AS Unit 6: International economic issues Flashcards
Absolute advantage
International trade occurs because countries have different factor endowments. They differ in supply and quality of labour, capital, alnd and enterprise and climate. The differences affect the types of products, quality and quantity and costs of produced products. It is easier to move goods and services than factors so international trade occurs. A country has an absolute advantage in producing a product if it can produce more with the same quantity of resources. If each country specialises in the product with an absolute advantage and then trades, based on opportunity cost rations, total output will rise and both consume more
Comparative advantage
More trade is based on comparative advantage. Some countries buy products from abroad when their own producers would be able to produce those products with less resources. This allows the purchasing country’s producers to concentrate on producing those products they are even better at producing. Both countries can still benefit from specialising and trading
What is free international trade?
The exchange of goods and services across national borders without government restrictions. Firms are free to export and import what they want in the quantities they want. No taxes or limits are imposed on exports are imports, no subsidies are given to create cost advantages and there is no red tape
The benefits of specialisation and free trade
Allows an efficient allocation of resources with countries specialising on products where they have a comparative advantage. Should increase world output and employment and so should raise living standards. Factor endowments differ
Competition can put pressure on firms to keep prices and costs down and raise quality. COnsumer may enjoy lower prices and better products. FIrms may be able to buy raw materials and capital at lower prices
Firms might produce more if selling internationally. Could take greater advantage of economies of scale. Consumers can buy a greater variety and firs have wider source of raw materials and capital
Trading possibility curve
Shows how an economy can benefit from specialising and trading. Engaging in international trade may enable the country to specialise and import. Trading will increase the total quantity of products the country can consumer
Exports, imports and the terms of trade
The benefits a country can gain from engaging in international trade are influenced by how many imports they can purchase with the revenue from its exports. This is influenced by the price it gets for the exports and the prices it pays for its imports
Measurement of the terms of trade
It is a measure of the ratio of export and import prices. The ratio is calculated form the average prices of many goods and services that are traded internationally. The prices are weighted by the importance of each products. If the terms of trade index increases this is unfavourable since fewer exports have to be sold to buy any quantity of imports. The index number falls
Terms of trade index formula
Index of export prices/index of import prices x 100
Favourable and unfavourable movement in the terms of trade
Favourable movement is when there is a rise in export prices relative to import prices
Unfavourable movement is when there is a fall in export prices relative to import prices
Causes of changes in the terms of trade
Changes in the demand and supply of exports and imports, the price level and exchange rate. An increase in demand for exports would increase their price so cause favorable movement. A rise in relative inflation would make export prices higher. Reducing exchange rate can be called the deliberate deterioration of the terms of trade. This is because it is a deliberate attempt to reduce export prices and raise import prices to make products ore internationally competitive
The Prebisch-Singer hypothesis
Suggests terms of trade move against countries that produce primary products. This is the view that demand for manufactured goods and services rises by more than that for primary products when income increases
The impact of changes in the terms of trade
Impact of favourable movement may not always be beneficial because effects depend on cause. If the price of exports increases because of a rise in demand it will be more beneficial as more domestic products are sold. If the cause is a rise in costs of production, demand for the country’s products will fall and so will export revenue
Unfavourable movement may reduce a deficit on the current account. If demand for exports and imports is elastic, the fall in export prices relative to import prices should increase export revenue relative to import expenditure
Limitations of absolute and comparative advantage
Some governments may want to avoid over specialisation
High transport costs may affect the comparative advantage
Exchange rate may not lie between opportunity cost values
Other governments may impose trade restrictions
Comparative advantage assumes that resources are mobile and there are constant returns
Countries do not always adapt to changes in comparative advantage
May be difficult to determine where a country’s comparative advantage lies
When governments seek to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Involves the restriction of free trade. The tools of protection often seek to increase the price competitiveness of domestic industries
