Assessment center Flashcards
SOP 106: Response
Structure fire
4 Engines
2 Trucks
2 Medics
2 DCs
Consider rehab truck
SOP 106: Response
Structure fire - 2nd alarm
3 Engines
1 Truck
1 Medic
1 DC
Air truck
Rehab truck
Backfill DCs
Consider rehab trailer
SOP 106: Response
Structure fire - 3rd alarm
3 Engines
1 Truck
1 Medic
1 Rehab trailer
Augment dispatch staff
SOP 106: Response
Fire alarm: residential
SOP 106: Response
Fire alarm: commercial
1) 1 engine (most fire alarms)
2) 2 engines (2nd due responds non-emergent)
3) 2 engines, 1 truck, 1 DC (certain alarms)
SOP 106: Response
Smoke investigation inside
2 engines (2nd due non-emergent)
SOP 106: Response
Emergency medical response
Closest medic
Closest engine
DC or SaM for COR 0 or GSW
SOP 106: Response
Emergency medical response: alpha, bravo, omega in station 1 first due
Medic unit
SOP 106: Response
Emergency medical response: Carbon Monoxide detector with medical complaint
Medic unit
SaM officer
SOP 106: Response
Emergency medical response: MCI
Initial medical response plus:
5 medic units
2 engines
SaM officer
SOP 106: Response
Emergency medical response: vehicle accident
Medic unit
SOP 106: Response
Emergency medical response: vehicle accident with extrication, high mechanism or vehicle into building
Medic unit
SOP 106: Response
Emergency medical response: Light rail collisions
Medic unit
SOP 106: Response
Emergency medical response: Highway response
Normal EMS response plus additional engine
SOP 106: Response
Vegetation Fire: Small vegetation fire
Brush truck
SOP 106: Response
Vegetation Fire: Large vegetation fire
(on red flag or high fire danger days, in greenbelt or open space, or large/fast moving)
*Add 3 engines if structures threatened
Brush 9
2 Additional brush trucks
2 Engines
2 Medics
2 DCs
SaM officer
Notify: Ops, UAS, PIO, FMO, USFS
SOP 106: Response
Vegetation Fire: 2nd alarm vegetation fire
*Add 3 engines if structures threatened
3 Brush trucks
2 Engines
1 DC
1 Medic
SOP 106: Response
Vegetation Fire: 2nd alarm considerations
1) Additional alarms and resources beyond 2nd alarm should be ordered as strike teams or task forces
2) Consider mutual aid request for tactical tenders and DFPC Type 4 engine
3) Consider air resources early (e.g., SEAT or helicopter)
4) On-duty wildland team members or day staff resources can fill overhead positions
5) Consider requesting the wildland cache trailer
SOP 106: Response
Vegetation Fire: out of district mutual aid reqest
Company 9 personnel staffing
Engine 9, Brush 9 or Brush 39 (or combination thereof)
DC or Special Ops Chief
SOP 106: Response
Fire other: Vehicle (not in or near a structure)
SOP 106: Response
Fire other: Vehicle on the highway
2 Engines
SOP 106: Response
Fire other: Dumpster (not in or near a structure)
SOP 106: Response
Fire other: appliance (fire confined within the appliance)
2 Engines (2nd due responds non-emergent)
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous condition: Carbon Monoxide detector (no medical complaint)
Engine - non-emergent
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous condition: Downed wires and tree limbs
Engine - non-emergent
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous condition: Gasoline or diesel spill (less than 10 gallons)
Engine - non-emergent
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous condition: outdoor smoke investigation
Engine - non-emergent
SOP 106: Response
Fire other: appliance (fire confined within the appliance), sparking electric service, smoking electric motor, smoking light ballast
2 Engines (2nd due responds non-emergent)
SOP 106: Response
Fire other: sparking electric service
2 Engines (2nd due responds non-emergent)
SOP 106: Response
Fire other: smoking electric motor
2 Engines (2nd due responds non-emergent)
SOP 106: Response
Fire other: smoking light ballast
2 Engines (2nd due responds non-emergent)
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous condition: natural gas or propane leak or investigation (residential)
2 Engines - 2nd due responds non-emergent
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous condition: unknown odor (residential, no medical complaint)
2 Engines - 2nd due responds non-emergent
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous condition: natural gas or propane leak or investigation (commercial)
2 Engines (2nd due responds non-emergent)
1 Truck (non-emergent)
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous condition: unknown odor (commercial, no medical complaint)
2 Engines (2nd due responds non-emergent)
1 Truck (non-emergent)
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous Materials: Release of hazardous materials
Engine 2 (non-emergent)
Tower 2 (with Hazmat 1, non-emergent)
Company 5 (with Hazmat 5, non-emergent)
DC (non-emergent)
SaM (non-emergent)
*Add additional engine if call within 2s or 5s first due
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous Materials: unknown odor with medical complaint
Engine 2 (non-emergent)
