Asch's Line Experiment 1956 Flashcards
How many people partook in the experiment?
Gender of all participants?
Participants were placed in groups of _ to _. Fill in the gaps.
6 to 8
Each group contained how many genuine participants?
1, the rest were confederates.
Did participants of the Asch Experiment give informed consent?
No. Asch told them that the experiment was on visual perception, not social conformity.
Does Asch’s experiment support NSI? If so, why?
Yes it does because 75% of all participants confirmed at least once because they were seeking social acceptance from the majority group, therefore they gave the same answers as the majority group and conformed.
How do we know that those who participated genuinely conformed, rather than made a mistake on which line was the same?
Asch carried out a mini-test without the confederates before the real trials and mistakes were made less than 1% of the time.
Which culture can Asch’s findings be applied to and why?
Individualist culture only because all participants were male.
When was Asch’s experiment?
Describe the experimental method.
123 male undergraduates were shown a standard line then were told to match the standard line to one of three comparison lines (A, B, C).
Participants always answered in the same order, with the real participants always answering either last, or 2nd last.
How many out of the 18 trials were confederates told to answer incorrectly on? And what were these trials called?
- Critical trials.
Which experiment supports Asch’s research?
Sherif, 1935.