passageway for the animals that connects the lairage to the slaughtering area
animal that is unable to move/stand
killing as soon as possible to prevent further suffering of the animals like downers
emergency slaughter
uppermost surface of a floor once construction has been completed
finished floor line
designated compartment in the lairage used to separate sick and injured animal
identified at the unloading area and ante mortem inspection
isolation pen
place where the animals can rest prior to slaughter
weight of the live animal prior to slaughter
live weight
means of transporting animals, including but not limited to trucks, tractors, trailers, or
utility vehicles
transport vehicle
premises that are approved and registered by the controlling authority in which food
animals are slaughtered for human consumption
any animal presented for slaughter showing physical or physiological abnormalities
that may lead the authority to pass or condemn until final judgement can be
ascertained and therefore requiring further inspection and/or examination
suspected animal
general term for hogs, pigs, native pigs, and shoats
The lairage shall be constructed at least____away from the slaughterhouse.
10 meters
In general, the space requirement in lairage swine should be ____ per swine weighing more than
100 kg and ____ per swine weighing less than 100 kg.
0.7 square meters ; 0.6 square meters
The pen width in lairage swine should be____ while the alley width should be at least____.
2 meters ; 1.3 meters
The unloading dock length in lairage swine shall be at least______.
2 to 3 meters