Astrocytes and the CNS Flashcards
General morphological features of astrocytes
- Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) staining reveals the traditional star shaped morophology. However, they do not stain finer processes. Other dye staining reveals that they have rather dense astrophytic processes.
- Histology reveals that astrocytes and synapses are closely associated, suggesting an important supportive role of the astrocytes.
- Astrocyte end feed are in close contact with blood vessels
- Astrocytes are closely connected to one another via gap junctions to create a network
- In rodents (less so in humans) they are highly territorial. When activated, their territories overlap more. In severe astrogliosis, they proliferate
Five general functions of astrocytes
- Developmental
- Structural
- Metabolic
- Homeostatic
- Signalling (controversial)
Summarise the developmental functions of astrocytes
a) Regulation of neuro– and gliogenesis – astroglia are stem elements of the CNS
b) Neuronal path finding
c) Regulation of synaptogenesis (critical for some, or all, of synaptogenesis, including formation, pre-and post-synaptic function and elimination): this role may be retained in the adult CNS
Summarise the structural functions of astroyctes
a) Astroglia divide the grey matter into independent territories and form neuro-vascular units (impairment of which could lead to cognitive impairment).
b) Astrocytes form anatomically segregated networks and integrate other neural cells into these networks
c. ) Formation of the glial-vascular interface and regulation of blood-brain barrier
Summarise the metabolic functions of astrocytes
a) Regulation of cerebral microcirculation
b) Providing energy substrates for neurones through glucose-lactate shuttle
c) Recycling of glutamate and synthesis of glutamine (NB: neurons cannot synthetise glutamine)
Summarise the homeostatic functions of microglia
a) Regulation of extracellular ion concentrations; in particular sequestration and redistributionof K+ following fluctuations associated with neuronal activity
b) Regulation of extracellular pH
c) Homeostasis of neurotransmitters and specifically glutamate
d) Brain water homeostasis
Summarise the signalling functions of astrocytes
Signalling in astrocytes remains as a controverisal issue. Proposed functions include:
a) Modulation of synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity
b) Release of gliotransmitters (controversial, particularly vesicular glutamate release)
c) Long-range signalling within the glial network
d) Integration of neuronal-glial networks : brain function would arise from the activity of a neuron-glia network
In which functions are astrocytes heterogenous?
The list of functions is an extraordinary amount of functions for any one cell to perform. It is likely that, much like neurons, there are subgroups of astrocytes performing different functions. For simplicity, they are generally divided into grey matter astrocytes (protoplasmic) and white matter astrocytes (fibroplasmic).
However, it is likely that they differ in:
- Morphology. Ten types identified thus far
- Membrane currents
- Transmitter receptor expression, particularly glutamate and glutamate transporters
- Coupling of gap junctions
- Ca++ signalling
- Volume regulation.
These data however come from an older review - there is even newer data showing that astrocytes can be specialised in their functions etc to specific neuronal circuits (2017).
What is the evidence for neural circuit specific astrocytes?
Astrocytes and neurons in striatal and hippocampal sections of mice have revealed that the striatum has a larger neuron to astrocyte ratio
Striatum is made up of small GABAergic neuron, and has many more neurons per astrocyte than the hippocampus, where there are mainly pyramidal glutamatergic cells.
Different neurons had different neurons accompanying them. For example, in dense GABAergic regions, astrocytes may not express many glutamate receptors compared to areas with high glutamate signalling.
What is the general hypothesis of gliotransmission?
- NT release by neurons can bind to astocytes and elicit a reponse
- Ca++ increases in astrocytes elicit the regulated release from astrocytes of gliotransmitters e.g. glutamate, purines (ATP and adenosine), GABA, D-serine (this is not controversial, it is known they can release them)
•These trigger receptor-mediated currents in neurons
•It is likely that astrocytes express receptors and transporters for almost all NT (this is not controversial)
What is currently controversial regarding the gliotransmission hypothesis?
It is well known and not contested that astrocytes can open channels and release glutamate under pathological conditions, such as reversal of EAA transporter, or swelling-induced opening of volume-regulated anion channels. Etc.
It is not contested that they can release glutamate. What is contested however is whether this is
A.) Simply and only a passive response with a linear relationship to neuronal activity e.g. the more activity in presynaptic neuron, the more Ca++ influx to the astrocyte and thus more glutamate release
B.) A pathological event
C.) Or whether astrocytes are capable of integrating information
Why are astrocytes proposed to particpate in gliosis?
