Arts Pool Swansong- Lighting Flashcards
How does lighting contribute to the location?
The lack of colour helps to support the idea that the stage is a prison cell. The shaft of could also represent a window.
How does lighting help contribute to the mood?
The pale blue wash creates a cold, uninviting mood when the guards are on stage.
How does lighting help support the theme?
The shaft of light that represents freedom or release supports the theme of human rights and prisoner of conscience
How does the lighting support the cherography?
The shaft of light links the window to the chair and provides a pathway for the dancer to move along, and it’s source provides a focus
How does lighting support the dance style?
In tea for two the downstage up lighting supports the vaudeville/ music hall style used within the section
How does the lighting support the narrative?
The lighting at the end is important for communicating the narrative. The overhead light shining on the static guards looking at the empty chair and the shaft of light drawing the victim off stage.
How could the lighting give the idea of time of day?
The light from the window clues us into the time of day. It’s not continuous, giving an impression that the imprisonment sees several nights and days