ASEAN Flashcards
asean way 8
o Defined as intergovernmental principles
o Consultation, consensus, non-interference and respect for sovereignty
o Reason why it doesn’t influence
o context: relist values as foreign intervention long lasted – colonialism + cold war
o member states rather work independently than as a body
o in fact no regional body that enters into treaties for its member states
♣ individually
♣ ASEAN = implements
example of ASEAN WAY
o Ineffective in dealing with human rights crisis
o 2007 saffron revolution in Myanmar
o Burmese government violent crackdowns on protestors 13 to 31 civilians killed
o ASEAN didn’t do anything
♣ No consequences for Myanmar
o Non-interference and respect of sovereignty
evaluation fo ASEAN way 3
o Recent event shows that although recently ASEAN has become more legally binding still doesn’t influence as the ASEAN way is still in function Bali summit 2003 created economic, security and social-security community
o ASEAN way encourages realism and encourages integration to be carried out for realist purposes to pursue national interest
o Pursue it independently no influence from ASEAN – shown especially when there are conflicting interests
asean instiutions 5
o Lack of institutional structure
o Agreement = declarations not legally binding don’t influence member states
o No problem if you don’t adhere to it
o Great deal of flexibility and insurance of state sovereignty
♣ Nations can pursue their national interest without being stopped
• Clearly ASEAN doesn’t influence the member states’ behaviour
o No sanctions for violations
o ASEAN capability to resolve conflict very weak
o Bilateral agreements are the dominant approach as it is easier to pursue national interest and they go along with the principle of non-interference
examples of ASEAN insitutionalism
o South china sea territorial disputes
o Overlapping claims
o Didn’t resolve especially when China established the 9th dash-line and claimed 90% of the south Chinese sea
o Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam economic zones were violated
o No united position vs china
♣ Due to various level of partnership with china
♣ Don’t want to lose relations with china and compromise their economic interest left
♣ Proof of bilateral agreement preference due to national interest
evaluation of asean INSITUTIONALISM 2
o Over reliance on Chinese economy prevented ASEAN states to unite vs china showing the limited control of ASEAN on the member states
o Realism is dominant over cooperation
asean lack of unity 4
o Issue is at the national level o Conflicting interests ♣ Nations wouldn’t allow influence o Reluctant to delegate sovereignty ♣ Impossible for ASEAN to be united enough to influence
example fo asean lack of unity
o Cambodia-Vietnam dispute 1978
o Thailand contradict ASEAN policies tog gain own national interest
o Although ASEAN policies were suited to Thai’s necessities as it was the most threatened member state by Vietnam
o Thailand idea wasn’t influence by ASEAN but by
♣ Historical dynamic of conflict
♣ Strategic considerations
o Change of interest = open of economic ties in 1988 contradiction to ASEAN stance on the conflict
evaluation of asean lack of unity 2
o Intergovernmental rather than constructivist explanation of ASEAN integration
o Thai didn’t think twice before undermining fellow ASEAN members in pursuing its national interest