ARTS. 82-90 HOURS OF WORK Flashcards
Four-fold test use to determine the existence of employer-employee relationship
- The selection & engagement of the employee
- The payment of wages
- The power of dismissal
- The employer’s power to control the employee with respect to the means & methods by which the work is to be accomplished
Art. 82
Who are covered by the Labor Code’s Book three?
- Employees in all establishments but not gov. employees
- Managerial Employees
- Field Personnel
- Members of the family of the employer who are dependent on him for support
- Domestic Helpers
- Persons in the personal service of another (ex. personal driver)
- Workers who are paid by results
Those whose primary duty consists of the management of the establishment
Managerial Employees
Non-agricultural employees who regularly perform their duties away from the principal place of business or branch office of the employer
Field Personnel
Art. 83
The normal hours of work of any employee shall not exceed ____ a day
8 hours
note: the labor code does not saythe normal hours of work is 8hrs a day, what it says is ‘shall not exceed 8 hrs
Art. 84
Hours worked shall include:
- all time during which an employee is required to be on duty
- all time during which an employee is ordered or permitted to work by the employer
note: rest periods of short duration (20mins or less) during working hours shall be counted as hours worked
Art. 85
It is duty of the employer to give employees not less than ____ time-off for their regular meals
60 minutes
Art. 87
Work may be performed beyond 8hrs a day, provided that the employee is paid for the overtime work, an additional compensation equivalent to his regular wage plus at least ____
Art. 86
Every employee shall be paid a night shift differential of not less than ____ of his regular wage for each hour of work performed between 10pm and 6am
note: the employee is entitled to NSD iven if the period 10pm-6am is part of their regular shift
Art. 87
Work performed beyond 8hrs on a holiday or rest day shall be paid an additional compensation equivalent to the rate of the first 8hrs on a holiday or rest day plus at least ____
Art. 87
Overtime work on a regular work = ?
Regular wage + 25%
Art. 87
Overtime work on a special holiday or on employee’s rest day = ?
Rate for the first 8 hours on a holiday or rest day + 30%
Art. 87 illustration
Z works in Jollibee from 8am-5pm with 1hr meal break. Z’s daily rate is 400 (P50/hr). Z’s rest day is monday. Suppose, Z worked on Tuesday from 8am-7pm, how much is his total pay for that day?
Regular wage (1st 8hrs): 400
Overtime pay
(P50.00 x 2 hrs = 100.00)
(P100 x 25% = 25.00)
Art. 87 illustration
Z works in Jollibee from 8am-5pm with 1hr meal break. Z’s daily rate is 400 (P50/hr). Z’s rest day is monday. Suppose, Z worked on Monday (his scheduled rest day) from 8am-7pm, how much is his total pay?
Regular wage (1st 8hrs) = P400
Overtime Pay= P130.00
(P50.00 x 2hrs = 100.00)
(P100 x 30% = 30.00)
note: 30% applies only to special holidays, there’s a different rate for regular holidays
Art. 88
Why is offsetting the undertime from the overtime not allowed?
Because an employee’s regular pay rate is lower than the overtime rate
Art. 89
When may an employee may be required by the employer to perform overtime work?
- When the country is at war
- When it is not necessary to prevent loss of life or in case of imminent danger to public safety (ex. fire, flood)
- When there is urgent work to be performed on machines in order to avoid serious damage to the employer)
- When the work is necessary to prevent loss/damage to perishable goods
- Where the completion or continuation of the work started before the 8th hour is necessary to prevent serious obstruction
Art. 90
Meals are considered?
Any facilities provided by the employer shall also be included in the computation
Article 90
Items of expense necessary for the laborer’s and his/her family’s existence and substinence, so that by express provision of the law they form part of the wage & when furnished by the employer are deductible therefrom since they are not so furnishes, the laborer would spend and pay for them just the same