Asthma Flashcards
Chronic inflammatory airway disease characterised by variable reversible airway obstruction, airway hyper-responsiveness and bronchial inflammation
What are the risk factors?
- Genetic Factors
Family history
Atopy (tendency for T lymphocytes to drive production of IgE on exposure to allergens)
Genes associated with disease – ADAM 33, dipeptidyl peptidase 10, PHD finger protein 11, prostanoid DP1 receptor, TNF, chromosome 12q
- Environmental Factors
House dust mites
Cigarette smoke
Viral respiratory tract infections
Bacterial infections (mycoplasma pneumonia or chlamydia pneumonia)
Aspergillus fumigatus spores
Occupational allergens
What is the pathophysiology?
There are 2 major elements in the pathophysiology: inflammation and airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR). The large airways and the small airways with diameters <2 micrometres are the sites of inflammation and airway obstruction.
What’s the epidemiology?
Affects 10% of children
Affects 5% of adults
Prevalence appears to be increasing
40-60% have acid reflux disease
Other associated diseases – polyarteritis nodosa, Churg-Strauss syndrome
What are the presenting symptoms?
Episodic history
Expiratory Wheeze
Cough (worse in the morning and at night)
IMPORTANT: ask about previous hospitalisation due to acute attacks - this gives an indication of the severity of the asthma
Check for history of atopic disease (e.g. allergic rhinitis, urticaria, eczema)
What are the precipitating factors?
-Precipitating Factors
Viral infection
Drugs (e.g. beta-blockers, NSAIDs)
What are the signs of asthma?
Use of accessory muscles
Prolonged expiratory phase
Polyphonic wheeze
Hyperinflated chest
Hyperresonant percussion
What are the signs of an acute severe attack?
PEFR 33-50% predicted
Pulse > 110bpm
RR > 25/min
Inability to complete sentences in one breath
What are the signs of a life threatening attack?
PEFR < 33% predicted
Silent chest
Cyanosis (low O2, normal CO2, SpO2<92%)
Arrythmia, Hypotension
Exhaustion/ Confusion/ Coma
ABG (normal or high CO2, PaO2 low or sats <92%)
What investigations for acute asthma?
FEV1/FVC ratio - <80% of predicted
Peak flow
Pulse oximetry
ABG if sats <92%/ life threatening features
CXR - to exclude other diagnoses (e.g. pneumonia, pneumothorax), may be hyperinflated
FBC - raised WCC if infective exacerbation
Blood and sputum cultures
What investigations for chronic asthma?
Peak flow monitoring - often shows diurnal variation with a dip in the morning
Pulmonary function test
Bloods - check:
IgE level
Aspergillus antibody titres
Skin prick tests - helps identify allergens
How would you manage acute asthma?
Assess severity of attack (using the above guidelines, warn ICU if life threatening)
Immediate treatment:
Supplemental O2 to maintain sats at 94-98%
Salbutamol 5mg (or terbutiline 10mg) nebulized with O2
If severe/life threatening, add in ipratropium bromide 0.5g/6h to nebulizers
Hydrocortisone 100mg IV or prednisolone 40-50mg PO
Reasses every 15 mins
If PEF <75%, give salbutamol nebuliser every 15-20mins or 10mg/h continuously
Monitor ECG for arrhythmias
If life threatening and no response to initial therapy – consider IV magnesium sulphate 1.2-2g over 20mins
If no improvement – ITU referral, IV salbutamol if following signs present:
Deteriorating PEF
Worsening hypoxia
ABG – low pH or high H
Exhaustion, feeble respiration
Drowsiness, confusion
Respiratory arrest
If improving within 15-30mins:
Continue nebulized salbutamol every 4-6h
Prednisolone 40-50mg PO on discharge for 5-7days
Keep monitoring
If PEF>75% 1h after initial treatment, consider discharge with outpatient follow up
When would you discharge an acutely ill patient?
PEF > 75% predicted with diurnal variation < 25%
Inhaler technique checked
Stable on discharge medication for 24 hours
Patient owns a PEF meter, written management plan
Patient has steroid (inhlaed and oral) and bronchodilator therapy
Arrange follow-up – GP appointment in 2d and resp clinic appointment in 4w
How would you treat chronic asthma?
Start on the step that matches the severity of the patient’s asthma
Inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonist used as needed
If used > 1/day or night time symptoms, then move onto step 2
Step 1 + regular inhaled low-dose corticosteroids (e.g. beclometasone 200 mcg/day) or start at dose appropriate to severity
Step 2 + inhaled long-acting beta-2 agonist (e.g. salmeterol 50mcg/12h)
If inadequate control with LABA, increase steroid dose (800 mcg/day)
If no response to LABA, stop LABA and increase steroid dose (800 mcg/day)
Increase inhaled steroid dose (2000 mcg/day)
Add 4th drug (e.g. leukotriene antagonist, slow-release theophylline or beta-2 agonist tablet)
Add regular oral prednisolone
Maintain high-dose inhaled steroids
Refer to specialist care
What advice can you give?
Teach proper inhaler technique
Help to quit smoking
Explain important of PEFR monitoring
Avoid provoking factors
What are the possible complications?
Growth retardation
Chest wall deformity (e.g. pigeon chest)
Recurrent infections
Respiratory failure
What’s the prognosis?
Many children improve as they grow older
Adult-onset asthma is usually chronic