Assess whether or not ethical terms such as good, bad, right and wrong, reflect only what is in the mind of the people using such terms. (INTUITIONISM) Flashcards
goodness not natural property
since not natural, must be non-natural
-natural world is physical world of atoms and gravity
-Moore proposes more to reality than just natural things- also non-natural aspect and goodness is non-natural
-used no. as analogy for goodness
-numbers not physical things , but have some relationship to reality
goodness cannot be shown to be identical to anything so cannot be defined
-Moore thinks have ability called ‘intuition’ where access non-natural reality where goodness os and gives us knowledge of right/wrong
-ethical language expresses beliefs which can be true or false- this belief gained through intuition.
critique of intuitionism
-diff to understand and explain what Moore means by non-natural reality (Moore later admitted himself didnt explain it properly)
-if Moore correct we would expect to find more moral agreement than we do. if ability to now objective moral truth then why so much moral disagreement?
-people gave moral intuitions bc of way they’re raised not bc of mysterious non-natural reality
-diff societies have diff views on what’s right and wrong- so it looks more credible that social conditioning causes moral intuitions
response to critiques of intuitionism
-core set of moral views all cultures have in common- lie not stealing/killing
-suggest there’s some objective basis for ethics which is not purely cultural
CA to core set of values across cultures
-simpler and more scientific explanations
-society cannot exist w/o rules against stealing/killing, so ones in which exist will have such rules
-don’t need to imagine there are actual moral properties to explain that