Assignment 7 Flashcards
Regression Line
The best fitting line through a scatter plot.
The rate of change of a line. The slope describes how fast the line is rising or sinking. It is expressed as the change in y per unit change in x.
The point along the ordinate (the y axis) where a line cuts through when x = 0.
Pearson Correlation Coefficient
A parametric measure of association, bounded by + or - 1 in which the observed covariance of two variables is divided by the maximum possible covariance.
One of the main assumptions of regression analysis which states that the variability of the y variable is constant across values of x.
In regression analysis when the variability of the y variable is not constant across values of x.
Least Squares Criterion
The rule for identifying the best fitting line in a scatterplot. The criterion states that the best fitting line is the one which minimizes the squared deviations of points around the line.
Direct Relationship
A relationship in which two variables vary in the same manner. A direct relationship is observed when one variable increases and decreases as another variable does the same.
Spearman Correlation Coefficient
A non-parametric measure of association, bounded by + or - 1 which is based upon the same concept of association in the Pearson Correlation, but is computed by way of ranks.
The amount that the deletion of that datapoint would change the overall results of statistical analysis. (A highly influential data point would change the results significantly, where omission of a non-influential data point would not change the results much.)
Coefficient of Determination
The square of the Pearson r which describes the proportion of variance in one variable that is explained by the variance in the other.
Coefficient of Alienation
Alienation: 1 - the square of the Pearson r which describes the proportion of variance in one variable that is unrelated to the variance in the other.
A graph in which the values of one variable are plotted as a function of another.
Standard Error of Estimate
The average error (in y units) when predicting y from x.
The difference between a measurement and the value of the measurement that is predicted by some mathematical model.