Assignment 4 - DC vs. DB Structures Flashcards
- plan sets the benef to achieve specific income replacement objs.
- ER makes the contib. necessary to fund the benef.
- ER bears the inv. risk
- can be integrated on the basis of SS benef.
- ER can bear inflation risk by relating final pay to the benef.
- benef. for EE’s who term. at younger ages can be more costly under DC
DB plan
- plan sets the alloc. method of the contrib.
- indiv. acct for each partic. are maintained
- partic. bear the inv. risk
- ER portion is fixed
- forced to adjust contrib. levels in order to integrate with SS
- benef. for EE’s who term. at younger ages can be more costly under DC
- offer ER’s max flexibility in terms of cost commitment
- increase EE prod. and EE identifi. with the comp and the goals that can be achieved.
- if younger EE group, the plan is apt to have greater EE relations value
- can make contribs. on a before-tax basis
- lower admin costs than DB plans due to no having to pay premiumes to PBGC
DC plan
plan that satisfies the requirements of ERISA and subsequent laws
- contribs. made by ER are ded. as bus. exp up to certain limits
- inv. income on contribs. are normally not subj. to fed’l income tax until paid out
- not taxable income to EE until benefs. are distrib.
qualified retirement plan
earnings above $110,000 (2010) and:
- top 20% of EE’s by pay
- 5% owner
HCE = highly compensated EE
limits on compensation recognized in retirement plans
- $245,000 in 2010
*limits amt of benefs. paid to an indiv. EE under DB and the annual additions made by the EE under DC plan
DC plan – lesser of 25% of pay or $49,000 (2010)
DB plan – lesser of 100% of 3-yr avg pay or $195,000
Section 415 limits
key employees requirements
used in top-heavy plan status.
- officer owning $120,000 or more
- 5% owner
- 1% owner w/ comp. over $150,000
top heavy requirements
DC plan – 60% or more of plan assets held by “key EE’s”
DB plan – key EE’s have 60% or more of the projected benefs.
vesting requirements
*value of AT and elect.(BT) EE contribs. must be fully vested at all times.
*ER contribs. must be vested when EE reaches plan’s normal ret. age
*otherwise, ER contribs at min:
DC plan – 6-yr graded; 3-yr at 100%
DB plan – 7-yr graded; 5-yr at 100%
Sect. 410(a)(9)
min. distrib. requirements
- RP distrib. must start by age 70 1/2 unless still employed.
- 5% owner must start by age 70 1/2
- calc. is based on life expectancy of indiv. and beneficiary
entry requirements
min – age 21; 1000 hours of service
excludible EE’s
union; nonresident aliens; less than 21 years old; 6 mo. or less of service; work less than 17.5 hrs per week
- parent/subsidiary (A owns 80% of B)
- brother/sister (group of 5 or fewer owners, have 80% ownership and at least 50% common ownership)
- affiliated service agreement
Controlled Groups - types
- aggreg. of EE’s for qualif. testing purposes that would otherwise be considered separate
- all ERs to structure benef. programs to meet the competitive needs of separate bus. ops.
Qualified Separate Line of Business (QSLOB)
coverage tests to ensure that the plan is nondiscrim. as to coverage
Section 410(b) tests (also known as Coverage Tests)