Assessment Flashcards
What are herbendons VS bouchards nodules
Heberden nodes (hard dorsolateral nodules on the Distal IP joints) and Bouchard nodes (hard dorsolateral nodules on the Proximal IP joints) are common findings in OA.
In RA, inspect for symmetric deformity in the PIP, MCP, and wrist joints. In later stages, you may see MCP subluxation and ulnar deviation. Of note, the DIP tends to be less affected in RA.
What cranial nerve effects eyebrow raise?
What is psoas sign and what does it test for?
move leg against passive resistance - appendicitis
obturator sign appendicits
Obturator sign is a clinical sign of acute appendicitis, it is defined as discomfort felt by the subject/patient on the slow internal movement of the hip joint, while the right knee is flexed
kernig sign
diagnose meningitis. A positive test is the elicitation of pain or resistance with passive extension of the patient’s knees past 135 degrees in the setting of meningeal irritation.
acute choliathiasis with 43 year old lady
do you need a fever for appendicitis?
What is MURPHY’S SIGN and what does it test for
press in upper right and breathe in — FOR CHOLIATHIASIS
drawer test
for ACL injury –
If the tibia pulls forward or backward more than normal, the test is considered positive.
Mcmurray test
meniscus injury — Your provider will bend your knee to 90 degrees perpendicular to the rest of your body (about where it would be if you were in a seated position).
Your provider will rotate your bent knee in (toward your body) and out (away from your body).
Your provider will straighten your leg.
prostate exam
feels like pooping
testicular torsion
would have absent cremasteric reflex
friable cervix
vaginal discharge or std’s
bacterial vaginosis, trichomonosis
The signs and symptoms of BV and trichomoniasis may be quite similar to yeast infections in terms of redness, itching and pain. With BV, however, the discharge tends to be thin, white or yellowish, and more uniform in appearance. Trichomoniasis discharge is typically a frothy, greenish-yellow secretion
breast exam in woman who had no indication to perform one was up to date on normal standards
how to perform self breast exam
CAGE questionarre
- Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?
- Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
- Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
- Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to
get rid of a hangover (eye-opener)?
Cutting down, Annoyance when criticized, Guilty feelings, and Eye-openers, is best at detecting alcohol dependence.48
swollen, weepy, varicose veins, tired legs,