Assessments Flashcards
What are the prescribed steps of managing conflict?
- Identifying the current and/or potential conflicts.
- Completing an assessment of the situation.
- Selecting a strategy to implement.
- Implementing the selected strategy or intervention.
Stages of Substance Abuse
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
- Relapse (this may or may not occur and is not always part of the stages of change).
What does the primary prevention strategy entail?
Focuses on addressing the underlying causes of social issues and implementing policies and programs to prevent problems from occurring in the first place.
What does the secondary prevention strategy ential?
Involves early intervention and support for individuals or groups at risk to prevent further deterioration, such as counseling for at-risk youth.
What does the tertiary prevention strategy entail?
Focuses on reducing the impact of existing problems and providing support and services to those already affected, such as rehab.
What does the quaternary prevention strategy entail?
Does not exist.
What are the steps of social work?
- Assessment
- Planning
- Intervention
- Evaluation
What happens during the assessment stage?
A client provides essential information upon which to define the problem and solutions. Social worker identifies collateral contacts during the assessment stage from which gaps in data can be collected.
What happens during the planning stage?
Goals are developed to help the client move toward their preferred lifestyle.
What happens during the intervention stage?
The client and the social worker work together to help the client make progress toward their goals.
What happens during the evaluation stage?
It is determined whether or not the goals and objectives have been met.
What are the 8 stages of the mental status exam?
- Appearance
- Orientation
- Speech pattern
- Affect and mood
- Risk of harm
- Judgment and insight
- Thought process and reality testing
- Intellectual functioning and memory
Psychological area of Biopsychosocial
Present symptoms, psychiatric history, psychosocial stressors, and mental status
Biological area of Biopsychosocial
Medical history, developmental history, medications taken, substance use history, and family medical information
Bowenian Family Therapy
Focuses on the intergenerational transmission of family dynamics and behaviors rather than on symptom reduction.
Structural Family Therapy
Focuses on the family’s organizational structure and how that influences individual and overall functioning in the family.
Strategic Family Therapy
Uses communication theory to specify approaches to each individual family member’s problem. The social worker is expected to directly influence members of the family.
Satir Family Therapy
Focuses on the interactions between family members and how familial relationships impact each individual. It addresses dysfunctional behavior and communication patterns in order to improve family dynamics.
What are the steps of the crisis intervention model?
- Perform an assessment
- Establish the therapeutic relationship rapidly.
- Identify problems and precipitants.
- Encourage exploration of feelings.
- Develop new coping strategies.
- Restore functioning via an action plan.
- Schedule follow-up care.
SMART Strategy
- Specific: What actions must be taken, how often they must be taken, how long they should be practiced, etc.
- Measurable: How progress will be measured and by whom
- Attainable: Goals must be able to be reasonably achieved
- Relevant: Why the goal was selected, what it will help with
- Timely: When and how often progress will be measured
Four Stages of Community-Based Decision Making
- Orientation stage: Members meet for the first time and focus on getting to know one another.
- Conflict stage: Disagreements are observable as the members work to determine the primary issue.
- Emergence stage: Members start to agree on a single course of action.
- Reinforcement stage: A decision is made on what to do next and justification for actions is made clear.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
An objective, verbal inventory intended to assess personality for psychopathology.
Four Components of Consultation
- Define the purpose of the consultation
- Specify the consultant’s role
- Clarify the identified problem
- Outline the consultation process
6 Steps in Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
- Identify ethical standards per the NASW code of ethics
- Determine if an ethical dilemma is present
- Weigh ethical issues against the social work values and principles within the code of ethics
- Suggest modifications in light of the ethical values that are a priority
- Implement modifications in light of the prioritized ethical values
- Monitor for new ethical dilemmas moving forward.