articulation lecture 17 Flashcards
orbicularis oris
- lips
- facial expression and speech
- Upper and lower orbicularis oris act as a drawstring to pull the lips closer together and effect a labial seal
- innervated by facial nerve
which muscle is for facial expression and speech and is a single muscle encircling the mouth opening
orbicularis oris
-retracts lips at corners
- smiling, grinning
- inserts into corners of mouth
- innervation by facial nerve
where does risorius originate
from the posterior region of the face along the masseter muscle
- deep to risorius following parallel course
- primarily involved in mastication
- innervated by facial nerve
where does buccinator originate and insert
- originates at the pterygomandibular ligament
- inserts into upper and lower orbicularis oris
these muscles are responsible for elevating the upper lip
levator labii superioris, zygonmaticus minor, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
where do the upper lip elevators insert
into mid lateral region of upper lip
zygomatic major
- elevates and retracts angle of mouth
- innervated by facial nerve
- primary smiling muscle
where does zygomatic major come from and insert
Arises from the zygomatic bone and takes an oblique course inserting into the corner of the orbicularis oris
levator anguli oris
- draws corner of mouth up and medially
- innervated by facial nerve
where does levator anguli oris arise from and insert
arises from canine fossa of maxilla and inserts into upper and lower lips
depressor labii inferioris
- pulls lip down and out
- innervated by facial nerve
where does depressor labii inferioris originate and insert
originates from mandible at oblique line & inserts into lower lip
depressor anguli oris
- fan like fibers on orbicularis oris and upper lip
- depresses corners of mouth, frown, compresses lips
- innervated by facial nerve