ASND S1 best quotes + analysis Flashcards
what is the importance of Elysian Fields
a greek paradise where inhabitants live in eternal happiness, the street where Stella & Stanley reside exterior appears to be faultless/ideal but interior filled with abuse ,
the place where Blanche loses all hold on reality & is propelled towards her downfall (the opposite of happiness so ironic)
“You can almost feel the _____ breath on the____ river” (stage directions) complete & analyse the quote
“warm” & “brown” , plosive alliteration of “breath” and “brown” - emphasizes lively atmosphere The imagery of “the brown river” demonstrates a romanticised image of decay typical of the southern gothic genre whilst reinforcing the impoverished setting stella and stanley inhabit
what quote from the stage directions best demonstrates Stanleys casual attire
“roughly dressed in blue denim work clothes”
“Roughly dressed in blue denim work clothes” reflects ……
stanley's lower class background + his rugged masculinity he displays a lack of care about his appearance stressing his informality that indibutably contrasts B
Stanley’s initial characterisation is cemented through his opening line as he enters the scene “_____” holding “a ___ stained package”
“bellowing” , “red”
how does stanley “bellowing” and the fierce imagery of “red” help to construct his character
elucidates his primitive nature mirroring that of a caveman,
connotations of “red” evoke fierce imagery like blood & violence to the audience that they associate with Stanley (become cautious/wary of him)
complete & analyse the quote “Stella for ____”
“star” , stars symbolise divine guidance + protection Stella will be B’s shield against the brutality of the world as she flees into her fantasies,
Stella fills the protective role a husband or male figure would have for B may birth dissonance S&S
“Don’t _____ at me like that” Stella protests against Stanley’s domineering behaviour but he dismisses this and she reinforces his dismissal as “she laughs _______”
“holler” , “breathlessly”
Stella laughing “breathlessly” in response to Stanleys behaviour outlines….
outlines how his primitive nature thrills her + highlights their toxic co dependence
she depends on him for sexual gratification and basic necessities (food, money, housing etc)
Introduction of Blanche wearing a “white ___” + “____ gloves” reveals her to be ______ to the environment around her
“suit” , ““white” , incongruous
state the connotations of white and how Blanches initial introduction contrasts Stanleys
white = connotations of virtue + purity contrasts stanley’s initially associated with the savagery of the colour “red” perhaps he will stain B’s facade of innocence catapulting her towards her impending downfall
what quote clearly displays Stanleys aggressive attitude towards sex
“the center of his life has been pleasure with women, the giving and taking of it”
explain the importance behind the quote “the center of his life has been pleasure with women, the giving and taking of it”
foreshadows violent rape of blanche , stresses the potent sexual tension between Stella + Stanley , “giving” + “taking” = aggressive approach towards sexual intimacy, the audience receives insight into Stanley’s character
complete & analyse the quote said by stanley “im afraid ill strike you as being the ______ type”
"unrefined" , from a deep south state that has a paucity of diversity she may criticise him, recognises Blanche is of a higher class and had an agrarian upbringing shrouded in wealth so she will look at him with disdain
what term of endearment does Stanley commonly use to refer to Stella and explain the meaning behind it
“baby”, gives demeaning image of unequal status & infantile presentation of Stella from Stanley (patronising)