Assessment and Eligibility Flashcards
What is an authentic assessment?
Used in every day classroom activities and routines to gather information on student’s progress.
What is a summative assessment?
at the end of an instructional unit. Unit exam, mid-term exam.
What is the Council for Exceptional Children for?
Serves youth with intellectual disabilities, children who are gifted and talented, and children who are abused and neglected.
What is a functional behavior assessment?
A problem-solving process for addressing a student’s problem behavior using a variety of techniques and strategies
What is cognitive behavioral management?
A method of training students to recognize and replace destructive thought patterns with constructive thought patterns
What is manifestation determination
A process that determines whether a problem behavior is attributable to a student’s disability or is it behavior
What is a performance based assessment?
measures students’ ability to apply the skills and knowledge learned from a unit or units of study. Typically, the task challenges students to use their higher-order thinking skills to create a product or complete a process
examples: portfolio, lab, essay response
What is a Criterion Referenced test used for?
To determine students’ mastery of skills at given performance levels
Example: Driver’s test, Advanced Placement exams