- They have cellular excitability (they can respond with increase of Ca++ to sensory stimulation)
- They can discriminate activity of different pathways: e.g., astrocytes in CA1 of the hippocampus do not respond to Glu released following stimulation of the alveus, but they respond to Glu released by Schaffer collateral (or to Ach released following alveus stimulation)
- Ca++ signals show non-linear relationship with synaptic activity or exogenous application of neurotransmitters.
Evidence for astrocyte role in working memory?
Han et al 2012 assessed the effect of cannabinoid-mediate deficit in working memory in mice using a maze test. They selectively blocked CB1 receptors on either the astrocytes, the glutamatergic neurons or the GABAergic neurons in the CA3-CA1 region of the hippocampus. Only KO of astrocyte CB1 prevented working memory deficit with cannabinoid exposure. This lead to the conclusion that astrocytes mediate cannabinoid deficits in spatial working memory.
What is the hypothesised mechanism for astrocytes role in memory during cannabinoid exposure?
- Cannabinoids bind to all CB1R (in black)
- Astrocytes release glutamate (purple)
- Glutamate binds to NMDAR
- AMPAR is internalised
- LTD is induced
- The mouse is lost
content review needed
What is the theory of astrocyte role in sleep regulation?
Astrocytes release ATP, which gets converted to adenosine in the extracellular space. This binds to A1R on presynpatic neurons and having an inhibitory effect, which may be involved in sleep-wake regulation.
What are the main obstacles in astrocyte research?
Many emerging theories on astrocytes are difficult to prove, for several reasons:
- There is no universal astrocyte marker. They are heterogenous, therefore it is difficult not only to label them (for example, GFAP does not label all astrocytes or fine processes), and also to knock out all astrocytes. This can allow for selectitivity too which is a benefit
- Astrocytes are designed to react to any small changes, therefore any in-vitro studies involving removing astrocytes from brain are unlikely to reflex resting in-vivo morphology. Even culutred astrocytes are likely to be quite different. This makes the study of astrocytes unreliable and also correlative
How can astrocytes contribute to CNS pathology?
Astrocytes can play primary or contributing roles to CNS pathology
Pathology can be linked to loss of normal astrocyte function or gain of abnormal effect
It is often difficult to establish whether their role is primary or secondary to neuronal dysfunction - for example, we do not know when time zero is for many disorders. We are only conducting research by time the disorder has already developed.
What are the two main types of astrocyte pathology?
- Asthenia/atrophy. This is a loss of function pathology. They shrink, reducing their synaptic coverage, their homestatic capability and their network connectivity.
- Reactive astrogliosis. This can confer loss or gain of function. There are two subtypes - isomorphic, where domains are maintained [loss or gain of function] and anisomorphic, where domains are lost. This when an astriogliotic scar forms. Reactivity serves the biological function of having a protective effect - however the difference between protection and pathology is unclear. Reactive astrogliosis is a feature of many neurodegeneration.
What are the four stages of astrogliosis?
- Healthy tissue. Some express GFAP, little overlap, no proliferation.
- Mild - moderate. Most express GFAP, little overlap, no proliferation
- Severe diffuse. Most express GFAP, domain disruption, proliferation
- Severe astrogliosis with compact scar formation. A scar forms around regions of tissue damage and inflammation. It serves the function of neuroprotective barrier to inflammatory cells and infectious agents, and reduce oedema, but can prevent axonal regeneration
What are the main causes of severe astrogliosis with compact scar formation?
Autoimmune inflammation
What is a case study disorder that indicates that astrocytes can be causative of a neurodegenerative disorder?
Alexanders disease
- Evidence that astrocytes can be the primary cause of CNS disease
- Genetic disorder of astrocytes
- Dominant, gain-of-function mutation of the GFAP gene.
- Astrocytes hypertrophic and GFAP-expressing
- Symptoms: macrocephaly, seizures, psychomotor disturbances and premature death
What astrocyte pathologies and changes are observed in AD ( 5points)
- Post mortem tissues show reactive astrogliosis, where scars are forming around plaques. Intensity of AD parrells this R.A. However, this represents a late stage of the diease.
- Animal models and some human studies have also found atrophy of astroglia.
- Glutamate transporters of astrocytes decline with disease progression
- Reactive astrocytes contain substantial amounts of amyloid. It is unknown whether this is beneficial (e.g. protective) or determimental (e.g. causing damage)
- They may lose ability to degrade AB and may begin to produce it.