Asian Theater (Philippines) Flashcards
True or False: Theater in the prehistoric Philippines was in the form of indigenous rituals, verbal battles or games, songs, and dances to praise gods.
True. Prehistoric dramas consisted of three (3) elements: myth, mimesis, and spectacle.
These rituals mostly dramatized primitive rituals and epic poetry about deities and mythical legends.
Mimetic rituals. It is also considered “proto-dramas”.
The most important dance among most Philippine tribes
war dance
True of False: The war dance
of the Mansaka of Davao del Norte imitates the
movements of model warriors called bagani, as the
latter fight with spears, bolo, and shields.
True or False: Mimetic too are some of the
customs associated with
among the ethnic communities.
False. Mimetic too are some of the
customs associated with
courtship, marriage, and death
among the ethnic communities.
Courtship customs:
Cebuano : balitaw :: Tagalog : ________
Of the courtship customs, the most common is the debate between a male and a female, which may employ verse, song, and dance.
Of all the plays of the Spanish era, the most important is
the ________.
Of all the plays of the Spanish era, the most important is
the ________.
Of all the plays of the Spanish era, the most important is
the ________.
It takes from 3 to 15 hours and several sessions to perform, usually 2-3 days. It includes elaborate marches, lengthy choreographed fighting between individuals and/or armies, and magical artifices.
Types of Komedya
- secular- which concentrates on
epic stories of love, honor, and
vengeance. - religious- which narrates the
lives of patron saints.
Types of Komedya
- secular- which concentrates on
epic stories of love, honor, and
vengeance. - religious- which narrates the
lives of patron saints.
Also known as the pasion y muerte
(passion and death); Staged commercially or
as community activity during Lent and often
for eight consecutive nights during Holy
__________ is the playlets or short dramatization
that embellish the Catholic liturgy or dramatize more
fully the events narrated by that liturgy, especially
Christ’s birth, passion, death, and resurrection.
________ is dramatized through a street
procession the search by the Virgin Mary and Saint
Joseph for an inn in Bethlehem on Christmas Eve.
________ are a group of males and females in Bicol
in colorful costumes dancing and singing Spanish
and native Christmas songs in front of different
houses where they are given food and alms.
_______ reenact episodes in search for and
adoration of the infant Jesus by the Three Kings.
Tatlong Hari
_______ features the blessing of the
palms and reenacts Christ’s triumphal entry into
Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
Via crucis (way of the cross)
Osana (hosanna)
_______ the procession of the
image of the Nazareno which stops at 14 stations
of the Cross.
Via crucis (way of the cross)
__________ reenacts the Last Supper in an
actual dinner eaten by the priest and 12 men
playing the apostles.
Huling Hapunan
__________ features a lifesize image of Christ
hanging on the cross, which moves its head each
time one of the seven last words is spoken during
the three hours before Christ’s death at 3 P.M. on
Good Friday.
Siete palabras
__________ dramatizes the meeting of the Risen
Christ and the Virgin on Easter Sunday morning in
dance and song.
________ shows the burning of the effigy of the
traitor Iscariot on the morning of Eastern Sunday.
______ enacts the story of the
Roman soldier, Longhino, who while guarding the
tomb of Christ witnesses the Resurrection.
The major genre of playlets performed in honor of
patron saints; depicts the conflict between Christians and
Moors. It is also the most ancient playlet that we have.
moros y cristianos or moro-moro
a form of musical theater that combines
spoken word and song that celebrates various
Catholic liturgical feasts.
Zarzuela/Sarsuwela. It focuses on a love story between
members of the upper classes, which is spiced up with
comic love episodes between servants.
The first zarzuela introduced in the
country in late 1878 or early 1879 by Francisco Asenjo Barbieri.
Jugar Con Fuego
A sarsuwela about the love between a pretty young flower girl, Angelita, and a young handsome law
student, Cipriano.
Dalagang Bukid (1917)
a play in verse and/or prose and usually in
one act. Like the sarsuwela, it often revolves on an
aspect of Filipino contemporary life like divorce,
gambling, and other social vices, usually in the
framework of a love story.
a type of drama which aims to make
people cry
drama romantiko/ melodrama
The most popular entertainment in Manila during the Japanese occupation
Realism in contemporary modern theater
follows two tendencies:
- psychological which focuses on the
problems of individuals; - social which situates and roots
individual problems within the larger
framework of a class society.
led in the creation of a people’s theater all
over the country.
Philippine Educational Theater
Association (PETA).
Employed in order to
relate historical events or persons to the
documentary style
With touches of absurdism is
evident in Ang Sistema ni Propesor Tuko,
1982, which satirizes authoritarianism in the
classroom and in society.
Brechtian style
Inexpensive, portable, and short
plays were evolved for symposia or rallies.
to convey the problems of
Mindanao; militarization, landlordism,
exploitation, land grabbing, etc.
use of ethnic arts
to convey the problems of
Mindanao; militarization, landlordism,
exploitation, land grabbing, etc.
use of ethnic arts