt to contact the client about the disclosure of the information.
In the event you share information after using a client consent form you should also
Attempt to contact the client about the sharing of the information.
Paradoxical Intent or directive
Strategic Family Therapy: When Counselor prescribes or tells client to continue symptomatic behavior so they realize their control over it.
Bowenian Family Trx- Differentiation is theprocess of freeing yourself from your family’s processes to define yourself. This means being able to have different opinions and values than your family members, but being able to stay emotionally connected to them.
Emotional Fusion
Counter to Differentiation, when family members share a emotional response, result of poor interpersonal boundaries. No room for emotional autonomy.
Relabeling Paradigm
Renaming the problem or person so situation can be viewed differently
First Order Changes
“Strategic Family Trx”
Strategic Family Trx- superficial behavior changes within system that do not change the structure
Second Order Changes
Strategic Family Trx - Changes to system pattern to reorganize and function more effectivily
Pretend Technique
Strategic Family Trx- encouraging family members to pretend, voluntery control over behavior
Strategic Family Therapy
Can be active, brief and direct. More interested in changing behavior not understanding. Alters the cycle that keeps symptomatic behavior
Advance Directives (Medicare & Medicaid) for health care facilities (REDD)
Inform clients of & allow clients to Rights Educate Decision making Documentation ...all in regards to Advanced directives
Partializing Techniques
Assisting client to break down problem or goals into less complex issues into simpler ones.
Hinder or restrain
Based on ONLY ONE acceptable norm or standard for everyone. Hinders Therapeutic relationship because it will not accept the many valid norms / standards of clients.
Psychoanalytic Theory
Client is seen as product of past, believe that personality/behavior derive from constant unique interactions between levels of awareness conscious, pre-conscious and unconscious AND that personalities are made from Id, Ego and Super Ego
Social Exchange
Based on totaling benefits and losses to determine behavior. (i.e battered client will leave abusive relationship when alt is seen better) Rewards outweigh costs.
Covert Modeling
Clients are asked to use imagination, visualize the desired behavior.
when clients are videotaped demonstrating the behavior and this tape is watched and discussed
Live Modeling
Watching a live person performing the desired behavior
Symbolic Modeling
Watching others who have been video tapped perform the desired behavior.
DSM - “Other Specified”… used when
…When the social worker provides a reason why a condition does not qualify for a disorder.
Reintegration for SUD High Risk
- Regular assessment / service determination 2. Natural / Peer supports 3. F/U on success of discharge plan
Directing feeling toward a person or situation that is not the source of the emotion. (man angry with boss kicks his dog)
Placing one’s own disowned attitudes, behaviors, wishes and feelings onto another external object or person
Reaction formation
When a person takes on affect, behaviors and attitudes which are not congruent of how they actual feel ( Mary is angry but speaks very sweetly to mask her anger)
repressed urge transforming into physical distrubance (pain, blindness, paralysis)
When a person attributes exagerrated negative qualities onto self or another
Banishing or forgetting impluses which are thought to be unnacceptable from consciousness
resorting to previous behaviors learned in infancy
When a client (Normally Boarderline) will percieve people and self as all bad or all good
Channeling maladaptive behaviors into sociall acceptable and adaptive activities ( angry person channels into atheltics)
The redirection of feelings for a significant person onto the social worker (manifests in attraction, rage, dependence, etc)
Counter Transference
When a social worker transfers their own feelings onto a client due to past connection or trigger (feeling familiar with client, or situation)
Freud’s Sexual Stages
- Oral (1yrs) 2. Anal (2yrs) 3. Phallic (3-5yrs) 4. Latency (5-puberty) 5. Genital (begins at puberty)
Projective Test
Psychoanalytical approach seeking unconscious thoughts, using scenes word and images
Dichotomous Thinker
Spirituality: Last stage where people come to a deeper understanding of good and evil and integrate their beliefs into their worldview and behavior
Consent Vs Assent
Consent is legal term means what client is willing to and has legal authority to consent to trx, Where As, Assent is the willingness to participate but is not a legal meaning because it can be granted with out legal authority (gaurdianship)
Question: When Q asks (what is the BEST way to Assist the client) it is looking for
An intervention which helps with the target problem
Ego Synotic beliefs
Psychoanalytical: Refers tothe behaviors, values, and feelings that are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and goals of the ego, or consistent with one’s ideal self-image.
Isolation of Affect
Defense mechanism: in whichthe individual screens out painful feelingsby recalling a traumatic or painful event without experiencing the emotion associated with it.
Three Types of Research Deisgn
Experimental, quasi-experimental, pre-experimental
Experimental Designs
Research Method: Randomized experiments most rigorous and sometimes not available.
