When do you estimate the value of a patent?
- During M&As, incorporations of a new venture, sale of shares etc.
- To secure financing (collateral)
- When selling/buying the IP or granting a license
- In lawsuits or legal disputes
Characteristics of a Patent as an asset:
The asset must be clearly/separately identifiable from the rest of the company or product/service (well described)
Information to consider in the estimation
*Strength of the patent (requirements, risks, causes)
* Status (process, extensions, residual life)
- Development stage
- Imitability
- Ease of monitoring and enforcement
- Size and structure of potential market
- Market trends
- Premium prize for innovation
- Similar transactions concerning IP assets that happened in the market
Three Evaluation methods
Income method
Markt method
Cost method
The owning of the IP generates extra revenues or cost-savings. The IP value
should quantify the present value of all the future differential cash flows earned by the IP
Income method
PROS: reflects the value of future income generated by the asset
CONS: future cash flows are presumed/forecasted, thus arbitrary or possibly wrong
Income method
The value of the IP should be comparable to the value of similar IPs observed in past
Market method
- PROS: reflects real market prices of IP assets
- CONS: because patent transactions are few/private, the method is difficult to apply for lack of
data. More commonly used for valuing brands.
Market method
- RATIONALE: The value of the IP should represent the costs that would be necessary to reconstruct the IP asset today.
Cost method
- PROS: actual data are used; no forecast
- CONS: the costs incurred reflects what was paid, but tells nothing about the perspective ability of
the IP to turn produce a real extra-income.
Cost method
- Different methods exist. No single method is perfect.
- Often several methods are used in combination to define a range of possible values.
- In practice, the range can be rather wide.