a&p 19 & 20 Flashcards
inferior nasal conchae
- inferior most part of lateral nasal wall
- small scroll-like bones
- unpaired
- covered in mucosal lining with vascular supply
where is inferior nasal conchae
inferior most part of lateral nasal wall
- air filled spaces & thin membrane
- covered by ciliated epithelium
what are the four pairs of accessory sinuses that drain into nasal cavities
frontal sinuses, maxillary sinuses, ethmoid sinuses, and sphenoid sinuses
- intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
- median fibrous septum
- dorsum - superiopr surface
- base
- lingual papillae
- invested with taste buds to convey the gustatory sense
- lingual frenulum
sublingual folds
median fibrous septum
divides it into left or right halves
septum of tongue
originates at body of hyoid bone and creates tongue attachment with hyoid
where is base of tongue
resides in oropharynx
lingual papillae of tongue
small irregular prominences on the surface of tongue
lingual frenulum
joins the inferior tongue and mandible
sublingual folds
band of tissue on either side of tongue which are ducts for the sublingual salivary glands
what are the intrinsic tongue muscles
superior longitudinal, inferior longitudinal, transverse muscles, vertical muscles
superior longitudinal
- courses along length of tongue
- elevates tongue tip or pulls tongue to one side or other
inferior longitudinal
- originates at base of tongue to tip
- pulls tongue lip down and assists in retraction of tongue
transverse muscles
- originate at median fibrous septum and course laterallly to insert into side of tongue
- pulls edges of tongue toward midline, narrowing tongue
vertical muscles
- run at right angles to transverse muscles
- originate at base of tongue and insert into membranous cover
- flatten the tongue
which muscles are innervated by hypoglossal
superior longitudinal, inferior longitudinal, transverse muscles, vertical muscles, genioglossus
what are the extrinsic tongue muscles
genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, stylopharyngeus palatoglossus
genioglossus arises and inserts where
arises from inner mandibular surface and inserts into tip and dorsum of tongue as well as hyoid bone
what does genioglossus do
retraction of tongue, protrusion of tongue tip, cupping tongue
hyoglosses arises and inserts where
arises from greater corner of hyoid and inserts into sides of tongue
hyoglossus does what
pulls sides of tongue down
styloglossus originates and inserts where
originates from styloid process and inserts into inferior sides of tongue
styloglossus does what
draw tongue back and up
stylopharyngeus arises and inserts where
arises from styloid process and inserts into posterior thyroid cartilage
stylopharyngeus does what
elevates and opens pharynx
stylopharyngeus innervated by what
- makes up anterior faucial pillar
- depresses soft palate
- elevates back of tongue
- make a k sound
palatoglossus innervated by what
accessory and vagus
how does tongue tie happen
when lingual frenulum is too short
tongue tie causes difficulty for what
elevating tongue for phonemes
tongue tip deviation, left and right
simultaneous contraction of left superior and inferior longitudinal
lateral margins relaxation /l/
slight contraction genioglossus, superior longitudinal and transverse intrinsic muscles
tongue narrowing
transverse muscle
central tongue grooving
genioglossus and vertical muscles
retraction of tongue
genioglossus and superior and inferior longitudinal, can also be styloglossus
protrusion of tongue
genioglossus, vertical and transverse muscles
posterior tongue elevation /k/
palatoglossus and transverse muscles
tongue body depression