CAGE Questionnaire
alcohol use; The CAGE Questionnaire is used to assess and screen alcohol use in individuals who might need to seek professional help. It only applies to alcohol, not other types of drug use. The four questions asked on the CAGE are self-administered and require only yes or no answers. If an individual answers yes to two or more of the four, he or she is at risk for hazardous alcohol use and is advised to seek medical evaluation and treatment.
Flanagan Tests
Aptitude Test
Miller Analogies Test
Intelligence Test
The Miller Analogies Test is marketed as a measure of two main things: your cultural literacy and your reasoning ability. In other words, the MAT claims to measure how much you know about subjects like art, history, science, and math, as well as your ability to make connections between concepts from those subjects.
Projective Personality Test
The house-tree-person test (HTP) is a projective test intended to measure different aspects of personality. Test takers are asked to draw a house, a tree, and a person. The interpretation of these drawings is used to create a picture of the person’s cognitive, emotional, and social functioning.
Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank - RISB
The Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank (RISB) is the most frequently used sentence completion test of personality and socioemotional functioning. A performance-based test, the RISB is used to screen for adjustment problems, to facilitate case conceptualization and diagnosis, and to monitor treatment
“The Rotter is short, valid, reliable, and would likely yield some important qualitative clues about some of the psychological themes” *was used for depression in sim
Conners Rating Scale - CRS
assess for ADHD and behavioral problems
95% of the time good assessment choice for children/adolescents with behavioral problems*
Adlerian Lifestyle Assessment - LSA
Lifestyle Assessment is a distinctly Adlerian tool designed to identify an individual’s core beliefs (about self, others and the world), his/her rules about life, and the goals that have been set.
“If and when this client enters into an uncovering phase of her treatment, after she becomes more stable, and is motivated to take a look at the influence of early childhood experiences on her adult personality, then an LSA might be very useful. Until then, it is probably not going to be useful.”
ADE Needs Assessment
This is a 130-question, comprehensive, adult assessment tool. This instrument addresses life stress, attitude and emotional stability, criminal history, and alcohol and drug use.
–was used with depression/anxiety client in sim
Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt
Visual motor perception test
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery - LNNB
determine presence and severity of brain injury
Paulhus Deception Scales - PDS
The PDS is a self-report instrument that identifies individuals who, when responding to assessments and rating scales, distort their responses.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 - MMPI-2
personality, behavior difficulties, and psychopathology
always a good choice for adolescent and adult clinical assessments
Vineland Social Maturity Scale - VSMS
This assesses the ability of students with developmental disabilities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and Intellectual Disability to function socially. This behavior assessment is useful for determining the level of disability, identifying skills mastered and not mastered, developing objectives, monitoring the effect of interventions, assessing progress, assessing outcomes, and evaluating programs.
Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire - BAVQ-R
This is a self-report measure of clients’ beliefs, emotions, and behavior about auditory hallucinations.
Holland Codes
The Holland Codes are a system that classifies jobs into six distinct “work personality” types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (altogether known as RIASEC). Each of these personality types reflects John Holland’s theory that one’s chosen vocation is an expression of personality.
Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales - PSYRATS
This is used to assess the severity of delusions and hallucinations. It has subscales for auditory hallucinations and delusions.
Slosson Intelligence Test-Primary - SIT-P
This is a test that assesses children’s intelligence.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - PPVT
This is a basic intelligence test intended to give an estimation of the examinee’s verbal intelligence. One of the claims of this test is that a vocabulary assessment is an important gauge of general intelligence.
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)
95% of the time good for children with behavioral problems
6-18 years, has parent and teacher version
8 syndrome scales -anxious/depressed • depressed • somatic complaints • social problems • thought problems • attention problems • rule-breaking behaviour • aggressive behaviour
Vanderbilt Diagnostic Rating Scales
95% of the time good for children with behavioral problems
6-12 yrs, parent/teacher versions, psychological assessment tool for parents of children aged 6 to 12 designed to measure the severity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms.
DISC-IV, DISC-P, DISC-Y, Columbia Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children
95% of the time good for children with behavioral problems
DISC-P for parents 6-17 years old, DISC-Y youth administered 9-17 yrs
a fully structured diagnostic instrument that
assesses thirty-four common psychiatric diagnoses of children and adolescents.
a structured interview assessing an individual’s current and past symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, and substance dependence.
BASC Behavior Assessment System for Children
2-21 years, parent/teacher
helps you understand the behaviors and emotions of children and adolescents; providing a complete picture of a child’s behaviour
95% of the time good for children with behavioral problems
Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI)
for teenagers 13–19 years of age, intended specifically for
clinical populations.
always a good choice for adolescent clinical assessments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory - Fourth Edition (MCMI-IV)
always a good choice for adults clinical assessments
The MCMI is a psychological assessment tool intended to provide information on personality traits and psychopathology, including specific psychiatric disorders outlined in the DSM-5. It is intended for adults (18 and over).