Quasi- Experimental Design
Research Method: Uses intervention and controlled comparision groups, but assignment to groups is not randomized
Pre- Experimental Design
Research Method: Contain only intervention groups and no comparision groups making their validity the weakness of all study methods
Single- Subject Research
Research Design: Aimed to see if intervention has the intedend impact on client/group. Most commonly seen in pre/post testing or single case study (AB) (ABA) or (ABAB)
Internal Validity
Is the study actually measuring the causation between target behavior and intervention. Any other reasons for outcome within study.
External Validity
Asks if the study can be generalizable to society. (if the study sees behavior control amongst teens but only studies male teens, it is not generalizable to all teens as females where not studied)
Descriptive Vs Inferential Statistics
Descriptive Stats describe the collected data pool (age, race, how many, where, when, who) Inferential Stats is the describe the probablity of the present or lacking causation in the study or the findings.
A double Blind
Research Study: Where neither the researcher or the participants know which control group they are a part of.
A Single Blind
Research Study: Where the researcher knows which participants are in which study control groups, but the participants do not know
Cognitive Dissoance
A state of conflict in the mind, where there are two opposing views and the brain trys to justify attitudes or behavior. (I.E Girl admits to being in great financial debt, but justifies buying things at target)
Tarasoff Decision
Must include: A threat of danger, identifiable third party, personal harm must be imminent
Research Design Definitions: (A) & (B)
(A) is the presentation or behavior before intervention (B) is the behavior or presentation after the intervention
Reporting Abuse
Client does not: need to given consent or assent, Report SHOULD be
Token Economy
Reward is given consistently when behavior is exhibited, should be seen by the client and the reward must be something of value for the client
Fee Splitting
Fee splitting isthe practice of sharing fees with professional colleagues, such as physicians or lawyers, in return for being sent referrals.
Object Relations (Malher Stages)
Normal autism, Normal Symbiotic, Separation Individuation/ Hatching / Practicing / Rapprochement, Object constancy
Rapprochement (Object Relations)
After gaining the ability for physical distance through abililty to mobilize, children often retreat back to parents or attempt to keep them in physical view at all times for a sense of safety.
Medical condition resulting in confusion, disruptions in thinking and behavior, changes in perceptions, attention and mood.
Changes in memory and intellect are slowly dimished over months/ years.
Delirium VS Dementia
They are very similar in presentation, and Dementia patients are very suspitable to Delirium however Dementia is a slow decline (months/years), Where Delirium would be a completel change flucuating within a day.
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
When a caregiver makes up or causes illness or injury in a person under his / her care to create evidence that their victim is ill or injured. The victims normally children or eldery must be removed from the home immediately.
Or hypochondriac, become unduly alarmed about any physical or psychological symptoms they detect, no matter how minor the symptom may be, and are convinced that they have, or are about to be diagnosed with, a serious illness.
Termination Process includes
Acknowledgement of loss SW and Client, Identification of resources to meet future needs, Review of client accomplishments
Institutional Discrimination can Include
Not providing translation services, Only offering services on Saturday (religion), Not hiring persons born outside the US
(Ethical or Not) - Referring client to another SW based on his/her cultural background?
Ethical - Unless pattern arises, if client and social worker conclude together that there may be a better fit this action is non discrimatory
Entropy (systems Th)
Closed, disorganized, stagnant, choatic
Negative Entropy (systems Th)
exchange energy and resources between systems which generates growth and transformation
Differentiation (systems Th)
Becoming Specialized in structure and function
Equifinality (systems Th)
Arriving at the same end from different beginnings
Closed Systems (systems Th)
Used up all its energy and dies out
Suprasystems (systems Th)
An entity that is served by a number of component systems organized in interacting relationships
Subsystem (systems Th)
When two or more major components of one large systems interact to attain their own purposes and the purposes of the large system of which they belong
Physical Symptoms of Trauma
Muscle tension, Insomnia, Aches & Pains
Emotional/ Psychological Symptoms of Trauma
Feeling Disconnected,
Group Think
When the group makes faulty decisions due to group pressures, they ignore alternatives & dehumanize other groups. Group are vunerable to this when its members are too closely linked/similar
Group Polarization
When discussion strengthens a dominate point of view and the group adopts a extreme position which they would not have gotten to on their own
IEP (school plans) are reviewed…?