Tower 2 (with Hazmat 1, non-emergent)
Company 5 (with Hazmat 5, non-emergent)
DC (non-emergent)
SaM (non-emergent)
*Add additional engine if call within 2s or 5s first due
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous Materials: chemical odor
Engine 2 (non-emergent)
Tower 2 (with Hazmat 1, non-emergent)
Company 5 (with Hazmat 5, non-emergent)
DC (non-emergent)
SaM (non-emergent)
*Add additional engine if call within 2s or 5s first due
SOP 106: Response
Hazardous Materials: out of district - Adams/JeffCo Hazmat team
Hazmat 1 and Engine 2 with E2 and T2 personnel (respond non-emergent)
Notify DC2
SOP 106: Response
Tech rescue: high or low angle rescue
Company 10
Company 14
*Add additional engine if call within 10s or 14s first due
SOP 106: Response
Tech rescue: high or low angle rescue
Company 10
Company 14
*Add additional engine if call within 10s or 14s first due
SOP 106: Response
Tech rescue: Trench rescue
Company 10
Company 14
Collapse truck
*Add additional engine if call within 10s or 14s first due
SOP 106: Response
Tech rescue: Confined space rescue
Company 10
Company 14
*Add additional engine if call within 10s or 14s first due
SOP 106: Response
Tech rescue: Collapse rescue
Company 10
Company 14
Collapse truck
*Add additional engine if call within 10s or 14s first due
SOP 106: Response
Water rescue: in-district
Company 8 (with Dive 2)
Company 17 (with Swiftwater 17)
SOP 106: Response
Public Assistance (Helicopter landing, knox box, lift assist, lockout, police assist, water problem)
Engine (non-emergent)
SOP 106: Response
Water rescue: in-district
Company 8 (with Dive 2)
Company 17 (with Swiftwater 17)
SOP 106: Response
Water rescue: in-district
Company 8 (with Dive 2)
Company 17 (with Swiftwater 17)
SOP 101 change procedure
Where should proposals be submitted?
To dep chief of ops through chain of command
SOP 101 change procedure
How should change be submitted?
As red line doc with suggested additions and deletions along with memo addressing need for change
chief of operations 
SOP 102 Operational procedures
What is the definition of the community assistance portion of incident priorities?
Alleviate the loss and suffering due to emergency event
Protocol 83
What happens when there is a modified response due to call volume exceeding availability of resources?
1) Jeffcom issues all-call tone to monitor radios
2) WMFR dispatch issues OPS page advising overhead personnel of modified response order
3) Overhead personnel contacts district chief assigned to dispatch for assignment
SOP 108 Mutual and auto aid
What are the conditions for Jeffcom supervisor approving requests for auto aid?
Medic units (provided 3 medic units available in district)
Engines (provided 3 engines available in each district)
Ladder truck (provided 1 truck available in entire District)
Dive 2 with 4 personnel
Hazmat 1 and Engine 2 with all Company 2 personnel
SOP 108 Mutual and auto aid
Who approves mutual aid request and under what circumstances?
Shift commander provided there are 3 engines in each district, 1 medic unit in each district, and 1 ladder truck and 1 chief officer for entire District.
SOP 108 Mutual and auto aid
What 4 things are required for WMFR to respond with auto/mutual aid?
1) Command structure
2) Communications plan
3) Clear IAP
4) Adherence to safety practices such two-in, two-out, RIT, accountability and incident resource tracking
SOP 108 Mutual and auto aid
What is the maximum number of resources available for mutual aid?
3 engines, 2 medic units, 1 truck; 1 tech rescue company
Additional can be approved by dep chief of ops
Move-up coverage for outside agencies is limited to 2 engines and 1 medic unit
SOP 108 Mutual and auto aid
What is required if multiple WMFR units are requested?
A district chief must also respond
SOP 109 Emergency operations center
What 9 tasks are designated to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in the event of a major emergency?
1) Develop coordinated policy
2) Receive and disseminate warnings
3) Provide emergency info and instructions to public
4) Collect intel and disseminate info
5) Prepare event summaries, situation and operations reports
6) Analyze all info pertaining to current situation
7) Control and coordinate operational and logistical functions of each agency
8) Maintain contact with other EOCs, jurisdictions and effected levels of government
9) Make official media releases and schedule press conferences as needed
SOP 109 Emergency operations center
What 9 tasks are designated to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in the event of a major emergency?
1) Coordinated policy
2) Warnings
3) Info to public
4) Collect/share intel
5) Operations reports
6) Analyze info
7) Coordinate operational functions of each agency
8) Contact with other EOCs
9) Media
SOP 109 Emergency operations center
In the event of an EOC activation, who identifies staffing needs to be filled by WMFR personnel?
Fire chief or designee
SOP 106: Response
Smoke investigation inside
2 engines (2nd due non-emergent)