Assessment Flashcards
NICE indications for flexi - 5
haematuria recurrent infection sterile pyuria pain profound symptoms
NICE indications for upper tract imaging - 6
haematuria pain profound symptoms recurrent infection sterile pyuria chronic retention
- considering invasive treatment who cannot void > 150 mL
- considering surgery in men with bothersome predominantly voiding LUTS and Qmax > 10 mL/s.
- considering invasive therapy in men with bothersome, predominantly voiding LUTS with a post void residual > 300 mL.
- considering invasive treatment in men with bothersome, predominantly voiding LUTS aged > 80 years
- considering invasive treatment in men with bothersome, predominantly voiding LUTS aged < 50 years
- Previous unsuccessful invasive treatment for LUTS
association of BPH with MS
Metabolic syndrome - at least 3 of the 5 following problems: central obesity high blood pressure high blood sugar high serum triglycerides low high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
negative intra thoracic pressure
release of ANP due to cardiac distension caused by negative pressure
increase sodium and water excretion
inhibition also of vasopressin and RAAA complex
Treatment of sleep apnoea and airway compromise has been shown to reverse nocturnal polyuria and thereby reduce or eliminate nocturia and enuresis
NICE refer specialist assessment for LUTS 4
recurrent or persistant UTI
renal impairment
NICE refer specialist assessment for LUTS 4
recurrent or persistant UTI
renal impairment
change in IPSS paper
Barry 1005
3 point change represents subjective perception change symptoms
other validated symptoms scores
DAN-PSS Danish prostate symptom score
Bristol Male LUTS
PROSCAR arm type men inclusion main result
placebo arm of PLESS
164 men
mod to severe LUTS
PSA is a stronger predictor for growth than age and volume
PSA predictor of AUR, clinical progression and surgery
Abrams Qmax data
> 20 almost never obstructed
<10 = 90%
10-15 = 60%
15-20 = 30% obstructed
examination 4
general signs renal failure fluid overload
neurology gait tremors
abdominal palpable bladder, ballotable kidneys, scars
DRE size, consistency, tenderness
PSA testing PHE guidelines
Before a PSA test men should not have:
an active urinary infection or within previous 6 weeks
ejaculated in previous 48 hours
exercised vigorously, for example cycling in previous 48 hours
had a urological intervention such as prostate biopsy in previous 6 weeks
PSA testing PHE guidelines
Before a PSA test men should not have:
an active urinary infection or within previous 6 weeks
ejaculated in previous 48 hours
exercised vigorously, for example cycling in previous 48 hours
had a urological intervention such as prostate biopsy in previous 6 weeks
PSA test to lab
When taking blood for PSA testing:
ensure the specimen will reach laboratory in time for the serum to be separated within 16 hours
send samples to an ISO accredited laboratory
repeat the test if not taken in ideal circumstances
PHE guidance PSA sensitivity
Most men will have a PSA level less than 3ng/ml. About 3 in 4 men with a raised PSA level (≥3ng/ml) will not have cancer. Around 15% of men with a normal PSA do have cancer
NICE PSA testing in LUTS 3
At initial assessment, offer men with LUTS information, advice and time to decide if they wish to have prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing if:
their LUTS are suggestive of bladder outlet obstruction secondary to BPE or
their prostate feels abnormal on DRE or
they are concerned about prostate cancer.