ASIA score Flashcards
motor - C5
flex elbow
wrist extention
elbow extention
motor -C8
Finger flexion
little finger abduction
motor -L2
Hip flexiom
knee extension
Dorsiflex foot (if damaged - drop foot)
dorsiflex big toe
motor -S1
plantarflex foot
How is motorfunction graded in ASIA score?
0= total paralys
1= palpabel or visible contraction
2= gravity eliminated
3= active movement against gravity
4= active movement against resistance
5= normal corrected for pain.
NT= not testable
What more than c5-S1 muscles are tested motorically?
Voluntary anal contraction Yes/No
Deep Anal Pressure Yes/No
How is the sensory function measured?
Two entities are scored. 1. Light touch
2. Pin prick. (pain)
Each is given 0-2p
0= abscent
2= normal
NT= not testable
What dermatome is the back of the head and ear?
What dermatome is the neck?
What dermatome is the clavicle and area over the deltoid muscle?
What dermatome is the outside of the upper arm?
What dermatome is the outside of the lower arm, thumb and dig2 (both sides)
What dermatome is dig4 and 5 (both sides)?
What dermatome is dig 3 (both sides)?
WHat dermatome is the inside (closest to the body in anatomical position) of the underarm, down to the wrist?
What dermatome is the inside of the arm of the upper arm?
What dermatome is the nipple included in?
What dermatome is the umbiliqus included in?
What dermatome is the groin?
What dermatomes are the anal opening?
What dermatome is frontside knee?
What dermatome is medial frontside underknee down to and including the medial maleolus?
What dermatome is the lateral side under knee crossing over and including dig 1-3 of the foot?
L5 (observe that L5 also is responsible for big toe dorsoflexion (extension))
What dermatome is the heel and middle back to the knee?
What dermatome is above S1 on the hindside?
What is the ASIA Impairment Scale AIS?
Label A-E grade the damage dependent on what came out of the scoring.
What is AIS A?
Complete injury. No sensory or motor function is preserved in the sacral segments S4-5
Sensory incomplete
-Sensory but not motor f is preserved below the neurological level and includes the sacral segments S4-5 (light touch OR pin prick at S4-5 OR deep anal pressure) AND
NO motorfunction is preserved more than three levels below the motorlevel on either side of the body.
What is deep anal pressure representing?
sensory function at level S4-5
What is AIS C?
alt 1. Motor function is preserved at the most caudal sacral segments for voluntary anal contraction OR
alt 2: the pt meets criteria for sensory incomplete status and has some sparing of motorfunction more than three levels below the ipsilateral motorlevel on either side of body. -Here non-key motorfunction might need to be evaluated.
For AIS C-less than 1/2 of key muscle functions below the single NLI have a muscle grade of more or equal to 3.
What is AIS D?
Motor incomplete-
Half or more of KEY musle functions below the single NLI have muscle grade equal to or over 3.
Normal. compared to previous injuries. If the patient hasnt had an initial SCI an AIS grade is not given at all.
According to ASIA score - how is the sensory level determiined?
The most caudal intact dermatome for both pin prick and light touch. (left and right side separate)
How is the motorlevel determined in ASIA score?
The lowest level where the patient has at least score 3 (and the levels above are 5).
What is judged as NLI - neurological level of injury?
The most cephalad of the sensory and motorlevels determined. (the lowest level where everything is intact)
How is it determined if the injury is complete or incomplete?
Sacral sparing!
To be a complete injury all of the following need to be fullfilled
NO voluntary anal contraction
NO deep anal pressure
NO sensory function analy (S4-5) (neither pin prick nor light touch)
How is it determined if the injury is MOTOR complete?
Then there is no voluntary anal contraction OR
any motor function more than three levels below the motor level on a given side, if the patient has sensory incomplete classification.