Assessment and Feedback SBAs Flashcards
Which patient is most likely to benefit from long term (life-long) anticoagulation after a DVT in the following circumstances?
Choose one of the following answers.
30 year old man after a long walk
30 year old woman during pregnancy
30 year old woman on COCP
60 year old man after flying from Kuala Lumpur
75 year old man after hip replacement
30 year old man after a long walk
A 40 year old man is found to have a pulmonary embolism. What is the most appropriate first line of treatment?
Choose one of the following answers.
Aspirin 600mg stat
Compression stockings
Fresh frozen plasma
Low molecular weight heparin
Low molecular weight heparin
A 67 year man presents with DVT. He is anticoagulated with apixaban but also has a 3 month history of weight loss. What is the most appropriate next step?
Choose one of the following answers.
Perform an abdo-pelvic CT
Reverse anticoagulation
Supplement his diet with vitamin K
Switch to Low molecular weight heparin
Switch to warfarin
Perform an abdo-pelvic CT
Which of the following is plant-based vitamin D?
Choose one of the following answers.
1, 25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol
One alpha calcidol
Which has the lowest calcium?
Choose one of the following answers.
Breast cancer
Pagets disease of the bone
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
Severe childhood onset SLE with normal levels of C3 and C4 occurs in which of the following:
Choose one of the following answers.
C1q deficiency (c)
C3 deficiency with presence of a nephritic factor
C9 deficiency
MBL (Mannose-binding lectin) deficiency
Nephrotic syndrome
C1q deficiency (c)
Choose one of the following answers.
Liver cell (hepatocellular) carcinoma
Metastatic adenocarcinoma
Metastatic sarcoma
Oat cell carcinoma
Metastatic adenocarcinoma
A patient with liver disease is found to have palmar erythema, dupuytrens contracture, spider naevi and gynaecomastia.
What do these signify?
Choose one of the following answers.
Chronic stable liver disease
Liver failure
Obstruction of the bile ducts
Portal hypertension
Chronic stable liver disease
Some years later the same patient is found to have ascites, and you notice a visible vein on the anterior abdominal wall.
What do these signify?
Choose one of the following answers.
Chronic stable liver disease
Liver failure
Obstruction of the bile ducts
Portal hypertension
Portal hypertension
What else are you likely to find on careful abdominal examination.
Choose one of the following answers.
A palpable bladder
An enlarged prostate gland on PR
Bilateral palpable kidneys
A 30 year old patient decides to go on a strict weight losing diet, and succeeds in losing weight from 68kg down to 60kg in 2 months. A fasting blood test gave the following results:
serum albumin 40g/L (37–49)
serum globulin 25g/L (24–27)
serum total bilirubin 52µmol/L (1–22)
serum alanine aminotransferase 30U/L (5–35)
serum aspartate aminotransferase 20U/L (1–31)
serum alkaline phosphatase 45U/L (45–105)
serum gamma glutamyl transferase 30U/L (4–35)
What is the likely cause of the results above?
Gilbert’s syndrome
This topic was briefly covered in Year 3.
What does this liver show?
Choose one of the following answers.
Bowel metastases
Liver Failure
Macronodular cirrhosis
Micronodular cirrhosis
Nutmeg liver

nutmeg liver
A 67-year-old gentleman presents to A&E disorientated. He is unkempt and smells of alcohol. On examination, he is jaundiced, has an enlarged abdomen and spider naevi on his chest. He demonstrates a liver flap.
What is the most likely cause of his confusion?
Choose one of the following answers.
A 72-year-old lady, wife of a long-time shipyard worker complained of chest pain, breathlessness and accompanied by loss of weight. She died shortly afterwards and a post-mortem was carried out.
Pathology specimen of her lung shows the following:
What is the most common cause of this condition in the UK?
Choose one of the following answers.
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency
Cystic Fibrosis
Previous bronchiectasis

A 77-year-old heavy smoker with progressive breathlessness and weight loss presents to A&E. He has cor pulmonale and presents in respiratory failure. He dies shortly after admission.
Pathology specimen of his lung and CT scan of his chest shows the following findings.
What examination finding would you have found in this patient before death?
Choose one of the following answers.
Barrel chest
Bronchial breathing
Increased tactile vocal fremitus
Pectus excavatum
Stony dullness

barrel chest

A 9-year-old child dies after an emergency visit to hospital with respiratory symptoms. His mum mentioned that he had many episodes of purulent sputum throughout his childhood.
Pathology specimen of his lung shows the following findings.
A 9-year-old child dies after an emergency visit to hospital with respiratory symptoms. His mum mentioned that he had many episodes of purulent sputum throughout his childhood.
Pathology specimen of his lung shows the following findings.
What is the likely organism that causes the diagnosis?
Choose one of the following answers.
Escherichia coli
Legionella pneumophila
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pneumoniae
pseudomonas aeruginosa
A 65-year-old man presents to A&E with shortness of breath and fatigue. He has poor adherence with his medications.
Pathology specimen of his heart shows the following findings:
What is the most common cause of this pathology?
Choose one of the following answers.
Aortic stenosis
Exercise related
Genetics – hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Systemic hypertension

systemic hypertension

which artery blocked

which artery blocked

A 67-year-old gentleman with diabetes presents to clinic for a diabetes clinic. An ECG is performed which shows the following:
What’s the most likely diagnosis?
Choose one of the following answers.
Acute anterior myocardial infarction
Acute inferior myocardial infarction
Atrial fibrillation
Previous anterior myocardial infarction a month ago
Previous inferior myocardial infarction a month ago

Previous anterior myocardial infarction a month ago
A 67-year-old gentleman with diabetes presents to clinic for a diabetes clinic. An ECG is performed which shows the following:
What is the most common complication of this type of MI?
Choose one of the following answers.
2nd degree heart block
Atrial fibrillation
Complete heart block
Left ventricular aneurysm
Left ventricular failure

Left ventricular failure