phase of the digestive process that occurs when small molecules, vitamins, and minerals pass through the walls of the small and large intestine and into the bloodstream
an enzyme that alds in the digestion of starch
last section of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, outlet for waste products from the Gl system
mixture of food with saliva, salivary enzymes, and gastric secretions that is produced as food passes through the mouth, esophagus, and stomach
phase of the digestive process that occurs when digestive enzymes and secretions mix with ingested food and when proteins, fats, and sugars are broken down into their component smaller molecules
upper abdominal discomfort asso- ciated with eating
dyspepsia: indigestion
phase of the digestive process that occurs after digestion and absorption, when waste products are evacuated from the body
collapsible tube connecting the mouth to the stomach, through which food passes as it is ingested
acid secreted by the glands in the stomach; mixes with chyme to break it down into absorbable molecules and to aid in the destruction of bacteria
hydrochloric acid
phase of the digestive process that occurs when food is taken into the Gl tract via the mouth and esophagus
a gastric secretion that combines with vita. min B, so that the vitamin can be absorbed
intrinsic factor
the portion of the Gl tract into which waste material from the small intestine passes as absorption continues and elimination begins; consists of sev- eral parts-ascending segment, transverse segment, descending segment, sigmoid colon, and rectum (syn- onym: colon)
large intestine
an enzyme that aids in the digestion of fats
the collective gertome of all microbes in a microbiota
the complement of microbes in a given environment
a gastric enzyme that is important in protein digestion
longest portion of the Gl tract, consisting of three parts-duodenum, jejunum, and ileum-through which food mixed with all secretions and enzymes passes as it continues to be digested and begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream
small intestine
distensible pouch into which the food bolus passes to be digested by gastric enzymes
enzyme that aids in the digestion of protein
delineates the entire GI tract after the introduction Of contrast agent
radiopaque liquid______ is commonly used
Upper GI fluoroscopy
Barium Sulfate
Very detailed double contrast, study of the entire small intestine that involves the continous infusion of 500 to 1000 mL of a thin barium sulfate suspension after this methylcellulose is infused through a tube
Most effective bowel cleansing preparatory agent
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
Visualization of the lower GI tract is obtained after
Installation of barium /barium enema 15-30mins
If active inflammatory disease fistulas or perforation of the colon is suspected a ______ can be used
water soluble iodinated contrast agent (diatrizoic acid)
Provides cross sectional images of abdominal organs and structures
Valuable tool for detecting and localizing many inflammatory conditions in the colon
Computed Tomography
common risk for IV contrast agents include
Allergic reaction and contrast induced nephropathy
Patient allergic to the contrast agent may be premeditated with a
Corticosteroid and antihistamine
Use in gastroenterology to supplement ultrasonography and CT
noninvasive tech uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produces images of the area being studied. Ang_____ can be attarcted to the magnet and cause injury.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Ferromagnetic objects
Produce images of the body by detecting the radiation imitated from radioactive substances
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Relies on the use of radioactive isotopes to reveal displaced anatomic structures changes in organ size and the presence of neoplasms or other focal lessons such as cysts or abscesses
Useful in determining the source of internal bleeding when all other studies have returned a negative result
Tagged red cell studies
also use to assess gastric emptying and colonic transit time.
this is useful in diagnosing disorders of gastric motility, diabetic gastroparesis and dumping syndrome
Radionuclide Testing
Use to evaluate colonic motility and obstructive defication syndromes
Patient given a capsule containing 20 radionuclide markers
process usually takes 4-5 days
Colonic Transit Studies
Also be used to evaluate esophageal and gastric motility and to collect secretions and tissue specimens for further analysis
allows direct visualization of the esopageal, gastric, and duodenal mucosa through a lighted endoscope
Upper gastrointestinal fibroscopy/EGD esophagogastroduedenoscopy
Diagnostic options for patients with esophageal diseases who can not tolerate an EGD
philcam eso/ capsule endoscopy
Flexible scope is passed through the recrum and sigmoid colon into descending, transverse, and ascending colon.
reduce secretion
to relax amooth muscle
Sedative that provide moderate sedation with loss of the gag reflex and relieve anxiety during the procedure
An enzyme that AIDS in the digestion of carbohydrates.Or starch
An enzyme that aids in the digestion of fats
Gastric enzyme that is important in protein digestion and product of the conversion of pepsinogen from the chief cell
gi tract is a pathway ___
7-7.9 m (22-26 ft)
Hollow muscular tube
25 cm (10inch)
passes through at an diaphragm called the
diaphragmatic hiatus
The remaining portion of the GI tract is located within
peritoneal cavity
hollow muscular organ w/ a capacity of approximately 1500ml
in the inlet to the stomach
the place where the esophagus is connected to the stomach
gastroesophageal junction
4 anatomic regions of the stomach