asana lab flashcards
what is anatomical neutral?
Variations of Tadasana?
Urdhva Hastasana; Eka Pada Tadasana; Samasthiti (Equal Standing)
modifications for tadasana?
modifications for tadasana
If you have difficulties bringing the pelvis into a neutral position, bend the knees slightly. This allows you to lengthen the tailbone. …
You can take out the pull of gravity and practice Tadasana lying on the floor with the feet ‘standing’ against the wall.
benefits of tadasana
counters to tadasana?
Bitilasana Marjaryasana (Cat+Cow Pose)
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold)
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
contraindications for tadasana?
Injuries and surgeries:
People with injuries to their knees, ankles, hips, shoulders, wrists, elbows, neck, or upper or lower back should avoid the pose or take it easy. People who have recently had surgery on their knees, hips, spine, back, neck, chest, or abdomen should also avoid the pose.
Health conditions:
People with chronic pain or diseases, cardiac problems, vertigo, migraines, insomnia, or low blood pressure should avoid the pose. Holding the pose for too long can cause blood to pool in the lower half of the body, which can lead to dizziness.
Other considerations:
Pregnant people should keep their feet hip distance apart or wider, and people with knock knees should bring their heels slightly apart. Beginners who have trouble standing straight with their feet close together can work with a yoga teacher to improve their breath-body connection. Senior citizens or people who have difficulty standing for long periods of time may also want to avoid the pose.
cuing tadasana?
Stand with your feet together
Stand up tall and look straight ahead
Turn your thighs inward
Lift and broaden your chest by drawing your shoulders back and your shoulder blades down
Lift up through the crown of your head
physical actions for tadasana?
variations of sukhasana?
Agni Stambasana (fire log pose); Baddha Konasana (bounded angle pose); Padmasana (lotus pose); Ananda Balasana (happy baby pose)
modifications of sukhasana?
-Sit on a rolled-up blanket, cushion, or yoga block to elevate the hips. If the hips are higher than the knees, it is usually easier to prevent the pelvis from tilting anteriorly and keep it in a neutral position instead.
-Place some padding under your knees as this will give you more stability and help you feel more grounded in Sukhasana.
-In Easy Pose, the ankles are in a significant degree of lateral flexion (supination). As this is an unusual position for most of us, it can become quite uncomfortable with time. For some, the outside of the ankles start to hurt as they touch the ground. A remedy for these issues is placing some soft padding (like towel) under the feet.
-An easier version of Sukhasana would be if you only pulled one foot towards you underneath the opposite shin. Let the other foot loosely rest on the floor in front of the shin so that both feet are in one line. This configuration allows for more space in the hip creases.
Cuing Sukhasana
Core Asana
erect back and neck; external rotation of the hips, seat rooted
Physical Actions for Sukhasana?
Core Asana
variations for virasana?
vajrasana (thunderbolt pose); shins parallel, sitting on heels, toes can be tucked or untucked
supta virasana (reclined hero’s pose); find extension at the hips to lay upper body back any amount
Heron Pose
Revolved Virasana
modifications for virasana?
- The simple modification to Virasana or Hero Pose is placing a blanket under the hip bones or a yoga block below your buttocks. This will ease the stress on the knees and ankles.
,- straighten one leg out in front of you