Assessment Flashcards
5 Steps of Assessment process
- Receive & Clarify referral question
- Plan Data Collection
- Collect Data
- Process Data & form conclusions
- Communicate results
Key Psychometric Concepts
*** Technical Eclecticism—using 1 primary theoretical orientation (explain disorder, identify change processes, plan treatment) and willingness to use techniques from other approaches.
Theoretical Eclecticism—no clear orientation and using techniques “based on whatever seems interesting or convenient.”
Psychometric Concepts:
Standardization (2)
. The test was given to a large sample so that an individual’s score on the test can be compared to those of others.
Psychometric Concepts: Reliability (3)
Reliability = Consistency or agreement amongst assessment data
1.Test-retest (ideally the same results each time)
- Internal consistency
- Interrater reliability (2 different interviewer at the same time, do results come out the same)
Psychometric Concepts: Validity (4)
Validity = the degree to which the measure captures what it is intended to.
- Face validity - do test actually measure that construct?
- Content validity - what extent does the measure capture the relevant content?
- Criterion validity (predictive and concurrent) Is test related to spectrum criterion? If used to make prediction does it actually predict that?
- Construct (Convergent and Discriminant validation) Does test relate to other measures/psychological test in a meaningful way? Ex. test of intelligence or cultural knowledge?
4 Goals of Clinical Assessment:
A.Diagnostic Classification
C.Treatment Planning
An attempt to to standardize clinical practices.
Essential feature of DSM 1 was the reaction concept (reaction, not a disease) . Eg. CP saw psychological disorders as reaction to life problems or circumstances
DSM - What are the issues with diagnostic classifications?
From lecture
DSM Categorical Model
Zone of rarity.
Goals of treatment planning:
Documenting facts which may be relevant to person & their condition. Ex - time/food/behaviour graph
Goals of Clinical Assessment:
Treatment planning
Tx planning = must have diagnosis, find direction for treatment & then administer treatment.
Goals of Clinical Assessment:
prediction - Reality vs. Prediction. Make a dichotomous prediction, then “did it happen”? NB - the circles represent scores of measure. Predict ppl who are more conscientious are more likely to pass the exam. Then plot graph weather ppl who were more conscientious did better on exam.
Sources of Assessment Data
• Interviews
●Life records (medical or school)
Clinical Inference
•The degree to which raw data is interpreted or used to support more a more abstract hypothesis.
●Little inference = BDI score suggests he is experiencing severe symptoms of depression.
●Moderate = Lack of eye contact and shaking suggest social anxiety or lack of social skills.
●High = His refusal to provide an adequate number of responses to the ink plots suggests hostility and defensiveness, making him far from an ideal parent.
CP differ in amount they are willing to infer - possibly too many mistakes.
Ecological Argument Re: CPs
“The question must not be what naïve judges do with inappropriate tasks under questionable conditions of comparability with actual clinical situations, but what the most sophisticated judges can do with appropriate methods under ideal conditions.”