Negative Reinforcement
The removal of something negative to strengthen a behavior; such as wife stops nagging husband to take trash out, husband then takes trash out
Positive Reinforcement
When a behavior is encouraged by rewards
Intermittent Reinforcement
When a behavior has a positive or nagtive response which only sometimes occurs; Boy comes home late, only sometimes does his father become very angry ( is some how the most effective change to behavior)
Aversion Treatment
Common example Antibuse: curing the repeated behavior by making the behavior less desireable: Putting pepper on your nails so you don’t bit them
Stopping a repeating behavior by not engaging at all: Boy is beat up on play ground, extinction, boy does not go to play ground
Receptive Communication
Develops in early childhood: Understanding what others say to you
Expressive Communication
Develops later in adolscents: using words and gestures to communicate with others
General Systems Theory
The examination of Homeostasis and the mechanisms that affect it
Male and Female Roles (Aging Parents)
Males: Do it out of social norms, obligation and self interest…… Females: Dot it out of Intimacy, affection for parents, Altruism
Beck’s Depression Inventory
Assesses the degree of depression in adolscents and adults
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Objective verbal inventory designed as a personality test through psychopathology lens
Myer’s Briggs
Forced-choice, self report which clsasifies people into 4 different dimensions
Rorschach Ink Blot Test
Projective Test: Based on perceptual reactions & psychological functioning. Is the most widely used projective test
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
Scores children and adults for intelligence and cognitive ability
Thematic Apperception Test ( TAT)
Projective test, which uses story building by the client, who is asked to fill in information and story lines by client thoughts
Weschler Intelligence Test
The Score and measure of childrens intellectual and cogntive ability
Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale
Assesses childhood suicidality
Effects of Corporal Punishment in Adolescents
Relatively frequent corporal punishment in adolscents can significantly increases risk of suicidal ths/behaviors at any point in clients lives
Anna was in a car accident in early childhood and can no longer use her legs, anna is 16 now how should parents best support Anna?
Set normal rules and limits in the home, only help Anna when she asks, allow normal friendships and relationships
Cyber Bullying (Gender Differences)
Girls are more likely to be victims and perps, and is typically the behavior of individuals in social/school peers.
Examples of Summative Practice Evaluations
Cost benefit analysis, Impact evaluation, Effectiviness Survey
Examples of Formative Practice Evaluations
Needs Assessment,
Why is it important to discuss the cause of traumatic event (working with Crisis)
To help client navigate future Crises
What is the most common defense mechanism used for Adult Survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Vicarious Liability
Vicarious liability is created by an action (or lack of required action) by one party working on behalf of another (i.e a worker is acting in unethical manner and it effects the agency/supervisor)
Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) does not believe in …?
The importance or power of Self-Esteem (believing it causes unrealistic & unproductive attitudes) and rather believes that unconditional acceptance of self and others is healthier mind set
The Concept of Ego Strength (Freud)
It is the way in which self negotiates with demands of the world, helps maintain internal stability, and is linked to fewer Psychiatric crises
Consequential Thinking (best described)
is a concept often used in treating conditions that involve impulsive behavior; where individuals acnticipate probable outcomes of their behavior allowing for logic to govern how they choose to act
is when a social worker offers an explanation to a client in order to enhance the understanding, make connections, and facilitate the development of insight.
Reality Testing
Reality testing is when a social worker evaluates a client’s ability to judge the external world objectively and to distinguish between it and the ideas that are in the client’s mind.
What are the three categories of Social Work Service Programs?
Exceptional Eligibility Programs, Universal Programs, and Selective Eligibility Programs
Classical Conditioning
used to train autonomic responses and to associate a stimulus that normally wouldn’t have any effect with a stimulus
Operant Conditioning
creates an association between a behavior and a consequence . (also called response-stimulus)
False Imputation
is the attribution of symptoms to another source for gain.
Pure Malingering
is the expression of a disorder the client does not have, presume a secondary gain motivation
Partial Malingering
is the exaggeration of real symptoms for a secondary gain
Universal Residual Program
is an emergency based program that provides benefits to all members of society
Selective Residual Program
Short term, provided to a restricted group that demonstrates needs
Universal Institutional Program
provides benefits to all members of society
Social Work Broker
research assessment and linkage for those in need
Social Work Change Agents
Address needs of a larger group/population
Social Work Advocates
Speak up for the rights of clients
“Only” Children are most likely seen in adulthood with…
high achievement, motivation and well developed verbal skills. Are readily adaptable, and often have feelings about themselves concerning their status as “only children”
Communication behaviors based on range of variables related to body movement
What is known about short term treamtent interventions?
Clients perfer them over long term trx, they are often driven by managed care, there is a high variable in their duration
C.A.G.E Assessment
Use for Substance use: Cut down on consumption, Annoyed by criticizing friends, Guilty feelings about your drinking, Eye opener or having a drink in the morning to satisfy hangover?
Hearing Loss Young VS. Elderly
Those in the younger age group are likely to adapt much more easily,
Steps to Crisis Intervention (SRMEGP)
Safety, Rapport, Major Problems, Explorations feelings,Generation of alternative/coping, Plan
Five Requirements of Law
Constitutional, Statutory, Regulated, Common Laws, & Excutive Orders
Substance Use Models
Biopsychosocial Model, Medical Model, Self Medication Model, Family/Environmental Model, Social Model
The Stages of Group Dynamics
Forming, Storming, Norming, Preforming, Adjourning OR Preaffiliation, Power & Control, Intimacy, Differentiation, Termination