‘A person should have complete autonomy over their own life and decisions made about it’. Discuss Flashcards
intro- autonomy
self-governance where one lead life based on reason, value or desires that are authentically their own
P1 - Principle of SO
-Nozick deontological/absolutist view of autonomy
-principle of ‘self-ownership’, each p owns own body, can do what want w it
-if want E up to them, no matter reason
-if s/o can help nothing ethically wrong
-VE always acceptable
P1- critique of principle SO: singer
-ethical downsides to letting anyone who wants to die do so
-love-sick teenager wants to die for short-sighted reason of depression from relationship issues
-if can ‘safely predict’ they will get over issues and view life as worth living, ‘overrides’ temporary violation of autonomy when denying E
-autonomy for any reason enables people dying when would regret it
-doesn’t seem like enables autonomy
Paragraph 2- consequentialist approach
-Singer uses mill to form basis for justifying autonomy
-Mill though p happier if granted indiv. freedom as they’re in best position to judge what’s best for them. shows E left to autonomy of competent adult
P2- critique from Fisher of consequentialist approach
-no logically coherent way to restrict principle of ‘freedom ton die’ to cases where most applicable. if grant people how can avoid extending to all cases where s/o wants to die no matter how short-sighted reason?
-not logically consistent only approach possible to coherently believe is absolutist autonomy, but since terrible moral downsides better not to adopt A for E
P3- pair CV w R
-way to adopt CV coherently w autonomy which pair w rationality. follow S/M indiv best position to judge what’s vest and whether potential value of future life best choice. ensure autonomy avoid ethical issues, add rationale. love sick teen not making rational decision.
-this not susceptible to slippery slope criticism as wouldn’t allow E for s/s reasons as not ration. logically coherent way to avoid extending autonomy absolutely
critique of CV w/ R: Jonathon Glover
-suggests several checks on VE- check mental state. diminished state then not true autonomous. if s/o wants to die, what extent are they in fit mental state. may not be able to make rational decisions