Associations 3 Flashcards
Physical findings of basilar skull fracture
Raccoon eyes (periorbital bruising)
Battle sign (bruising over mastoid process)
Blood behind TM
CSF rhinorrhea or otorrhea (bad sign)
Signs of increased ICP
Cushingβs triad (HTN, bradycardia, bradypnea)
Pupil asymmetry
Neck zone I structures
Clavicles to cricoid
great vessels, aortic arch; trachea, esophagus, lung apices; cervical spine, spinal cord and nerve roots
Neck zone II structures
Cricoid to angle of mandible
carotid and vertebral arteries, jugular veins; pharynx, larynx, trachea, esophagus; cervical spine and spinal cord
Neck zone III structures
Angle of mandible to base of skull
salivary and parotid glands; esophagus, trachea; carotid arteries, jugular veins; cervical spine, major cranial nerves
Chest trauma with hyperresonance, decreased breath sounds
Chest trauma with paradoxical breathing
Flail chest
Chest trauma with decreased heart sounds, JVD, pulsus paradoxus
Cardiac tamponade
Chest trauma with widened mediastinum, unstable vital signs
Aortic rupture
Potentially fatal injuries w/ chest trauma
Aortic rupture
Tension pneumothorax
Cardiac tamponade
Sites of significant (>1,500 mL) blood loss frequently not found by PE
Blood left at scene Pleural cavity (CXR) Intra-abdominal (CT/US) Pelvic (CT) Bleeding into thights (x-ray)
Intraperitoneal rupture of bladder
Bladder dome
Usu blunt trauma
Cystoscopy + surgical repair
Extraperitoneal rupture of bladder
Anterior/lateral wall
Usu pelvic fx
Can be treated non-operatively
Transplant + maculopapular rash, abdominal pain, N/V, diarrhea, recurrent infections, easy bleeding
Graft vs host disease (donor immune cells attack host)
+LFT, decreased Ig, platelets; inflammation and cell death on biopsy of skin/liver
Indications for BM transplant
Aplastic anemia
Induction chemotherapy
Leukemia, lymphoma, hematopoietic disorders
Indications for heart transplant
Severe heart disease w/ estimated death w/i 2 years (CAD, congenital defects, cardiomyopathy)
Indications for lung transplant
COPD (esp alpha-1-antitrypsin)
Primary pulmonary HTN
Cystic fibrosis
Estimated death w/i 2 years
Indications for liver transplant
Chronic hepatitis B or C Alcoholic cirrhosis Primary biliary cirrhosis Primary sclerosing cholangitis Biliary atresia Progressive Wilson disease
Indications for renal transplant
ESRD requiring dialysis
Indications for pancreas transplant
DM type I w/ renal failure
C/I to heart transplant
Pulmonary HTN (need concurrent lung transplant) Smoking w/i 6 months Renal insufficiency COPD 70+ Terminal illness
C/I to lung transplant
Smoking w/i 6 months Poor cardiac, renal, hepatic fxn Terminal illness 65+ HIV
C/I to hepatic transplant
Multiple suicide attempts
Liver cancer
Cirrhosis from chronic hepatitis
Transplant rejection w/i 24 hr
Antidonor antibodies in recipient (avoid by crossmatching)
Transplant rejection w/i 6 days to 1 year
Antidonor T-cell proliferation in recipient
Transplant rejection over 1 year later
Multiple immune rxns to donor tissue
Normal is 80%
110% may be restrictive
Normal A-a gradient
5-15 mm Hg
Increased A-a gradient
Pulm embolism
Pulm edema
R to L shunt
False normal A-a gradient w/ hypoxia
High altitudes
Centor criteria
(Strep throat) Fever Tonsillar exudates Anterior cervical lymphadenopathy Absence of cough (Under 44 yo) 0-1 pt: no cx, no abx 2-3 pt: cx, abx if necessary 4+ pt: empiric abx
Sore throat + amoxicillin = rash
Possible amoxicillin allergy
Possible mononucleosis
Muffled βhot potatoβ voice + sore throat, fever, lockjaw, drooling + abscess on tonsil or uvula deviation
Peritonsillar abscess
Complications of strep pharyngitis
Acute rheumatic fever (can be prevented w/ abx)
Post-strep glomerulonephritis (not prevented w/ abx)
MCC bronchitis (overall, non-smokers, smokers)
S. pneumo and H. influenzae
PNA + lobar consolidation
Bacterial, typical
PNA + diffuse bilateral infiltrates on CXR
MCC PNA in children
Viral (RSV)
MCC PNA in adults
S. pneumo
PNA in cystic fibrosis
PNA in sickle cell
S. pneumo
H. influenzae
PNA in alcoholics or aspiration
PNA in young adults
PNA w/ rust-colored sputum
S. pneumo
PNA w/ currant-jelly sputum
MCC PNA in neonates
GBS, E coli, Listeria
MCC PNA infants - 5 yo
RSV, S. pneumo
MCC PNA 5-20 yo
S. pneumo, Mycoplasma, Chlamydophila, RSV
MCC PNA 20-60 yo
S. pneumo, Mycoplasma, Viruses, Chlamydophila (<40)
MCC PNA 60+ yo
S. pneumo, H. influenzae, Clamydophila, S. aureus, E. coli, Listeria
Nosocomial PNA causes
S. aureus
PNA w/ Gram + clusters
S. aureus
PNA w/ Gram + pairs
S. pneumo
PNA w/ Gram - rods
E. coli
PNA w/ Gram + cocci in neonate
PNA + travel to SW US
PNA + caves/bat droppings
PNA + Eastern N. America travel
PNA + Central America travel
PNA + immunocompromised (esp <200 CD4 HIV)
Pneumocystis jirovecii
PPD positive at 5 mm
HIV positive
Close contact w/ TB-infected patient
TB signs on CXR
PPD positive at 10 mm
Homeless patients Immigrants from developing nations IVDU Chronically ill patients Health care workers Recent incarceration
PPD positive at 15 mm