ASTACSOP Flashcards
When are GINGERBREAD procedures executed?
failed two opportunities to authenticate
Chattermark plan should consist of how many frequencies?
3 with different waveforms and freq bands (i.e. HQ, SINCGARS, and UHF)
When may a station initiate a BEADWINDOW call?
Friendly info compromised
No Comm Signals:
- Porpoise -
- Wing Rock -
- Tail Wag -
- Lead Change (at night)
- Combat Cruise
- Next closer formation
- Next formation out
- a/c go trail
- flt lead moves chem stick or flash light in circular motion
- Punching palm of hand with fist followed by hitchhiking moving shoulder to shoulder
HEFOE stands for? How do you indicate the number
- Hydraulic
- Electrical
- Fuel
- Ordnance
- Engine
Place forehead down on forearm then indicate the number
No comm cherry and ice no comm plan
cherry - flashing IR or overt searchlight
ice - steady IR or overt searchlight
How many EMCON levels and what are they?
3 levels
Level 1 - Electronic threat negligible
Level 2 - Serious electronic threat, landings using MINCOM, use brevity codes, all other emitters used
Level 3 - Serious electronic emissions threat, electronic emissions prohibited (radios, DME, IFF [minus mode 4/5]), radalt used if required by NATOPS/safety of flight
How many alert conditions are there? What are they?
- CONDITION 5/ALERT 120: Ordnance prestaged, aircrew have been briefed, aircraft safe for flight and signed for. Aircrews standby in the ready room or quarters as appropriate. Aircraft maintenance will not be performed without approval of the aircraft commander. Aircrew shall draw personal weapons and ammunition as early as possible prior to standing the alert. Aircraft should be airborne within 120 minutes of the order to launch.
- CONDITION 4/ALERT 60: Same as CONDITION 5/ALERT 120 with the addition of aircraft prefighted and ordnance loaded. Aircraft should be airborne within 60 minutes of the order to launch.
- CONDITION 3/ALERT 30: Same as CONDITION 4/ALERT 60 with aircraft spotted/spread, turned, armed and op-checked to include weapons systems and comm checks. Once checked, de-arm and shut down. Aircrews stand by in the ready room or with the Air Boss as appropriate. Aircraft should be airborne within 30 minutes of the order to launch.
- CONDITION 2/ALERT 15: Same as CONDITION 3/ALERT 30 with the addition of aircrew in the aircraft. Aircraft should be airborne within 15 minutes of the order to launch.
- CONDITION 1/ALERT 5: Aircraft turning, armed, and checklists complete awaiting order to launch. Aircraft should be airborne within 5 minutes of the order to launch.
During detached escort, how long should escorts plan to be in the LZ for zone recce?
10 mins
When does someone use DIRT while inflight?
search/acquisition strobe on RSI
When does someone use MUD while inflight?
Track strobe on RSI
“chaff chaff chaff, break L, MUD 8 at 12 o’clock”
Brevity code for scatter plan?
For IIMC -2 climbs ___’ above MSA
For BLIND, wingman climbs ___’ above/below lead
deliberate navigation deviation
Proword MAGELLAN and what are the standards
unplanned navigational deviation
“Magellan” followed by steer (az and distance) to course
Heading = 15 deg
Lateral = 1nm (1:250,000) or 500m (1:50,000)
Mando Obj Area comms
AFL - CP name as fragged or with exceptions (last CP prior to IP)
EFL - LZ Ice/cherry
AFL - IP inbound, LZ XXXX
EFL - Continue/Hold, established (location)
AFL - Lifting, LZ XXX, # PAX inserted or extracted
What is a field of fire?
depict the traverse range of a weapon system limited by the mechanical stops and max effective range of the weapon system.
What are the three recovery vehicle options for TRAP?
- SNATCH - RV lands, fire team force egresses, recovers isolated personnel (min time on deck)
- Fly Away - RV lands, inserts TRAP force then departs zone until called in for extract
- Offset - RV inserts TRAP force displaced from isolated person location
Name four classification of casualties:
- Urgent - 1 hr to save life/limb
- Priority - 4 hr to save life/limb
- Routine - not require immediate medical attention
- Convenience - evac a matter of convenience than necessity
Name basic capability of four roles of care
Role 1 - first responder
Role 2 - ships medical department, mobile medical treatment facility, Blt Aid Station
Role 3 - Theater hospital (i.e. hospital ship)
Role 4 - Definitive care (VA Hospital)
What is a slant count?
# men / # women / # children i.e. 3 men and 2 women and 0 children would be 3/2/0
Jack (proword)
radio c/s of isolated personnel when c/s unknown
Empty Nest (proword)
Survivor not located