The best-known tool of protection called customs duties. They are taxes, usually on imports but may also be imposed on exports. Can be specific (a fixed sum per unit) or ad valorem (a percentage of the price)
Import tariffs
Imposed to discourage the consumption of imports and raise tax revenue. A tariff imposes an extra cost on suppliers which pushes up the price. Will benefit domestic producers as output rises. Domestic consumers lose out as they pay more and consume less. A tariff is more effective in raising revenue if demand for imports is inelastic but will be more effective protecting the domestic industry is elastic. May not make domestic products more price competitive if the price of import+tariff is still below the domestic price or if firms selling the imports absorb the tariff and don’t raise prices
Export tariffs
Used to raise revenue. If demand for the export is inelastic, it will not impact demand. May be used to ensure an adequate supply of the product on the home market. Can reduce the risk of absolute poverty increasing. Can also be a form of protectionism because if placed on raw materials can protect domestic industries that use the raw materials
Import quotas
Quotas are limits on imports. Usually on the quantity. Restricting supply of imports will drive up their price. Will disadvantage consumers as they result in them paying higher prices and consuming fewer products. Do not raise revenue for the government. It is the sellers of imports that will receive the extra amount per unit paid by consumers. Sometimes licences are sold to foreign firms to sell some allocation of the quota. Can put import quotas on exports. The motive may be to ensure an adequate supply on the home market or as protectionism
Export sunsidies
May be given to exporters and those domestic firms that compete with imports. In both, domestic firms will experience a fall in costs. This encourages them to increase output and can lower prices. Enables them to capture more of the market at home and abroad. Losers are foreign firms and domestic taxpayers. Domestic producers gain. Consumers gain in the short run. May lose in the long run if more efficient foreign firms are driven out of business and subsidised domestic firms raise prices
A complete ban either on the imports of a product or trade with a country. The government may want to ban a good they think is harmful. A ban on trade may arise from political disputes
Voluntary export restraints
An agreement by an exporting country to restrict the amount of a product that is sells to the importing country. The exporting country may be pressured into this or may agree in return for the importing country also agreeing to limit exports of another product
Excessive administrative burdens
A government may discourage imports by requiring importers to fill out long, time consuming forms. May also set artificially high product standards to restrict foreign competition. Restructs consumer choice
Exchange control
A government may limit the amount of foreign exchange that can be bought to buy imports, travel or invest abroad
Arguments for protectionism
Protect infant industries
Protect declining industries
Protect strategic industries
Prevent dumping
Improve terms of trade
Improve the balance of payments
Provide protection from cheap labour
To protect infant industries
Firms in a new industry may find it hard to survive when faced with competition from larger firms since they can take advantage of economies of scale. An infant industry may be protected to give it time to grow and gain a reputation. If it has the potential to develop a comparative advantage, trade restrictions are justified. The industry ,ay become dependent on protection and feel no pressure to lower costs
To protect declining industries
If declining industries have lost comparative advantage and lose business fast there may be rapid unemployment. If given protection which is gradually removed unemployment will be reduced as the industry reduces output so workers retire or leave for other jobs. Industry may resist reductions in its protection causing inefficiency
To protect strategic indsutries
Governments may not want to be reliant on other countries for goods such as weapons and food so protect these industries even if inefficient
To prevent dumping
Dumping involves selling products below cost In the short run consumers benefit from lower prices but in the long run if foreign firms drive out domestic firms they have a monopoly and then raise prices. Foreign firms may dump for control of another market by destroying competition. They can cover losses with previous profits by charging high prices in home countries or from government subsidies
To improve terms of trade
If a country buys a large proportion of another’s exports it may be able to force the price down. By trade restrictions, the country can lower demand leading to a lower price. This improves the country’s terms of trade and allow it to buy more imports for the same exports. If one country has a large supply of a product, export quotas improve terms of trade by driving up prices and raise export purchasing power. Distorts trade and will reduce global output possibly leading to retaliation
To improve the balance of payments
Imposing tariffs may encourage consumers to switch from buying imports to domestic products. May lead to retaliation. If foreign governments retaliate by imposing their own trade restrictions, imports and exports may fall. If the products are not internationally competitive, restrictions would only boost the current account short term