Article 8 - topic 17 Flashcards
What is a qualified right?
A right that can be restricted by the state in some circumstances.
A balance needs to be struck between the rights of the individual and the rights of the community.
What is the margin of appreciation?
The amount of discretion the ECHR gives the state in the interpretation of the convention.
E.g. Homosexual rights and freedom.
What counts as part of your private life?
- Sexuality
- Reputation/ names/ private information
- Data
Section 8.1
Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
Section 8.2
Limitations would be allowed:
- in accordance with the law
- Necessary and proportionate
- and for a legitimate aim.
Family Life
Respect a family’s choice regrading sexuality, marriage, children however Aggarko and Ikvga v SoS for Home Office states that only in exceptional circumstances would they be allowed to stay in the UK e.g. where there are insurmountable obstacles in the way.
Home life
The right to enjoy your home without interference
Phone calls, letters, text messages and emails.
Barbulescu v Romania - employers have to be warned if private emails are to be read.
If a private individual or company has breached reasonable expectations of privacy…..
The claimant must sue using the tort of misuse of private information.
Campbell v Men
Douglas v Hello
Confirmed the cases of ECHR can be used to interpret what tort of misuse of personal information is.
PJS v New Grap
Neither A8 or A10 takes precedence over each other.
McKennitt v Ash
Managed to prevent publication of book title by a threat on the grounds of privacy.
What is proportionality?
Is the states interference proportionate in that it struck a fair balance between the rights of the individual and rights of the community?
The strip search in Warwright was subjected to by prison officers was held to violate Article 8 as it was disproportionate to the aim of preventing crime and disorder.
The search in Gillan and Quinton v UK also breached A8 as there was no grounds for it.
Private life:
Goodwin v UK - banning homosexuals marrying breached their right to a private life.
Gender recognition act was passed.